Why have a safety induction?

Building safety inductions are needed for all persons entering Imperial premises so that they have access to basic safety information. This includes information on how to call for assistance or emergency services (via Security), what to do in the event of a fire, how to obtain first aid, and how to notify of accidents, incidents, or building problems.

Who should carry out an induction?

In theory, anyone resident in a building should be able to induct someone new to it – the form and guidance (see below) are designed to aid this process. However, the person in control of the work (i.e. who supervises, line manages, invites or contracts) is responsible for arranging the induction. This could be a person in charge of persons, areas, equipment or processes (for example, an academic in charge of a research group or laboratory, maintenance team leader, project or building manager, or technician in charge of a workshop).

For contractors embedded or residents within Imperial space, the building manager or member of the Property Team may carry out the initial induction for the senior manager, who then carries out inductions for any of their staff or visitors. Building managers will need to induct cleaning supervisors for their buildings, who in turn will need to induct the cleaners working within these buildings (including holiday cover).

Delegating the task of induction

Line managers are advised to delegate this task only to competent persons, but they cannot delegate their responsibility for ensuring that it is arranged.

ID card Departmental Representative

Departments that issue/request cards should have someone responsible for this process to help ensure that cards are only issued to authorised persons. For more information on this and supporting identification, follow this link to the Security ID cards.

Day One Induction Form (pdf)
For staff, students, and visitors expected to be on-site for five days or more, Security will only issue swipe cards upon producing a completed, signed checklist. 

Day One Induction Guidance (pdf) 
Supporting guidance for use in completing the above checklist. Departmental Safety Officers/Faculty Safety Managers/Building Managers may work together to “personalise” the guidance by adding the relevant building details and then use it during Day One induction throughout the building or department.

Day One Health and Safety Induction Flowchart (pdf)
It shows how the induction process should work for employees and research students, UROPs taught students in halls and departments, visitors and contractors, building projects, and tenants (commercial and domestic).

Information for Contractors and Visitors

Instructions for contractors and unaccompanied visitors‌‌ (pdf)
Essential safety information for contractors and visitors expected to be on-site for short periods (< five days).