
FOGIT GROUP Within the FOGIT Group, great emphasis has been placed on the importance of Imperial Expectations.  Each month the Chief Financial Officer emails all staff within the Group and the subject is a specific Expectation; he gives examples of good practise, commends individuals and reminds every one of the direction of travel.

Each Head of Division within the Group has become an Expectation Champion and they have produced a one page summary of what it actually means for all of us (not just managers and supervisors) to live up to those Expectations.    A group of volunteers has been tasked with suggesting ways of sharing those summaries.  The ICONS have been simplified and colour coded and key words have been highlighted.  Staff within the Group have taken part in a survey about Imperial FOGIT 2Expectations and this will help inform the next stage of embedding Imperial Expectations further into our daily lives.

At the Group’s first Sports Day in July 2016 we were formed into seven teams each representing one of the Expectations. The colour coded T-shirts and caps kept us in our teams and reminded us of Imperial Expectations! 

learners One of the exercises on the Introduction to Management at Imperial course involves participants walking round the room in small groups and listing what each Expectation means in terms of good practice for a manager. This is followed by some reflection on areas where each manager needs to pay more attention.

These are the sort of things that one particular group came up with:

Champion a positive approach to change and opportunitypositive approach

  • Anticipate change, plan for it and manage expectations
  • Lead by example – maintain a professional and positive outlook to change even if you don’t agree with it
  • Be willing and flexible to accept and adapt to change
  • Discuss what changes might occur in PRDPs and explore what opportunities this might offer to each individual
  • Highlight the opportunities for growth that often come with change – embrace it
  • Ensure fair access to opportunities

Develop and grow skills and expertise talent icon

  • Encourage people to take up learning and development/training opportunities
  • Give positive and constructive feedback
  • Take PRDPs seriously and invest time in the discussions about development
  • Take one to one meetings seriously
  • Discuss expectations and career aspirations
  • Pass on information about relevant courses to staff

Encourage inclusive participation and eliminate discrimination inclusive icon

  • Be a good role model – champion equalities
  • Encourage Equality & Diversity training for all
  • Provide support
  • Champion teamwork and provide team building
  • Be open to feedback and ideas from your staff
  • Be clear about what is acceptable behaviour and what isn’t.
  • Create a culture that supports inclusion for all
  • Challenge unacceptable behaviours
  • Operate fair, transparent recruitment and selection

Deliver positive outcomes outcomes icon 

  • Achieve tasks within deadline
  • Produce and get papers published
  • Create a happy working atmosphere
  • Share the vision and goals of the team
  • Establish clarity about the task and plan accordingly
  • Fit skills to tasks with discussion when you distribute work
  • Ensure effective communication
  • Support and reward achievements
  • Give constructive feedback and development opportunities

Communicate regularly and effectively within and across teams communicate icon

  • Have regular check-ins/meetings in the team and across the department
  • Have regular catch-ups/1:1s with team members
  • Address miscommunications
  • Promote feedback, discussion, queries, critical reflection and continually incorporate it into next stage/meeting
  • Ensure clear channels of information and how it will cascade
  • Be approachable and available
  • Have a communication plan
  • Ensure timely communication

Consider the thoughts and expectations of others consider icon

  • Ask for and pay attention to feedback from staff
  • Understand the individuals in your team
  • Respond to and follow up concerns people have
  • Take into account people’s previous experience
  • Be empathic, compassionate and considerate while remaining professional
  • Listen and keep the channels open
  • Be clear and discuss expectations of individuals
  • Be clear about standards in operation – yours and the ones from the College

Work in a planned and measured way  planned icon

  • Have task based meetings and clear project timelines
  • Have a schedule of meetings set up in advance
  • Set clear objectives with realistic deadlines
  • Plan in advance to give people warning about things and time to achieve the task
  • Discuss and agree priorities and time table
  • Forecasting – what will be needed in the future
  • Communicate

Athena swan awards 2014 Surgery and Cancer integrates an enormous diversity of scientific and medical research activities at the interface of academia and healthcare.  The Department is academically diverse, encompasses academic clinicians, scientists, researchers – both clinical and non-clinical and a range of support staff with multi-site locations. This complexity presents significant challenges in communication and management and the Department finds Imperial Expectations of great value in under-pinning the cultural changes it is embedding as it undertakes the journey.  

Our focus groups and surveys enable us to clarify areas where improvement is needed.  The issues raised are often embodied in Imperial Expectations.  We are then able to discuss through PRDP and more widely thus supporting the implementation of change.  Imperial Expectations are of immense value in guiding us.

360 Over a period of a year forty-one senior and middle managers from ICT undertook a 360° review based on Imperial Expectations. The 360° gathered together feedback from the individual’s line manager, their direct reports, peers and stakeholders. It was a key aspect in improving and strengthening line management in ICT. It provided insight into individuals’ effectiveness and was very popular. The process and feedback was immediately valuable identifying learning and development needs as well as strengths that could be built upon.
Managers were asked to maintain a development plan and regular follow up sessions with their line managers helped to cement the learning. Staff felt that they had been consulted and listened to and that manager performance had improved as a result.

The Faculty of Engineering launched a campaign in April 2015 to raise awareness and challenge negative behaviours at work. In addition to dealing with negative experiences, the Faculty was also interested to hear about examples of good management which staff would like to see emulated and encouraged by colleagues, managers and leaders.
Imperial Expectations was used to group the examples of the positive behaviours given. 
Please read the produced.