School of Medicine Board

Terms of reference

Reporting to the Faculty Education Committee (Medicine), the School of Medicine Board is responsible for defining the strategic direction of the following courses:

• MBBS/BSc in Medicine (A100)
• MBBS in Medicine (Graduate only) (A109)
• MBBS in Medicine (Direct Entry) (A300)
• BSc Medical Biosciences (B101)
• BSc Medical Biosciences with Management (B111)
• The intercalated BSc programmes in Medical Sciences with option pathway.

The Board’s role, overseen by the Chair, is to:

• Consider the strategic direction and delivery of programmes and assessments (current and future)
• Consider and give strategic approval for the establishment of new programmes and major modifications to existing programmes before they progress to the Programmes Committee;
• Consider and approve minor modifications to the curriculum content, structure, organisation, assessment and learning resources for relevant programmes;
• Propose modifications to entry requirements to the Faculty Education Committee;
• Monitor the overall quality of provision (including electronic systems and e- learning), receiving reports from SOLE, the SSLGs and national surveys (NSS), and identifying appropriate action in response;
• Discuss and disseminate information and good practice;
• Retrospectively evaluate interventions in programmes;
• Monitor the fair and consistent implementation of the policies, procedures and processes, with particular reference to health and safety and widening participation;
• Ensure that all aspects of the School's Strategies, policies and procedures reflect and uphold the School's obligations to the Equality Act 2020.  The School Board will promote the value of different identities to ensure there is a school culture that is respectful and inclusive irrespective of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, sexual orientation and religion or belief;
• Monitor the quality of student support (including academic tutoring, welfare & pastoral care);
• Monitor and receive reports related to the administrative and support services;
• Receive reports from Medical Education Research Unit and to recommend appropriate action as necessary;
• Receive reports of student accidents and incidents and to recommend appropriate action as necessary;
• Approve the terms of reference of sub-committees, where appropriate, and to receive regular reports from them.

The Board has delegated authority from the Faculty Education Committee for quality and standards. However, decisions about the curriculum and assessment will need formal approval from the appropriate governance structures including the College Quality Assurance & Enhancement Committee and the Programmes Committee.

Constitution and membership

Membership (Academic year 2023/24)
Name Role
Professor Amir Sam Head of School of Medicine (Chair)
Professor Karim Meeran Director of Teaching
Professor Shahid Khan Director of Admissions, Equality and Diversity
Professor Mary Morrell Director of Phase One
Dr Richard Pinder Co-Deputy Director of Phase One
Professor Omar Usmani Co-Deputy Director of Phase One
Professor Alison McGregor Director of Undergraduate Science and Director of Phase Two
Dr Alihusein Dhankot Head of Year 5
Dr Omid Halse Director of Phase Three and Head of Year 6
Dr Mike Emerson Director of Student Tutoring
Dr Rebecca Salter Director of Student Support
Professor Ken MacLeod Director of Student Conduct
Dr James Jensen-Martin Director of Quality and Student Experience
Professor Sonia Kumar Director of Undergraduate Primary Care Education
Professor Sue Smith Director of the Medical Education Research Unit (MERU)
Dr Chioma Izzi-Engebaya Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI)
Dr Wing May Kong Head of Ethics and Law
Dr Amar Sharif Representative of Directors of Clinical Studies
Mrs Nikki Boyd EDU representative
Ms Vanessa Powell Programme Director (Education)
Ms Trisha Brown Head of School of Medicine Secretariat
TBC Head of Programme Management
Ms Lisa Carrier Head of Technology-Enhanced Education
Mr Samuel Hammond ICSMSU President
Dr Ana Baptista Strategic Lead for Medical Education

Meeting dates and deadlines

Committee dates (Academic year 2023/24) Submission deadlines (Academic year 2023/24)
13 July 2023 29 June 2023
24 August 2023 10 August 2023
05 October 2023 21 September 2023
02 November 2023 19 October 2023
07 December 2023 23 November 2023
08 February 2024 25 January 2024
07 March 2024 22 February 2024
18 April 2024 04 April 2024
13 June 2024 30 May 2024
11 July 2024 27 June 2024
Summary of the table's contents

 Agenda items (including papers) should be submitted to the committee secretary two weeks prior to the committee meeting. Papers will normally be circulated to members one week prior to the committee meeting.