Five Star Chef (TV Series 2023– ) Poster

(2023– )

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15 Reviews
Generic Reality-show Competition
jay-904-55330023 July 2023
Stereotypical reality competition. Melodramatic music constantly playing to try to make you feel tension. *Heavily* edited to manipulate your perception of the reactions of the judges and contestants -- sometimes the jump cuts are so bad, they show someone frowning in reaction to something, but then the next shot shows them laughing and smiling in what you can see is their *actual* reaction. Just the cookie-cutter reality formula with an exaggerated sense of self-importance because, oooo, 5-star restaurant. It's like a hundred other reality competitions. Some people will love it. I, however, am tired of this formula.
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livstanglund24 July 2023
I always love watching Michel Roux. And I thought, these must be really top chefs to be considered for this position. But they are not. I can't believe any one of them could run a 5 star restaurant at a luxury hotel. I don't think the winner will be there for long. I certainly would not pay a fortune to eat that person's food. I kind of didn't believe it. The whole thing was kind of stupid. Very inexperienced chefs. I don't understand, why one has to write such long reviews on here. It's really stupid. What more should I say? Michel Roux did not look best pleased, and I understand him. A joke.
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Masterchef UK Professionals - It 'Aint! Dissapointing!
besss-0341820 August 2023
I was really looking forward to this when I saw the legendary Michel Roux Jr. Was in this.

I have to preface this by saying I do not like reality shows (and can't stand the Food Network) I only like cooking competitions where they can cook a lot better than me and/or are high end Masterchef Pro, UK and Great British Menu.

What a disappointment. It has that cheap production theme of most reality shows, highlighting more on the quirks of the contestants rather than the food. The judging was kind of okay, but lacking in some way. Could be it felt over air of arrogance or insincerity, imo. Some of the challenges struck me as slightly low brow. I think one of them was for an "influencer" (omg...kill me now)

I also have a very difficult time believing Michelin starred Chef Roux is going to let a newly christened winner really be head chef of an off shoot restaurant under HIS reputation at the Langham!

I watched it, but FFWD most of it, just to see the winner.
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gaudetvalaya25 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had a good time watching the show. The chefs are not the top of the top but seemed inventive and dedicated. Were they chosen solely for their culinary skills or did their background story have something to do with being picked for the competition? I also wonder what kind of a discount the diners had because, surely, they mus have been told that they were on a TV show. I was terribly disappointed with the choice of the winner, though. I don't want to spoil it for the viewers but all I will say is that when I am at a restaurant, organization means a lot. I'd rather have a good meal served in a timely manner than a top notch one that had me wait forever. The winner didn't deserve the win. I wonder how long that chef will last.
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Food looked fabulous
bwzgwb20 June 2024
I really enjoyed the show. The only thing I found with the show, however, it was how unrealistic especially the one episode where they had to cook for 100 people in a banquet, come on every head chef always has sous chefs to help them, they had no one to help them cook for 100 people I think that that was setting them up for disaster.

Why didn't they give them help 6 hours sounds like a lot of time but it can fly by so quickly. I'm in a gourmet club and I need four hours at least to do one of my plates and I have other people helping me with the rest of the meal. I know they're supposed to know what they're doing, but they could've given them some assistance at least with this one episode. Otherwise I enjoyed the show very much, I thought the chefs were humble (except Igore lol) and very professional.
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Poor, superficial effort with predictable outcome
jezprior30 July 2023
This has been done so many times before and so much better. These chefs are a long way from being anywhere near the top of the game, more like amateurs than anything.

The challenges aren't interesting and the luxury one was bordering on offensive while the quality of the cooking was very variable throughout the series.

Editing was poor with accidental shots of cameramen and obvious jumps between what was happening in the kitchen and contestant / judges facial expressions.

And it was oh so very predictable. In the episode when one candidate made a mistake and had to spend the entire service correcting that mistake, leaving the others to manage the pass on their own, and nothing was really said about it everyone in my household knew they were the intended winner.

Disappointing, no season 2 please.
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The show is amazing!
samanthanuamah16 October 2023
The 5 Star kitchen starts off requiring everyone to have a concept. I love that cos we get to know these people a little bit more.

I feel like there were too many pity stories though, because emotional blackmailing is not okay.

I also feel like more seasons and more chef are needed in the next season. (Please let there be a next season!)

I love how we're taken through the personal journeys of these individual chefs.

I love that we see the human side and the suspense that builds from realizing the little shortcomings of these chefs.

I personally could not stop watching at alllll.

And I'm going back to watch it allll over again!!!!
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You have to be kidding / What a joke
steven-potts17 July 2023
I never go out of my way to criticise or put down but this show has to be a joke.

Michael Roux Jr your father inspired me when I was learning to become a chef reading his books and studding his techniques.

So I was excited and looking forward to watching 10 amazing chefs create stunning and spectacular dishes, only to be let down / disappointed by the lack of talent cooking right in front of you.

The chefs chosen for Junior MasterChef Australia (12 years old) would have out-performed these so-called chefs.

Mr Roux, you should have fired your chefs on episode 1 and put another ad in the local news paper.

I want devour the outcome but you won't be surprised at how stupid it is.
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Out of Touch
hkxwqry10 September 2023
The first episode wasn't bad. When I started the second and saw a $21,000 taco...I lost it. A taco is not good because it's covered with gold leaf. This episode is completely out of touch with today's society, even with those who enjoy fine foods. Even the best ingredients in the world, would not be worth that much without the gratuitous addition of edible gold leaf. Couldn't even watch to see what the competing chefs came up with; and I am sure the Judges will come up with some criticism, not only to move the shoe along, but in comparison with the edible (but tasteless) gold leaf.

I, apparently, have to add words since I can't submit a review with fewer than 600 words.
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rizasgp6 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was loving it until IGOR WAS OUT?? That's when I confirmed this show has got to be a joke. He clearly who is capable and refined out there after Lana left. They also clearly favored Dom from the get go even tho he effed up so many times!! Still, they minimize his mistakes and fluff him out even tho he doesn't deserve it. Like he didn't help out his teammates cause he had to focus on his cake?? WHAT A DISGRACE!!!! They didn't even really mentioned that on the show. Also, that guy Mike is so irritating. I would not pay even 10 pounds to eat there. Bunch of amateurs - definitely not a five star!!
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Disappointing and uninspiring.
EODGhost6 August 2023
Unfortunately, I just couldn't like it. The menus were average most times and didn't focus on the flavors, just on concept, concept, concept. It was unimpressive. The winner was a bit of a one trick pony and final service menu was hypocritical at best. Funny how the lady judge, wanted a female to win, and the black judge, a black guy. Wow, surprise, surprise on the identity politics.

The final winner couldn't command a kitchen and heaven help them when they start running the restaurant for real. All I saw was average, youtube menus with constant blathering about 'my culture'! That will only get you so far and if you aren't versatile, you're gonna fall flat.

Another Netflix Hard Pass.
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The Cheugy Dubai-Influencer Chef Show
MeadtheMan15 July 2023
It first had me at "there must be a hidden gem somewhere"... only to completely lose me immediately after that.

"epitome of luxury five-star hotel", "start their empire and be worth millions", "the most expensive thing I'll ever make", "they need to make money".

Five star five star five star blah blah blah (I know it's in the title), concept concept concept, money money money blah blah blah. It's the most infuriatingly cheugy thing I've seen for a while. It's like the Dubai-influencer kind of a show. Yes, I know restaurants are businesses, and fine-dining is expensive but guys... come on, have a wee bit of class? You can be bougie all you want, but not cringey and cheugy at this level? And I know it's a competition reality show, but you can't go shark tank all the way? After all, cooking still needs some artistry, authenticity, soul and personality, not just bling.

It's extra troubling to learn about the report of Roux paying kitchen staff below minimum wage. Just imagine that in your head, in 2023, when economic inequality is horrendous, some employees are scraping by just to have something to eat, while someone is gorging on caviar for the "five-star" lifestyle at the expense of the said employees.

The only saving grace is the cheftestants who seem like genuine people striving to meet the "five star" - whatever that means - brief.
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The English are the best at letting you know you're not rich
trelerke-politics15 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ugly intro"POSH, POSH, POSH, will make their careers, win win win, push push push", and the people judging are silver spoon toffs, a kind of Gordon Ramsey - acation which is actually okay because this food is for silly, pointless rich, dipsh_ts who really have nothing going on in their lives except stuff/luxury/ so perfect for netflix. Another thing, is the idea that you'll never be able to experience this, but you're suppose to invest yourself in the outcome, it's cynical, particularly given the super huge wealth inequities, and "the demands of a five start guest" translates into debase yourself for A-hole empty wealthy people. See "The Menu" a little too on the nose, but expresses exactly how the judges and most guests should be treated.
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Average chefs, average fare , below average show
andrewrye-0653526 July 2023
Why would you pick average or below average chefs for a supposedly top hotel? Drama is why.

As others said, I got fatigued hearing '5 star' every 10 minutes.

The chef yelling at the chefs while running the pass was unacceptable, this type of behaviour is no longer a thing. The woman appeared to have little knowledge and I am guessing was brought on as eye candy and ended up being annoying.

The chefs were average and I highly doubt they have run a good kitchen. Some even complained they had to do deserts and couldn't do a decent pastry? Are you kidding? They should be able to do this with a blind fold on. I also have serious doubts about their hygiene. Sweating all over their dishes and flicking long hair all over the place. Blurgh.

There wasn't one dish I wanted to try, all average, none cool or interesting and just rubbish. It's a 3 because of the high wastage, pretentious prats and constant inane banter from the hosts.
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cinjanssens7 February 2024
The biggest letdown of this show was rav. I don't think she has any business being a host. She was eh on GBBOJR but i don't take her taste seriously. She always makes it clear she favors her Indian flavors, so why is she hosting a show to make diverse worldwide cultures 5 star cuisine? Second, Raquel. What a disgusting mess of a person. She clearly was trying to sabotage Dom and lara isn't any better. They were crying acting like weird victims on the show. So off-putting and strange. They clearly don't belong in a kitchen. Not a great role model for your 4 or 5 kids or whatever. Don't renew, it was terrible.
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