43 Reviews
A General Mediocre film about 15 years late
regular1431 January 2008
Now that's it's 2008, who really has a care in the world about a guy like DB Sweeney, even back then he wasn't a big deal.

Two Tickets to Paradise is an outlined story that's well and true where three friends hit the road under each of their personal circumstances. Again, a proved plot. The problem with this film, other than it's 'so bad it's compelling' title, is the script.

Cliché after cliché three guys do the same things you've seen in every other road movie... and blow up vanna white's house.

John C. McGinley's acting job is superb, especially compared to that of the late DB Sweeney's. (His career is dead, hence the late. though i hear he's moving to TV, good for him). Also, John C likely has the least awful character in the film.

The score is so generic it actually feels like you're watching a third rate film from 1993, or Jeff Anderson's movie Now You Know (also set me back a few years, but at least that was more entertaining.) I mean, yah, i guess i enjoyed parts of it. But, the nerdy guy is annoying, DB tries to be this cool failed guitar player (with some rough influences, like some of the worst of classic rock) who has some strange relationship with a stripper, and John C is a gambler who's wife and kid leave him after the death of his father as well as a visit from one of his bookie's henchmen.

I keep thinking up ways to make this movie better. But i think burning the script would have been a healthy start.

But, as i've hinted this whole time, it's not the worst movie ever. And any chance i have to see McGinley in a starring role, i'll take it. Hopefully he starts getting some better projects.
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A Road Trip for Self-Discovery
claudio_carvalho1 November 2022
In Pennsylvania, Mark Hewson (John C. McGinley), Billy McGriff (D. B. Sweeney) and Jason Klein (Paul Hipp) are best friends since they were kids. Now, they are all around forty and they have troubles in their personal lives. Mark is a gambler with a 27,000 dollar-debt and when his family is threatened by a collector, his wife Sherry (Janet Jones) takes his son with her and moves to the house of her mother. Billy is a truck driver and aspirant guitar player and when he arrives earlier at home, he witnesses his wife Kate (Moira Kelly) cheating on him. When Jason shows two tickets for championship bowl game in Florida to his friends, they decide to organize a road trip to watch the football game. Along their journey, they realize that they are losers and meet several people that help each of them to make self-discovery.

"Two Tickets to Paradise" is a film with a road trip for self-discovery. The loser guys learn that the most important in life is their friendship. The plot is interesting, and with happy ending for the three lead characters. Mark returns to his wife and son expecting to be a better husband and father. Billy becomes more self-confident and take chances in life. And Jason meets Janice and certainly will change his insecurity. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Two Tickets to Paradise"
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Nothing Special
shimyyuh1 February 2008
This movie was an all around uninspiring film. It was a non-moving story that definitely does not get you thinking anything other then where is all the strong moving material the other critics say about the film The 3 main actors are good, and there is a few laughs but once again it becomes another movie that you keep watching in hopes of it getting better and it just doesn't. I watched this movie last night and wished that we hadn't wasted our precious time (while baby is sleeping) watching this film.

I plan not to recommend this to my family and friends, as well as obviously anyone looking to rent it. I was pretty much non-impressed with everything about this film.
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Screened w/ D.B. Sweeney!
jim_cookman2 March 2006
D.B. Sweeney is traveling overseas with the USO allowing service-members to screen Dirt Nap. I got the opportunity to watch the film with D.B. and about 30 others in Idar-Oberstein, Germany.

The movie was well written with some great one-liners (some are raunchy, but not gratuitous). A "late-in-life-coming-of-age" film that shows the that some friendships do endure; success in life requires more than minimal effort; and anything goes good with 42 beers. Funny yet poignant, the movie tugs at the heartstrings at times and knocks you in the funny bone at others. I found myself laughing out loud during quite a few scenes. D.B. validates himself as a writer/director/producer with this film. Do yourself a favor and go watch it (when it gets released, that is).
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Not bad, but don't go in expecting a hilarious comedy
sparkle_dazzle31 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I got this film from Amazon not knowing anything about it other than John C McGinley was in it and that was my reason for buying it. So, when the DVD arrived, I read the synopsis on the back to see what it was about and it boasted all sorts of 'hilarious' adventures like the film was some wacky comedy.

When I started to watch it, I didn't feel like I was watching anything too hilarious or wacky but thought once the road trip started it would be funnier. However that wasn't the case. The film in my eyes, is misrepresented as a hilarious road movie. I think it's got some nice, funny moments, great acting but I don't think it's been labelled correctly and I think that will make some people miss this film when they'd likely enjoy it. It's a lot more serious than I thought it would be, especially the story arc involving the character Mark. I do have one or two slight niggles with it. I found it hard to see any chemistry between McGinley's character and the actress who played his wife. She seemed so cold, even when she was supposed to be concerned and loving and that made it hard to care much about their relationship. The kid playing their son was obviously picked for his 'cute boy' look and his lines were a little too syrupy sweet for my liking. I also found it annoying that upon reaching the films conclusion, the character of Jason was omitted from having anything after the hospital scene. We see what becomes of the other two characters but there's no follow up with him which seems like we shouldn't even care about that character. Why have him in the film if in the end, it doesn't really matter what happened to him?

Besides from that, it is a good film and the main three actors are great in their roles. It's nice that the film is allowed to just coast. It never drags on and the conversations seem realistic and genuine, as the characters themselves do. But ultimately, people getting this film based on how it's been sold, I think could be disappointed. If you expect 'hilarious road trip' I think you'll be disappointed. But if you go in wanting something a little bit more genuine from a film, then this won't disappoint.
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Great little film
3 men well into their adulthood and facing problems - ranging from an unfaithful wife to gambling debts - decide to take a road trip to the Superbowl after one of them unexpectedly wins tickets in a raffle. What results is a coming of age story with a certain twist.

Twist in that these men have already come of age - they are adults, working, tending the family, and all of life's problems. The coming of age comes in that they are men locked in their past, still reminiscing of the good old days when they were young and life was easy, fun, and there was little, if anything, to complain about. One was a star athlete, one a musician, one the class valedictorian. But then, somewhere down the line it just dissolved away and they are now working dead-end jobs, which they obviously don't like, and life is... bland. Completely unlike before.

Very well written, acted, and directed with a strong focus on the characters and often gut-bustingly funny the film presents one of life's most valuable, though not most obvious lessons: life will not live itself for you, you have to live your life.

Props to first time director D.B. Sweeney. 10/10

Not Rated as of yet, but has occasional profanity/crude dialog and some humorous drug use.
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Dirt Nap
tjredgerly5 March 2006
Loved the movie. Got to view it for free over at my military base in Germany. I will see it again and have no problem paying to go see it next time around. The movie was funny, touching as well as relatable. I enjoyed the bond of the men in the movie. I felt connected to them. Each character had painful things going on in their lives, but the strength of friendship along with encouragement to do better and be better was especially nice to see. Too often we see others be encouraged to be hurtful and destructive. You didn't see it here. It was written well. The acting was fantastic. I felt like I was watching friends having a great time. Nothing looked forced.
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The Cadillac of buddy films
street-1319 June 2006
I attended the Tremblant film festival in Canada recently. A film written, directed and starring D.B. Sweeney was premiering. Walking in to the theater I expected to just walk in and sit down, but who do I see? The man himself D.B. Sweeney in the flesh. I told him that I had come from SF to see his movie and he gave me a big handshake and a smile. He's a very approachable nice guy. He took the time to chat with me for a few minutes before the show. I won't give away any of the film, but I will say this. Poignant, insightful, funny, and my girlfriend cried at the end. The Cadillac of buddy films straight from the heart and soul of a great guy. Great title too. SUPPORT THIS FILM!
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davidhartsell22 March 2006
Dirt Nap - Awesome, just look at the trailer. DB Sweeney at his finest acting and he even co-wrote and directed. Much more than can be expected. Friendships, relationships that hit home. I could relate and, I'm in my thirties, but I also think that fans from One Tree Hill and Moira would dig it. And to see DB Sweeney and Moira Kelly together again - can't be beat. Still watching The Cutting Edge fifteen years later, I was ecstatic to see them in the same film again. I'm in Knoxville, TN home of Regal Entertainment, I would encourage all DB & Moira fans from Cutting Edge to One Tree Hill to encourage Regal to bring this cool film. to Knoxville. I want to share it with my friends and family. And would pay to see it again. If that gives you a clue.
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perfect combination of human emotions. laughter to sorrow to joy outstanding work
billybuddrm-121 November 2007
To be truthful when I watched this movie I began thinking here we go with yet another road trip pile of cliché's. I was so wrong! This sweet little movie combines so many human emotions to take the viewer along life's troubled road, laughing out loud and then truly feeling for the men with their individual issues that constantly simmer throughout. Mcginnley is fantastic and gives a performance second to none. In summary, I laughed out loud on way more than one occasion. I related to the 3 men and understood their individual strengths and weaknesses. I strongly believe that this movie will touch the heart of all that watch it and the raw truth weaves it's way through the movie perfectly.

I loved it!!
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The "Walk of Life" is a lonely one without friends
danf-2219 June 2006
D.B. Sweeney co-wrote, produced, directed and co-starred in this coming-of-middle age dramedy about three childhood friends that set out on a road trip and in the process find the true meaning of friendship.

"Dirt Nap's" biggest strength is the performances delivered by John C. McGinley, Paul Hipp, and Sweeney. Each coming from pasts full of promise (all-star athlete McGinley, valedictorian Hipp, & Springsteenesque rocker Sweeney), but now find themselves regretting the chances they let slip away. All of the scenes that McGinley, Hipp, & Sweeney share are wonderfully written and acted, remaining loose and spontaneous, and you quickly get the sense that these three guys really have known each other their whole lives. Once they set out on the road they quickly fall back into their old High School identities, and this is when the film is at it's most enjoyable, full of witty dialogue and randomly hilarious moments (part of any road trip) that make us feel more like these guys are in High School or college than their early 40s. Almost makes you wonder, what changes us, age & time or the people that we're surrounded with?

Without throwing it in your face, "Dirt Nap" makes a very true statement about friendship. Real friends will make you laugh, they'll challenge you when you're out of line, and they know you better than you may know yourself. They'll also stand beside you for all of life's journeys, including the ones you take when you think you've failed.

So, if you've ever been on a road trip that you still talk about years later, or if you're still talking about the one you've never taken, go see "Dirt Nap" with a bunch of your buddies. Then, when it's done head to the bar, order some beers, and share some laughs about the past. I'm sure you'll be planning your next road trip in no time.
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Two Tickets To Paradise - not what you think it will be
Mmonroe6728 December 2011
If you're looking for big budget Hollywood, this movie's not for you. If you're looking for angst ridden sad ending for the sake of sad ending - ditto.

However, if you want something that's fun, endearing, a little off kilter and ultimately redemptive - you've found he right movie.

I enjoyed the lack of formula and some strong emotional performances, inserted artfully in this potentially formulaic "on the road" genre. I enjoyed it because when you watched, it really wasn't formulaic at all, and Two Tix was surprisingly poignant delivering the (non- preachy but clear) messages on friendship, and manhood, marriage and family.

Kudos to DB, and though we didn't see a whole lot of her or like her a lot in this film, Moira still has it.
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Great movie that takes an honest look at life's curve balls
bob-234410 April 2006
When I saw this movie I was waiting for that one moment that happens in all those road trip buddy movies you have seen. The moment that all the main characters look at each other and say, "man, I'm going to change my life today". Well that never happens here. Instead, there are little moments and lots of them that come along to help nudge these guys in the right direction. Much like the moments that nudged these high school stars away from their pre-determined greatness. There is great honesty in this movie I think because the lessons they learn are subtle and it takes time for all of them to learn from their past mistakes as well as the mistakes they make on this road trip.
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Very funny glimpse into every mans life
igglesfan9 June 2006
I saw this movie at the Boston Int'l Film Fest. It was funny and entertaining from beginning to end. A story about 3 boyhood friends on a road trip, it was a sharp look into how things can change when life invades our hopes and dreams.

The cast was great. These three guys pulled it off like they really were boyhood friends. They were fun to watch on screen together. Parts of the movie were laugh out loud funny. The characters were entertaining and everyone will identify with one of these guys.

If I had to find something negative about the movie...and it's hard.... the ending was a little abrupt. But I guess that's because it was the whole "snapshot of life" kinda movie where the characters continue living long after the credits roll----I hope that doesn't give away anything??!!!

Anyway, excellent movie. I highly recommend it. Can't wait to see it again!
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Great start to a writing and directing career for D.B. Sweeney
moosec23 October 2007
A great comedy with a lot of funny scenes delivered by some great actors...John C. McGinley, Ed Harris, D.B....Even a surprise cameo by Chris Chelios for NHL fans! Would have better for the movie if there had been some more money available for the special effects. A great sound track goes along with the movie with songs from Bruce Springsteen and Dire Straits to name a few. A studio needs to pick the movie up and distribute it so the rest of the world can witness the great script writing by Brian Currie and D.B. Sweeney. Can't wait to see what those two can do when they get some real money behind a project. Can you say "And the Oscar goes too..?"
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Interesting Flick
jp-25928 August 2007
I ran into DB Sweeney at a bar a couple weekends ago. I told him I was a big fan of the Cutting Edge, for which I expected him to punch me, as I was obviously kidding. However, he was an extremely nice guy and very friendly. He told me about Dirt Nap and explained it as a sort of "red states Sideways." Well that was all I needed to hear. Luckily I know a few people in the business and was able to get a copy of the film. I enjoyed it immensely. To me, the quality of a film is determined by its character development, but more importantly the interpersonal dialogue/relationship among its main characters. I found Dirt Nap to be very strong in this regard and, as such, highly recommend it. Hopefully it will somebody get out in the mainstream so others, besides myself, can enjoy it as well. Kudos to the film, especially considering there just aren't many good ones out there anymore.
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Amazingly written and acted!
robrob0011 April 2006
I may be a bit biased since I played a teeny tiny role in this awesome film...but it is terrific! The film is unbelievable right on with men and the way things "affect" them. The actors were fantastic, the script was hilarious, and the background music was perfectly selected. DB did an excellent job in his first time role as a director, as well as wearing the hat of producer, writer, and actor in this super cool film. As much as it can be considered a "guys" film...I definitely think girls can get an inside scoop into how most men think, act, react, play, and fart around. No pun intended...HA. All I can say is I LOVED IT...and I'm so thankful, as well as honored to be a part of it!
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Great Movie!!
jabsten21 April 2007
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I saw it at the Appalachian Film Festival. It is a fun ride with some very funny lines. The movie is enjoyable from beginning to the end. I hope someone picks this movie up and distributes it. I would see it again. The movie is very well written. We can all relate to the characters, we either have lived their lives or know people just like them. It is truly a movie that appeals to many different audiences. The filming was masterful and the soundtrack contains a lot of GREAT music. I applaud D.B. Sweeney for writing, directing, and starring in such an uplifting movie. I hope we see it on the big screens soon.
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friends battle life and each other
fig82220 January 2009
Two Tickets to Paradise follows three long time friends who embark on a road trip. Stuck in their boring routine and wondering if this is as good as it gets, a sudden unplanned road trip is exactly what these friends need to escape the problems of their lives. During their adventure the personal problems that they endure now are exposed and threaten to ruin what should be a happy trip. Character flaws and bad habits are exposed that test the limits of dedication. D.B. Sweeney captures the feelings that most of us mid life, yearning to capture our youth, adults live. This film offers a little drama, comedy and action all wrapped up into one excellent story. I thoroughly enjoyed the adventures that these friends endured. Heartfelt drama and timely comedy make this film a fun ride.
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A consistently honest, entertaining road movie about middle aged boys groping their way toward manhood
jeffduck2 August 2006
The theme of adult men caught in perpetual adolescence has a long tradition in American film. "Diner" and "High Fidelity" spring to mind. But "Dirt Nap" does not for an instant feel like a retread. What makes this movie so welcome is the freedom that its limited budget gave director/co-writer/actor DB Sweeney to reveal layers of talent only hinted at in the bulk of his mainstream career. None of the road scenes push fake climaxes, the acting has a freshness and spontaneity, and the screenplay is built on a foundation of character rather than 'effective' moments or cheap gimmickry---all virtues associated with the best European films. The motel room scene in which John McGinley lashes out at his lifelong friends for the failures of his own sorry life is memorable--almost embarrassing in its intensity.
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so good!
debrachicago7 April 2006
saw this film last night, such a refreshing change from slick, Hollywood blockbusters. it has so much heart! any guy who ever had a buddy (or two, or three) will love it, and any gal who loves her guy will feel tenderness toward this trio of lovable losers. the pacing is perfect, giving the actors their moments without trying to painfully wring out every last drop of drama. and the comedic timing is impeccable, as you'd expect from three accomplished, experienced actors.

great performances, laugh-out loud funny, chock full o'testosterone yet somehow, in its earnestness, very sweet. as a film, it's a winner. as DB Sweeney's first effort behind the camera, it's a sign of great things to come.
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SEE this movie
tugboat_a22 October 2007
I caught this movie over the weekend at the Ft Lauderdale International Film Festival. Well written and terrific acting! Story keeps moving and you never look at your watch thinking "man, is this over yet?" Laughed out loud at several points in the movie. Although it is a comedy, some parts were very "true to life" and hit on the not-so-pleasant aspects of growing up and being an adult. The synopsis makes this movie sound like a "guy" movie (road trips and beer - the male equivalent of "chick flick"), but it really is SO much more. I'm suggesting it to everyone I know - guys and girls alike! Everyone will be able to relate to something in this film.
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lifelong friends rattrap to maturity
susanmorton22 December 2007
Loved this movie! I felt like I knew these guys from my hometown. Great music: Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Dire Straits, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Emmy Lou Harris...amazing movie. As a woman (Mom of four...)I felt like a 'fly on the wall' in the car with these guys. You really feel like you're a witness to a critical moment in three real lives. With that said, it's also hilarious. Some really memorable one-liners. D.B. Sweeney is an under rated actor: movies like Fire in the Sky, Eight Men Out, Lonesome Dove and of course The Cutting Edge. This may be his best ever. Why doesn't Hollywood use this guy more?! I hope they release this one soon soon. Really funny and touching, too. I want to see it again!!
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I thought it was great !!!
nrotic5 December 2007
After meeting DB during the Santa Fe Film Festival I wanted to check out his movie. I had already planned to go to the film but a few changes happened at the first showing. I promised him I would definitely go to the 2nd and I am glad I did. It had great humor, and a heart. It took me back to the times I spend with my childhood friends which have been friends for over 30 years. The trials we had through the years keeping our friendships together and how we made it through the roughest spots and remained friends. I thank you "DB" for making this film and your kindness in talking to me at the Santa Fe Film Festival. I am looking forward to your next project. Please contact me when you release this film I would like to purchase a copy for my friends in Oklahoma. Continued success in your career and life. The film also included great cinema photography, great acting, and surprises which I will not tell here you will have to see it when it comes to your town :) Thank you for the opportunity to see this great film. Sincerely J. Nathan Simmons of NewMexicoActors.com
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Surprised I liked it so much.
offmylawn27 May 2008
I don't know much about movie making, but I never was a big fan of John McGinley. He always seems to me to know he's acting in a movie or a TV show. I was surprised in "Two Tickets To Paradise" I was able to look past that and thought he did a good job.

I can't imagine this picture cost a lot of money to make, but it was a great story, not to mention funny, that I think everyone can relate to. It amazes me they spend so much money on the big blockbusters that don't even compare.

Maybe it's just me, wanting to see a slice of life story and not things blown up.

I'd definitely go see whatever DB Sweeney directs next. This movie was such a nice surprise.
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