4 students works with an former student

Return to Imperial and guide, support and inspire existing students

As an alumnus of the College there are a number of ways in which you can provide valuable support for our current students in their career planning.  We are keen to capitalise on your experience and ensure that our current students are as well informed as possible when it comes to their career options, skills development and job application process. Here is how you can help.

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It is always interesting for our students to hear about success stories. The Case Study section on our website provides students with examples of career paths from their degree discipline and we are always interested in recieving more. So whether you have entered a graduate role, continued into academia or set up your own Start-Up we would love to use you as a case study.  To find out more about how to contribute a case study please contact us stating your current role, degree discipline and year of study.

The Ask an Alum database has been created to provide an opportunity for current Imperial students to engage with Imperial alumni in order to find out more about what it is like to work in the wide range of career and industry sectors that our graduates progress to. As it is email based it requires minimal commitment on the part of the alumnus.

The Alumni Mentoring Scheme is a new initiative which aims to develop Imperial students’ knowledge of the professional workplace and potential careers via individual alumnus Mentors. The scheme promotes and supports a structured relationship between alumni and students, whereby alumni can share their professional experiences, personal insights and employability advice with students.

A woman sits listening Another new initiative are our Professional in Residence days.  These short 15 minute one to one discussion sessions are focused on providing students with an opportunity to get first hand information from alumni working in particular job roles.  The days or half days can either be free standing at any date to suit you or can form part of our Themed Week series where we plan a programme of events and information activities around a particular sector. Since introducing our themed weeks we have covered topics such as Environmental Careers, Working in the Charity and Not For Profit Sector, Legal Careers and Careers in Think Tanks and Policy.  The Professional in Residence has worked well as part of our offer and using Skype we have connected our students for one to one chats with alumni based around the world so you don't necessarily have to leave your desk to take part. We are particularly interested in expanding our sessions to include information on Start-Up and Entrepreneurship so if you are an alumnus or have willing Imperial alumni in your organisation please contact us.  

We know how inportant it is for our students to gain some work experience before they start applying for graduate roles.  You or your company might be able to help by offering a summer internship or longer placement to an Imperial College student.  If you are thinking of recruiting Imperial students, please see our advertising your opportunities section. 

From time to time we require panel speakers at our careers events such as Sector Forums, Networking Evenings and Careers Speeddating events. These may be organised College-wide or for specific departments. If you are interested in talking to students about your current role at one of our events then we would love to hear from you. It is helpful for us to have a list of possible contacts for such events and students are always pleased when the speaker is an almunus of the College.  

If you are happy to go onto a list of possible panel speakers please contact us stating your current role, your degree discipline and year of graduation.