Who should attend

Departmental Laser Safety Officers (DLSO) managing/supervising Class 3R, 3B and 4 Lasers as part of Imperial’s Laser Competency framework. Those with a supervisory role in the use of high-powered lasers.
Faculty and departmental safety personnel would benefit from more training on lasers within their area of responsibility.
Bookings must be made via DLSO.

Pre-course work

All participants must complete the mandatory e-learning Introduction to Laser Safety.

Essential Information

This course will be delivered over two sessions from 09.30 - 13.30. All participants must fully attend both sessions.

Core Themes

The core safety theme is the formal implementation of the hierarchy of control measures and ensuring these principles are applied within the delegate’s sphere of influence.
Enclosed beam operations will be promoted as the default position, and alternative arrangements must be robustly justified via the risk assessment process.
Emphasis will be placed on calculation-based decision-making to identify, justify and specify control measures.

Key Areas

  • Imperial Laser Safety Arrangements: Personnel and laser registration, competency & training
  • Role, Responsibilities and Duties of Departmental Laser Safety Officer
  • Legal Requirements and International Standards and Guidance: AURPO; AOR10; IEC / EN 60825-14
  • Risk Assessment – Practical implication for users
  • Hierarchy of Control Measures
  • Engineering Laser Safeguards
  •  (a) Calculations – MPE and NOHD
    (b) Calculations – AELs
  • (a) Laser Protective Eyewear - Understanding EN-207
    (b) Laser Alignment Eyewear – EN-208
  • Accidents and incidents in the HE environment
  • HSE inspection, findings and enforcement action