Information and Booking

For enquiries and cost information, please contact:

Duration: Please see info in the Key Areas

Booking via Training Centre

Who should attend

All staff who lead on health and safety management or have an appointed safety role: Faculty Safety Manager, Faculty Safety Adviser, Faculty Safety Officer, Departmental Safety Officer and Section Safety Co-ordinator will be funded by the POD as per the terms of the learning agreement. If you have a development need, you should seek sponsorship from your department or apply for the study loan scheme from POD.

Essential Information

POD and a partner organisation, RRC International, offer NEBOSH NGC and utilise their e-learning tool, which has been successfully applied at Imperial. The POD safety web page contains many relevant short courses that candidates should attend first.

Key Areas

NEBOSH NGC consists of two units:

  • Management of Health and Safety (NG1)
  • Risk Assessment (NG2)

Please read the current syllabus guide V3 (2018 specification), which outlines learning outcomes, content, and assessment criteria, on the NEBOSH web page under resources.
The modular design of the NEBOSH NGC e-learning allows registration for national sittings throughout the year.
Candidates should aim to complete it within a year.

Further guidance and information on Open Book Examinations and the NG2 Practical can be found on the NEBOSH web page.