Common questions

To gather accurate feedback from staff at Imperial, we are asking all those who work more than one day a week to complete the survey. 

Staff who joined Imperial after 4 March 2024 will not be invited to complete the survey as they have not been at Imperial for long enough.

Staff who are classed on ICIS as Bursary, Casual, Emeritus, Honorary, Sponsored Researcher or Visiting Researcher are also not invited to complete the survey.

Additional support is available for staff with disabilities, for instance, larger font versions and completion of the survey by contacting

No - participation is voluntary.

The survey will look at key aspects of your experience at Imperial such as your role, your development, communications, your line manager and your perceptions. 

As a guide, the survey should take around 15‐20 minutes to complete. 

You will receive an email from to your work address containing a unique link to access the survey online. Do not share or forward the email with this link to anyone else as this is unique to you.

If you notice that you have not received your invite when the survey opens please contact People Insight directly at They will confirm eligibility and then send you a survey link.

The survey is accessible from mobile devices such as smartphones and tables, as well as from a PC or MAC. For the 2024 survey you will be able to scan and use the staff survey QR code.  This will take you to the People Insight landing page where you will need to provide your Imperial CID Number.

We recommend that you complete the survey in one sitting if possible, but you can keep coming back to it as many times as you wish.  Your survey responses are saved each time you exit the survey, so you can pick up where you left off by clicking the survey link 

If you need access to the survey in a specific format, for example a large print format or to complete the survey over the phone, please contact the People Insight directly at

People Insight can be contacted at

They are available to answer any queries you may have about taking part in the survey or about why and how it is being carried out.