Information and Booking

Trainer: Jane Sloan, Senior Learning & Development Adviser
Cost: Internal, no charge. Please check our cancellation fees
Format: In person
Duration: 2.5 hours, including a break. 
13 August (14:00-16:30) - Fully booked
27 August (10:00-12:30)

Booking: Go to ‘My Training’ and search using the keyword: “Fundamentals”Should you have any further questions, please contact us

Who should attend:

This session is for all staff.


This workshop will provide a practical introduction to the principles and skills of effective project planning. It will take participants through the project's life cycle, from initiation to completion and evaluation.

Key Areas:

By the end of this short course, participants will:

  • Be able to list the characteristics of a project
  • Have explored the benefits of planning projects effectively
  • Have worked through the core elements of a project plan and applied them to a simple project
  • Appreciate the importance of monitoring and evaluation
  • Understand the key issues that could negatively impact projects
  • Have undertaken some personal action planning to apply their learning in practice

Accessibility: Please indicate any requirements you may have in the "Special Instructions" box on ICIS.