The Holiday (2006) Poster


Jude Law: Graham



  • Graham : I have another scenario for you - I'm in love with you. I apologize for the blunt delivery, but as problematic as this fact may be, I'm in love... with YOU. I'm not feeling this because you're leaving, and not because it feels good to feel this way... which, by the way, it does, or did before you went off like that. I can't figure out the mathematics of this, I just know I love you. I can't believe how many times I'm saying it! And I never thought I'd feel this way again, so that's pretty phenomenal. And I realize that I come as a package deal: 3 for the price of 1. I know my package, perhaps in the light of day, isn't all that wonderful, but I finally know what I want and that, in itself, is a miracle. And what I want is YOU.

  • Amanda : Okay, let's say we just make this happen. We each commit to flying back and forth as much as we can.

    Graham : Yes! It's doable, definitely.

    Amanda : And then let's say in 6 months we hit a wall. Like I can't constantly be away from work or the girls can't deal with you leaving so often. Then we start to feel the tension, we know this isn't going to work, so we start fighting because we don't know what else to do. And after a long, tearful- at your end...

    Graham : I like it


    Graham : .

    Amanda : -phone call we say goodbye. And that'll be it, for real. It's not like we're ever going to bump into each other. And then what's left? Two miserable people feeling totally mashed up it hurts. Or...

    Graham : Thank you.

    Amanda : Or maybe we should just realize that what we've had these past few weeks has been perfect. And maybe it won't get any better than this. And maybe we're trying to figure this thing out because it makes us feel so good to feel this way, and maybe the fact that I'm leaving in 8 hours makes this far more exciting than it might actually be.

    Graham : You're seriously the most depressing girl I have ever met.

  • Graham : Well, I cry all the time.

    Amanda : You do not.

    Graham : Yeah I do. More than any woman you've ever met.

    Amanda : You don't have to be this nice.

    Graham : It happens to be the truth.

    Amanda : Really?

    Graham : A good book, a great film, a birthday card, I weep.

    Amanda : Shut up.

    Graham : I'm a major weeper.

  • Amanda : You know, I was just thinking why would I ever leave before New Year's Eve? That makes no sense at all. I mean, you didn't exactly ask me out... but you did say you loved me... so I'm thinking I've got a date. If you'll have me.

    Graham : I have the girls New Year's Eve.

    Amanda : Sounds perfect.

  • Graham : I have another scenario for you.

    Amanda : Good.

    Graham : I am in love with you. I apologize for the blunt delivery, but as problematic as this fact may be, I am in love. With you. And I'm not feeling this because you're leaving, and not because it feels good to feel this way- which by the way, it does, or did before you went off like that. I can't figure out the mathematics of this, I just know I love you. Can't believe how many times I'm saying it. I never thought I'd feel this way again, so that's pretty phenomenal. But I realize I come with a package deal- 3 for the price of 1. And my package perhaps in the light of day isn't all that wonderful, but I finally know what I want, and that in itself is a miracle. And what I want is you.

    Amanda : I wasn't expecting 'I Love You'. Can you not look at me like that? I'm trying to find the right thing to say.

    Graham : I think if the obvious response doesn't immediately come to you, uh, we can just, we should just talk about something else. Like possibly what a complete ass I am. I do recall you promising me you wouldn't fall in love with me. Must pay better attention.

    Amanda : I've never met a guy who talks as much as me. But just for now, be quiet.

  • Graham : And what did you say?

    Iris : I asked her to hold. Can I call you back?

    Graham : I can hold while you speak to her.

    Iris : Really?

    Graham : Find out how she is.

    Iris : Okay.

    [Iris switches call] 

    Iris : My brother wants to know how you are.

    Amanda : Can you tell him I'm good and that I'm just taking Charlie for a walk in the village. Um, what's he been up to? Did he say?

    Iris : I'm not sure. Do you want me to ask him?

    Amanda : Uh, sure.

    Iris : Okay. Hold please.

    [Iris switches call again] 

    Iris : I can't believe that you have had sex with the woman staying in my house!

    Amanda : [Gasps]  He told you that?

    Iris : Oh, my God!

    Amanda : Oh, my God!

    Iris : Oh, my God! I thought I was talking to Graham! Can you just hold, please? I'm terribly sorry.

    [Iris switches calls again] 

    Iris : I can't believe you had sex with Amanda! The one thing she asked me was, 'Are there any men in your town?', and I assured her that there were not. And then you meet her and immediately get into her knickers!

    Amanda : Still me.

    Iris : Bollocks! I must have lost him. Amanda, I am so sorry.

    [Call waiting beeps] 

    Iris : Can I call you back?

    Amanda : Sure.

    Iris : Okay, bye.

  • Amanda : Are you D-I-V-O-R-C-E-D?

    Graham : No W-I-D-O-W-E-R.

  • Amanda : Sex makes everything more complicated. Even not having it, because the not having it... makes it complicated.

    Graham : That's why it's better to have it... some say.

  • Graham : I'm a full-time dad. I'm a working parent. I'm a mother and a father. I'm a guy who reads parenting books and cookbooks before I go to sleep. I spend my weekends buying tutus. I'm learning to sew. I'm Mr. Napkin Head!

  • Sophie : Daddy, she has more marshmallows than I do.

    Graham : No she doesn't, you each have five.

    [to Amanda] 

    Graham : You have five too.

    Amanda : Thanks

  • Amanda : Who is it?

    Graham : It's me. Hurry up. It's freezing.

    Amanda : Who are you?

    Graham : Iris, open the door or I swear I'm gonna take a leak all over your front...

    [Amanda quickly opens the door] 

    Graham : You're not Iris. Or if you are I'm much drunker than I realized. I'm sorry for my profanity. I wasn't expecting you.

    Amanda : No, I wasn't expecting you either.

  • Amanda : You know, Graham, I just broke up with someone and considering you just showed up and you're insanely good-looking and probably won't remember me anyway... I'm thinking we should have sex... If you want.

    Graham : Is that a trick question?

  • Graham : I have a cow and I sew. How's that for "hard to relate to"?

  • Amanda : I'm not going to fall in love with you, I promise.

    Graham : Okay. Nicely put. Thank you.

    Amanda : No, it's just that I know myself. I'm not sure I even fall in love. Not like the way other people do. How's that for something to admit?

    Graham : Well, like I said, Most Interesting Girl Award.

    Amanda : I'm gonna try to see that as a compliment.

    Graham : You should. Absolutely.

  • Graham : Call me old fashioned but one doesn't have sex with women who are unconscious.

  • Graham : Long distance relationships can work, you know.

    Amanda : Really? I can't make one work when I live in the same house with someone.

  • Amanda : [after finding out they didn't have sex]  We didn't? Why not?

    Graham : Call me old-fashioned, but I don't believe it to be appropriate to have sex with a woman who is unconcious.

  • Iris : [Iris answers telephone]  Hello?

    Graham : So are you ever coming home?

    Iris : Oh, my God, hi.

    Graham : How's it going?

    Iris : Great. I met a really nice guy.

    Graham : See? And you said you'd never. What's he like?

    Iris : He's really cute. I feel great when I'm with him, which is an entirely new experience. And he's about ninety years old.

    Graham : Come on.

    Iris : He's my next-door neighbor. Or Amanda's next-door neighbor. By the way you should pop over and meet her.

    Graham : Yeah, I have, actually.

    Iris : [Call waiting beeps]  Oh, bugger. Call waiting. Can you hold for a sec? Hold on. I really wanna talk to you.

    Graham : Sure.

    Iris : [Iris switches to other call]  Hello?

    Amanda : Iris, hi, it's Amanda.

    Iris : How are you? How's it going?

    Amanda : Everything's great. How are you?

    Iris : Oh, I'm loving it. Listen, can you hold for a sec? My brother's on the other line.

    Amanda : Graham?

    Iris : Yes. He said you met.

    Amanda : Yes, we did meet. How is he?

    Iris : Fine, I think. Can you just hold on for a sec?

    Amanda : Sure.

    Iris : [Iris switches calls]  Okay. Hi, sorry. That was Amanda.

    Graham : How'd she sound? How's she doing?

    Iris : She just asked me how you are.

  • Graham : I have the classic male problem of no follow through. Absolutely never remember to call after a date - but as this wasn't a date, I guess I'm off the hook.

  • Graham : [after they kiss]  Bad?

    Amanda : Weird. Kissing a total stranger.

    Graham : Really? I do it all the time.

  • Amanda : I'm leaving in nine days and that makes this complicated.

    Graham : Ok.

    [they then passionately kiss] 

  • Graham : Please? Okay, I'll do it quickly.

    [Olivia kisses him on cheek] 

    Graham : Oh, well, thank you for that.

    Olivia : You're welcome.

  • Graham : So you were totally great.

    Amanda : Yeah, this is a bitch.

  • Graham : I have a cow, and I sew. Now how's that for hard to relate to.

See also

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