
693 Reviews
The Pianist (2002)
Brace yourself
21 July 2024
As I'm sure you already guessed, this film is about unbearable cruelty and violence. It will leave you angry at humanity, maybe even upset with God. My advice is have a comedy ready, or some happy and life affirming as activity at the ready after this film is over.

The writing, direction, acting, costumes and sets are all excellent and will make you feel you're back in WWII Poland.

Films about the Holocaust can be unbearable to watch, but it is important to know these things and remember and to bow we would do everything in outlr power to prevent them from happening again.

No one is completely above hate and prejudice. When those feelings arise, watching films like this will set you straight.
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The Audrey Hepburn Story (2000 TV Movie)
Hold the silicone please
10 July 2024
Instead of viewing this as the tragic abomination it is, I started laughing and laughed all through the movie. This was funnier than Loni Anderson as Jayne Mansfield. At least that was plausible.

The accents are bad. The acting is bad. The dialogue is worse. The thought of this pumped up scream queen portraying the glamorous, classy and beloved Audrey Hepburn is shocking.

Jennifer Love Hewitt produced this. It is probably the only way it got made. She is the most un self aware human I can think of. I bet she even thinks she did a good job.

I doubt fans of Audrey will watch. I doubt fans of Hewett will watch either.
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Talk to the callused hand
6 July 2024
You know what they say, "Look before you leap.". In this case, investigate before you baste.

There are so many unwanted and abused children in this world. It is awful to see people who desperately want to have a child to live be messed with this way, not to mention what this narcissist is as done to innocent children. This creep claims to have spent 50,000 hours helping people. Think about it. Yuck.

They say there is more regulation of animal breeding than sperm donation. Let's hope this disturbing story leads to better regulation.

It doesn't matter how you feel about artificial insemination. Innocent children are involved here. This docuseries gets more disturbing each episode.
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Watch with the sound off
3 July 2024
As you know, this was made when the studios were fighting television. Warner Brothers, who produced this film, fared better than others, having already gotten into producing many TV series.

This film was one of many of the era, going on location in living color and wide screen, giving the audience what they couldn't get on their 20 inch screens.

This was the best when it came to scenery. Not only do you get to see stunning visions of Rome, but also the Italian Alps. It truly is breathtaking.

The plot is unbearable. The characters are idiotic and the romantic love triable stinks.

This was Pleshette's first film under her Warner Brothers contract. Despite her lack of chemistry with Donahue she married him two years later. Angie Dickinson is on board looking hard and cynical and 15 years older than the rest of the cast.
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Surprisingly good
3 July 2024
Given the premise I expected this to be high camp. It wasn't. I'm sure the Garbo version was over the top.

The actors do a good job. The director kept everyone reigned in. The script isn't too bad. You don't feel like you're watching some tawdry melodrama.

The film is about maturing and forgiveness. About the difference between infatuation on love.

Will Eleanor Parker repent and ask her husband's forgiveness and grow to love him and want him back? Will her doctor husband forgive her infidelity? Does Ellen Corby speak with a believable French accent? Do they survive the cholera outbreak?

You'll just have to watch and find out.
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Worth a watch
29 June 2024
I liked this a lot more than I thought I would. It's not a belly laugh comedy, it isn't a touching buddy film, notlr us it an action packed adventure film. It does have elements of all three.

George C. Scott gives a great performance. You fall in love with the old coot. The rest of the cast does an excellent job. Harry Morgan, as always is stand out, here is as the bumbling sheriff.

I've never seen a film wreck so many new cars. At least two were completely totalled. All Mopars - 1966 Plymouths and Dodges.

This was filmed in beautiful country. The scenery is just gorgeous. I think you will enjoy this offbeat film.
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Not without laughter
27 June 2024
I live in a very diverse and cosmopolitan city, so I knew not to take this stereotypical film seriously. I, uh tole ya it's unintentionally funny.

I have known many people from the Middle East. They are just about like anyone else. No more or less charming or cheerful than anyone else.

The people on this film are so cranky and wound up it is unbelievable. Throw in Sally Field and her hystionics and you have a camp movie.

Watch this on a cool day with plenty of ice eater. The landscape is as bleak as in Lawrence of Arabia. That film makes my mouth do dry it always has me spitting cotton. Enjoy.
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Ghastly creatures
1 June 2024
What a messed up family. What a revolting show about people who have no redeeming qualities. This is not a true documentary. The alleged victims should have contacted the police immediately to preserve their rights and credibility. I feel anyone who went near the Carter family knew or soon knew what they were getting into. To visit a second or multiple times places some personal responsibility.

There are people from more dysfunctional families with far less resources who learned from the world around them they needed to make changes. I don't see anyone in this show that deserves sympathy. The people who need to learn most from this can't be helped.
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The worst film you MUST see
27 May 2024
In 1960, Norman Maiiler stabbed his wife. This screenplay was a close second in abysmal acts.

The lines aren't just stilted, and vulgar they are amateurish. The actors aren't even sure how to deliver them. The characters are all either psychopaths or imbeciles. The plot? Was there a plot?

Wait for Ryan O'Neal's big dramatic scenes he botched. I guess being a has been nn means never having up say you're sorry.

Everyone snorts coke so often in this film if you used it as a trigger to toss back a shot you'd be drunk on the floor before the second half of the film. Not a bad idea.

I think this bit of trash warrants yanking Normans two Pulitzers.
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Interlude (1957)
Mild camp
26 May 2024
June Allyson made a career in Hollywood by being the girl next door. She wasn't the lovely girl next door, she was the pug face even the most unremarkable and unattractive could relate to.

She was an awful singer and a mediocre actress. The studios over groomed her. When her career started waning, she married producer Dick Powell which brought her another ten years of work. In Interlude she plays her tired girl next door schtick at the age of 39.

This film was made during the height of the fear of television eating into film ticket sales. Hence the glossy photography and stunning German locations. The script and cast are its drawbacks.
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Spacey Unmasked (2024– )
16 May 2024
These men were not overpowered or intimidated. They didn't have their livelihoods or their personal safety threatened. I've had worse things happen to me in a gay bar. I told the person off.

Spacey is a mess who should have been stopped. It is unfortunate that those who came forward for this project seem out for notoriety or a check. The most touching moment was the big strong marine having to pause and take a moment. Was this an acting audition?

I wonder what Spacey thought, watching this. I almost think he would laugh.

All unwanted touching and sexual bullying is wrong. Call the cops not the Enquirer.
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Turned it off
16 May 2024
I watched this hoping to see karma in action. It was mostly just the creepy low lives running the site taking no responsibility for basically being pimps.

The real life character with the adorable family was such a dunce you couldn't stand listening to him let alone have any empathy towards him.

Must I say it? If you want honesty, stability, love and monogamy, get married. If you are selfish and sneaky, then deal with the cold cruel world in your own. You don't deserve a good person to come home to. Don't hide behind a lie. Go out there and just be a piece of meat while you can then be all alone when it's over.
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The Judge (2014)
Actually quite good
14 May 2024
I was very pleasantly surprised by this film. At first I thought it was full of tired cliches, most notably the bitter yet successful prodigal son returns home, yadda yadda.

It is much more than that. It is very well written, directed and acted. You care about the characters and their outcome. There are enough twists and turns and comic relief to keep you interested.

Downey is better than ever and Robert Duvall should have been nominated for an academy award. The supporting cast does well. Billy Bob Thornton is reigned in and not allowed to ruin the film.

I feel you will consider watching this film time well spent.
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Boy what a no talent that Baby Jane is
12 May 2024
At first, I thought this was a reality TV show I had turned on. I was sure I was looking at Caitlin Jenner.

Brooke Shields was never known for having any talent or charisma, just youthful looks. So why is she still in the public consciousness? There are plenty of talented actresses of a certain age we never get to see enough of. Why this? Brooke should go back to kissing and telling on class c talk shows.

She is truly awful on this. She cannot act. She has no sense of comedic timing and zero charisma with her leading man, Benjamin Bratt. She's completely wooden in scenes with her daughter.

I can think of 30 actresses in her age group who could have done better.
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Ripley (2024)
The cinematographer is the real star
30 April 2024
Black and white never looked so beautiful. I doubt even early 1960s Italy was this beautiful. This was the most visually stunning project I have seen in decades.

The performances were excellent as well as the direction. The writing was a bit drawn out. This really could have been two hours shorter, but you really don't mind it.

If Netflix could come up with something half this good on a semi monthly basis they'd be in the black again. This wasn't just visually appealing it was actually mature and reasonably cerebral. Miles above their usual offerings.

Warning: If you watch this, you will become addicted.
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26 April 2024
A bit too cutesy at times. It crosses the line sometimes and seems cartoonish, otherwise I would have given it a ten.

The costumers, set designers and writers did a great job of capturing early 60s films. It is obvious they have a loving regard for them as well.

This film is a lot of Doris Day Rock Hudson with some James Bond thrown in. There is also as touch of Shirley Maclaine musical.

Zelwegger is very charming as the lead. McGregor is outstanding as the cad. Even more fun are the second leads. Sarah Paulson has Paula Prentiss down pat and the brother from Frasier does Tony Randal better than he does.

The sexual innuendos is a bit heavy handed.
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Goldie's first face
25 April 2024
Goldie's first face was the best. She's beautiful. She is also endearing and funny as always.

This is a fairly decent adventure comedy. There are some chuckles and suspense. The chemistry between Mel Gibson and Goldie Hawn isn't too bad.

You also get to see quite a few obscure filming locations. The supporting cast is pretty good as well.

There are some very un politically correct jokes in this film. I'm sure some viewers today will get a kick out of that.

My favorite scene is when Goldie and Mel meet each other again by accident. It is surprisingly touching. Goldie pulls it off perfectly.
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Crash (I) (2004)
Best WHAT?
12 April 2024
Best picture? The best at being manipulative, divisive, hackneyed, while reinforcing the worst stereotypes ever. All this movie did was make people avoid, fear and hate people more. The cheapest stunt was having the audience fear the little girl was shot.

The people who bought into the hype must have had some kind of guilt complex with the other half wallowing in victimhood.

How about a film that shows all of us in the 99 percent have struggles, failures and traumas? That we are more alike than different and that we need to have more empathy and respect for each other? Would anyone pay to see that or get the message?
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Good intentions
7 April 2024
For the most part this was well done. When you think you know everything about the history of the cold war, this brought in a few more ... new facts. Let's hope they are facts. Who knows these days.

It was still too long. As per Netflix, this felt like an ad to Congress to get more money for Ukraine. I'm serious. Perhaps it was produced before October 7, but this documentary acts as thought Ukraine is the world's no. 1 problem. I hate to tell you, Israel has the bomb and Iran will soon.

The overemphasis on the current situation in Ukraine was it's only real flaw. Overall it is well done and has some very interesting new details on the fall of the Berlin wall and other events.
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It had to be a nightmare
8 March 2024
What a horrid and painful failure. Cornel Wilde has no flair for comedy. He certainly didn't have what it took to overcome an impossibly ludicrous script. This isn't a farce it is a crock of &$#%.

Even Ginger couldn't pull this off. She is charming and lovely but be seems as lost as the audience. Miss Rogers excelled in musicals, comedies and even dramas but she couldn't save this bomb.

It is nice when writers try to come up with something original but most often it fails.

Mr. Wilde should have stuck to dramas and adventures. He just wasn't as versatile as Ms. Rodgers. As for the writers, they should have become garbage men.
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Annie Hall (1977)
Who dressed this woman?
14 February 2024
Completely over rated. Both leads have fond much better work. In fact, Keaton went on to play this role the rest of her career. It got old 30 years ago.

I'm sorry. This film wasn't funny, you don't care about them or their relationship and Keaton acting scatterbrained and dressed studied dork becomes annoying fast.

Even the scenes with her family or flashbacks of him are just not funny. In fact, some of it us actually pointlessly painful.

I'm glad I waited until 2024 to watch this. There is less time in my life to regret the wasted time and less time to be scarred and bitter about seeing a grossly overrated film.
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Feud: Pilot (2024)
Season 2, Episode 1
In Warm Blood?
3 February 2024
Did someone get shot in here?

The most wickedly delicious and campy scene is in the pilot episode. Only two gay men, Ryan Murphy and Gus Van Sant could exaggerate that bloody scene with Happy Rockefeller, the wildebeest with fat ankles. An elephant couldn't survive that much blood loss.

Naomi Watts and Diane Lane are magnificent. They will make this watchable. The other ladies are adequate.

This miniseries has all the typical Ryan Murphy touches. It has cynical sleaze touched with humor, great lines and a minimum of pointless filler scenes.

Whether you like Murphy or not, you have to admit he creates great projects for actresses. Of lesser note, we see more of Capote's self destructive personality.
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Ishtar (1987)
Not as bad as they claimed
28 January 2024
No. It is actually worse. Elaine May has said, "If everyone who claimed to hate Ishtar had actually seen the film, I'd be a rich woman.". Well, I finally sat through it. I am now scarred for life.

I don't blame Elaine May. I blame Warren Beatty mostly. He has no business acting in a comedy. He has no talent or sense for it. He is awful.

Dustin Hoffman is best as the befuddled reactionary in comedies. Thanks to Warren being so awful, Dustin is lost at sea.

Elaine May's writing isn't up to par with her previous projects, but I still do not blame her completely for this horrible abomination.

I wonder if it had broke even after 37 years?
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21 January 2024
You will laugh, you will cry.

Renee IS CHER. She did an amazing job of capturing her look, her moves and her style. I was absolutely amazed.

I always expect camp when watching these biopics. There was very little of that in this movie.

It is heartbreaking their marriage didn't hold up. I think they stayed in love afterward.

This film could be about any couple who fell in love, grew apart because of life's pressures but still have a bond.

A good copy of this is on YouTube. You can also watch Cher's speech and Sonny's funeral, which basically tells the same story as this film.

This is definitely worth a watch. Based on Sonny's book. I think he was pretty honest.
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Greatest argument for birth control.
16 January 2024
This film is the greatest argument for birth control. I don't just mean the writers, I mean the horribly annoying characters they created. The kids in this film are beyond idiotic and irritating. That Fanning brat has barely any actual lines, just constant screaming.

The CGI special effects aren't bad. No one really minds seeing Bayonne, New Jersey destroyed.

What this film lacks besides good writing, likeable characters and a believable plot is comic relief Every disaster movie has comic relief. This one doesn't even have some unintentionally funny moments.

If you enjoy dense and obtuse characters and constant high pitched screaming, this film is for you.
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