Our work

In 2021/22, Imperial Consultants and Imperial Projects have:

  • worked with 559 academics
  • delivered 1,231 projects
  • for 1,113 organisations, from 40+ countries
  • generating income of £22.8 million
Learn about working with Imperial Consultants

Our teams have been delivering tailor-made support to Imperial academics and client organisations, large and small, for 30 years. 

Whether you’ve been approached to do some work outside of academic research and you aren’t sure what to do next, or you’ve consulted for a client before but their next job is more complicated, our dedicated team are here to support you – from the first discussions up to the final payments, and on into any potential future collaborations. We make the process as smooth and efficient as possible, so you can concentrate on the project.  

“Twenty years ago, BASF asked if I could give a lecture. This led to some consultancy and then an ongoing collaboration. Since then they have funded two PhD students and a postdoc whose project contributed to our winning a European Research Council Advanced Investigator Grant worth €1.5m. With consultancy you experience new things – and who knows where that could lead." Professor Tom Welton Faculty of Natural Sciences

We help Imperial’s academics deliver projects for more than 1,000 clients a year – and because academia and business tend to speak different languages, we help to translate.  

We assist with setting up the project, managing the relationship with the client, and dealing with the administrative and legal side – including contract and fee negotiations, due diligence on the client, insurance, billing and credit control.  For bigger projects – like large scale testing and membership programmes – our technical services team (Imperial Projects) provide additional project management and financial reporting support. 

Most importantly, our support throughout the process helps to maintain the excellent reputation of Imperial and our academics.  

While Imperial’s academics aren’t required to work through Imperial Consultants, those who do recognise the time and cost savings that our quick and efficient service provides.

We are also the university's preferred route for those looking to consult - and our involvement is required for anyone wanting to use Imperial’s IP or facilities during their project, or their affiliation to Imperial on any output (which is something clients do generally want).

If you do choose to consult directly for a client, you will need to seek legal advice to negotiate your own contract, and take out your own indemnity insurance. What's more, the client will need to sign the university's 'Waiver for Private Work', and the rights to any IP resulting from the project will need to be negotiated.   

Support for large-scale projects

Imperial Projects

Our Imperial Projects team provides support for bigger projects involving commercial organisations, like large scale testing, membership programmes, or capacity and capability building. If you think you might need their services, please contact Imperial Consultants in the first instance.  

Research Impact and Management Office

The Research Impact and Management Office provides support with management and communication for large-scale multi-institution projects whose funding comes from the government, the EU or other non-commercial sources.  Find out more about this team