449 Reviews
The last time I was this naked in public I was coming out of a uterus!
hitchcockthelegend1 July 2015
Miss Congeniality finds Sandra Bullock as FBI Agent Gracie Hart, who must go undercover in the Miss United States beauty pageant to prevent a psychopath from committing untold homicide.

The premise is simple, it's a Pygmalion/My Fair Lady scenario that transforms the rough and tough Gracie into a viable contestant for the pageant. Thus we have all the comedy that comes with her literally battling everyone, including her own opinions on pageants, as she is being asked to be something she doesn't believe is in her make up. The mystery of who the killer is who's on the loose is strong for a good portion of film, and even once it's known and drama takes centre stage, it's still hard to get the smile off of your face.

The jokes are plentiful, with Bullock finding chemistry with all of her co-stars. She's a very under valued comedy actress, and her ability to bond with an entire cast is marvellous to observe. Reference sexual tension with Benjamin Bratt, the jousting hostilities with Ernie Hudson, the way she bounces off of the other beautiful girls, and best of all the by-play with Michael Caine, who is playing a camp stylist and walks in to lift the laughter roof off the rafters in every scene he is in.

It doesn't push the boundaries of comedy, but it's thankfully a consistently funny piece of work, aided by a super cast on form who make a better comedy out of what the screenplay suggested it had any right to be. 7/10
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Bullock is totally winning, and wins this contest hands down. Worth it just for her!
secondtake17 July 2010
Miss Congeniality (2000)

A funny plot full of clever hooks, and an amazing, charming, full on performance by Sandra Bullock make this movie really funny. And warm. And fun.

It would be a mistake and shame to expect more from it, and there are times where it gets a little too silly for its own good, including some of the last half hour. But what works, works, and the first hour of build up, and of Bullock's transformation (and her sparks of humor and authenticity through it all) are first rate. Michael Caine supports her as he supports everyone in the business, with class and finesse. Benjamin Bratt, playing a kind of distant love interest for Bullock's FBI agent cum beauty contestant, is a little to aware of his good looks and doesn't quite relax enough to make him a star.

He could learn a lot from Caine and Bullock, who are both consummate actors capable of saving, and even lifting up, a mostly routine production. For lightweight fare, it's a joy. By the way, the only "Miss United States" beauty pageant is an "on-line" contest, with a hefty entry fee, and seems to be a commercial and possibly exploitive tie-in to the movie. The famous (and infamous) national pageants are Miss America and Miss USA. This movie is meant to play off the stereotypes of what the contestants are often like, and it provides for some pretty good fodder.
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Bullock makes this work.
jazza92318 March 2010
67/100. Okay, it is a stupid movie with a far fetched and ridiculous plot, and it's predictable. But for whatever reason, it is very entertaining. Sandra Bullock has such a winning and likable personality, she has this way of making the films she is in appear better than they actually are. She also has a gift for comedy and a screen presence that is undeniable. I can't think of any other actress that could pull off this role.

The characters in the film do develop well, and you actually begin to care about them. The performances aren't bad, Michael Caine is great and has a field day in his role. I thought it was a fun film, what can I say.
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silly material made worthwhile
Special-K8814 March 2002
Good-natured and funny comedy has Bullock perfectly cast as an uptight, tomboyish federal agent who—for the first time in her entire life—decides to embrace her femininity after she's assigned to go undercover at a beauty pageant to try and apprehend an elusive criminal. She's never even worn a dress, much less makeup and accessories, and the results are hilarious as she tries to do her job and be a credible contestant as well. Film's setup and execution are predictable, yet kept afloat by a meaningful story, good lines, and big time laughs. Bullock is as appealing as she's ever been, and surrounded here by a first-rate supporting cast. ***
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"I haven't seen a walk like that since Jurassic Park!"
drewnes30 May 2021
I know this movie is not for everyone, and I have seen the low scores on it... but this movie is great. Could it be because I had a crush on Sandra since I was a kid watching Speed? Probably. Michael Caine and William Shatner playing very different roles is definitely a plus, and Benjamin Bratt is also fun to watch.
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If you are a fan of Sandra Bullock then you are going to like this movie.
lisafordeay1 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Sandra Bullock plays Gracie Hart a tomboy FBI agent who goes undercover as a beauty contest in order to catch a criminal who is planing a bomb in the contest. Now going by Gracie Lou Freebush she must try and protect the other contests from the bomber who threatens the contest. But who is the mastermind of it all.

Bottom line its a funny movie. Sandra Bullock was hilarious as Gracie Hart who goes through a makeover as she acts like a guy by the way she walks and talks and Micheal Caine has to train Sandra Bullock as a beauty queen as he plucks and dips her and she has to learn how to walk in high heel shoes that was funny where she tries to walk in them and walk properly.

Also starring Benjamin Bratt, its a great film but...........its predicable. You know from the second or third act who the mastermind is who is responsible for threatening the bomb and yeah its very predicable.

Keep an eye out for the girl Heather Burns who plays one of the beauty pageants and was also in You've Got Mail as Meg Ryan's buddy.

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Funny and Cool!
jasminn_tan10 March 2020
I love Sandra Bullock's character in this because she kicks ass and she's funny as hell. She also glows up when she stops thinking lesser of women who participate in beauty pageants and instead uplifts them because she realises that being feminine isn't something to be ashamed of.
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Light hearted, silly but fun movie
Vik_Browser30 November 2021
Simple and light hearted movie. Has few fun moments. Michael caine is a charm and sanra bullock is 'you know, sandea bullock.

Not much for the plot or story but it Could be fun if you have nothing to watch on Tuesday night with dinner .
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Good Quality comedy
GJBStar12 October 2003
There are some actresses who produce weighty or worthy pieces of work and there are those who produce popular movies. Sandra Bullock is an actress who falls into the latter category. Yet, in this category, she is at the top of the tree and it is in films such as Miss Congeniality that she proves this.

For a fish out of water comedy, this is a film that plays to Bullock's qualities - her tomboy image from Speed, her warm humour and her ability to play for laughs and be deadpan. As such, Bullock is allowed to shine from a castlist containing Michael Caine and Ben Bratt. However, if I had one criticism, it would be that there are occasions when Caine just appears to be shamelessly mugging and camping it up for the camera to no real effect.

There are some genuinely funny moments, mostly centred around the pageant and it is nice to see such a movie which doesn't take itself or its setting too seriously. Many of the contestants give good supporting performances and as such, it is hard to pick one out.

Overall, it is a bit slight but anyone renting/buying this movie would surely know what to expect - familiar, funny and essentially sweet-natured - just like Sandra Bullock herself.

8/10 - A good example of the genre.
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Cute, cute stuff.
=G=2 May 2001
"Miss Congeniality" is a fun little comedy with Bullock at the center playing an FBI agent who has to go undercover as a beauty pageant contestant. Bullock is finally in her element in this flick which sports a lively screeplay, a clever script with lots of "call backs", and a good supporting cast. A must see for Bullock fans and a fun watch for most others.
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Sandra Bullock masterclass. Doesn't make a lot of sense but it is a good bit of fun.
mickman91-114 July 2022
Sandra Bullock is such a legend. She is absolutely brilliant at the type of films that she does. The romantic comedy. Sadly, the oscars and all the other academies with poles up their a**es will never recognise the talent when it appears in these kind of vehicles. But she plays this character so well and her transformation is unbelievable to a tomboyish FBI agent to beauty pageant princess in order to apprehend a criminal. The plot falls by the way side after 30 minutes and the fun/gags take precedent. So it doesn't all make a lot of sense. But it is a good bit of fun.
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6.0 - really?
ekalb4523 December 2013
Sandra Bullock's facial expressions, physical comedy, comedic timing, and great lines: Ditto for Michael Caine. Not a great movie, but very good, and those two performances, plus Shatner's as the emcee, make it a very worthwhile movie. When movies like Anchorman get a 7.2 by comparison, I feel like I'm somewhat alien to this planet......Keep forgetting that being concise on this website is not an attribute, so I'll digress. Humor is subjective, so everyone has their own, equally valid opinion, but IMHO Sandra nailed it, was at the height of her comedic prowess in this movie, and it will stand up over time not so much as a great movie (not), but a great performance by Bullock.
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An easy movie to watch for fun
Sir_AmirSyarif8 May 2021
Donald Petrie's 'Miss Congeniality' features lots of fun, lighthearted comedy, and well-delivered punch lines. The movie manages to represent feminism very well, clearly demonstrates mansplaining early on, with objectification of women becomes a common theme throughout the film - aged pretty well and still relevant in today's society. An amazing, charming, full on performance by Sandra Bullock make this movie really funny. Michael Caine and Candice Bergen are also excellent in their characters.
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Miss Congeniality
Prismark1017 June 2021
Miss Congeniality has Sandra Bullock as kick ass Gracie Hart. A FBI agent who prefers to be one of the lads.

The unglamorous and frumpy Gracie is gung ho who finds herself going undercover when a terrorist threatens to blow up a national beauty pageant.

Vic Melling (Michael Caine) has the task of turning Gracie into a graceful beauty contestant. Gracie needs to find out just who the baddie is but she keeps falling over her high heels.

Eric Matthews (Benjamin Bratt) is the team leader who never trusts Gracie's instincts.

Miss Congeniality would had worked if the lead actress was really a butch tomboy that would magnificently turn into a swan.

I never believed Bullock was an ugly duckling who preferred beers with the boys and getting into fights.

This is a loose and frothy action romantic comedy that is not that funny and has little action. It relies too much on pratfalls.

Caine does best as the veteran gay pageant coach but the movie is lukewarm.
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Welcome back, Sandra
baybee2 June 2002
I have been a huge fan of Sandra Bullock's since before Speed. The past few years her movies, haven't fared too well and it's a shame as I didn't think her last few roles were that bad. Sure the movies could've been better but it wasn't her fault that Speed 2 flopped and I didn't think it was that bad.

Anyway it was great to see Sandra back at her best and Miss Congeniality definitely didn't disappoint, but the only thing Sandra, you cannot play ugly, even at your character's worst you were beautiful.

Benjamin Bratt gave a brilliant performance as Sandra's co-worker and of course potential lover that their chemistry was totally electrifying as well - a movie works so much better when you have that chemistry between actors.

Michael Caine and Ernie Hudson were equally impressive in their roles and not to mention William Shatner and Candace Bergman - she's hasn't lost that comedic skill and the DVD addition of deleted scenes will sure bring more laughter as well.

I'm not going to write the whole plot of the movie and give away certain elements as being a huge fan of movies, I don't watch trailors or read anything to do with a movie before I see it as I want to enjoy the ride and not know what to expect even though you do know the outcome in some movies.

Sandra is definitely, well in my opinion the best actress today and it's great to see her in a role that showcases her talents as I honestly don't think this movie could have worked without her.
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There are 100 things wrong with it...but you may catch yourself smiling after thinking it over
moonspinner554 October 2001
It's over-the-top, it's occasionally offensive--to men, to women, to gays, to lesbians, and to poor Miss Hawaii--but "Miss Congeniality" has Sandra Bullock, and she's wonderful. The opening moments, with FBI agent Bullock busting Russians in a restaurant sting operation, are so good that the movie might've played very well as an FBI comedy-drama, with Bullock on different cases. I mean, maybe they should've ditched the pageant stuff, at least until next time. But, no, Bullock goes undercover as a contestant in the Miss U.S. pageant, and the movie turns into your typical makeover thing. Lots of breast jokes, TOO many high heel pratfalls, and Michael Caine as a peculiar makeover artist (he's "dripping with disdain" one minute, fatherly the next, then bitter, then cuddly). Bullock has no chemistry with Benjamin Bratt as her boss on the operation (that's not her fault, however) and I wanted more of her home life (and that doomed microwave oven), but what works does work well. Sandra's "bonding" paint party with the girls is terrific, as is her friendship with shaky Miss Rhode Island and her attempts to face down snarling Ernie Hudson as the FBI chieftain (who, like in "Ghostbusters", gets no funny lines). The movie rests solely on Bullock's shoulders, and she delivers. It may not be comic genius, but it is congenial. **1/2 from ****
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A good solid comedy for Sandra Bullock
FlickJunkie-28 May 2001
It seems we have been getting our share of Beauty Pageant comedies lately (`Beautiful', `Drop Dead Gorgeous'). `Miss Congeniality' is by far the biggest production and the best of the lot. Sandra Bullock (who also co-produced) plays Gracie Hart, a homely FBI agent who goes undercover at the Miss United States beauty pageant to catch a terrorist who has threatened to blow up the pageant.

The story is funny and Bullock shows her range, proving to be an excellent comedian in addition to her proven talents as a dramatic actor. The writers poke the typical fun at pageants and contestants throughout the film, but they develop a conscience at the end when Gracie gets teary-eyed admitting what a great experience it was. There is plenty of silly slapstick humor. Bullock does her runway thing with aplomb, and her tongue firmly in cheek. Michael Caine is wonderfully droll as the beauty consultant who is given the impossible task of turning the ugly duckling into a swan.

Interestingly, this is not the first film where Sandra Bullock makes the beast to beauty transition. In one of her early films in 1991 (`Love Potion Number 9'), she plays a geek who discovers a love potion and turns into a knockout. That film was an early indication of her comedic talents, but she eschewed zany comedy for dramatic and romantic roles for many years after that. It is good to see her return to it.

This is a very light and entertaining film that is easy to watch and easy to forget. At over $100 million gross it had plenty of mass appeal. The comedy is silly but fun, and Candice Bergen, Michael Caine and William Shatner provide some terrific moments in supporting roles. I rated it a 7/10. It is a good, solid comedy.
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Actually pretty good
Enchorde30 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
** And my answer would be; here might be spoilers **

Recap: Gracie Hart (Bullock), a tomboy all her life, is now an FBI agent in the doghouse after she disobeyed orders on her latest assignment, which then went out of control. Her partner and friend Matthews (Bratt) save her from desk work when they need an undercover agent in Miss United States beauty pageant. It is believed that a known terrorist Mr Citizen is planning an attack on the competition. Hart, however, despises such competitions and don't own a hairbrush. Victor Melling (Caine) is brought in to train her to become a believable contestant. But her new lifestyle and old one don't really match, and the mission is on the brink of being cancelled, potentially resulting in her losing her job. And when the terrorist they sought is caught, and she still thinks the contest is threatened somehow, she is on her own.

Comments: Not expecting much, I was actually surprised. This movie doesn't have any deep philosophical message, but it never pretend to have it. The story might be trivial and superficial, but it is actually pretty funny. The story is given a nice spin, and the clash between Hart's new and former lifestyle puts everything in a comic perspective. Bullock is very good both as her old and new persona, and a very good comedian as well. Both Bratt and especially Caine gives good supporting efforts and Shatner also brings a little something to the movie. With the nice use of story and the comic elements in it and the good performances from the cast this is actually a very enjoyable movie. Good entertainment for an evening at home.

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Never let a producer star in his/her film.
fjhuerta-222 April 2001
Exception being, Edward Norton (Keep the Faith was a very, very good movie).

This film made me cringe at points for being so egotistical. Start from the improbable beginning: a little, bespectacled girl hitting two guys. Improbable, but passable. Cut to the next scene, the same spectacles on Sandra Bullock. Oh, she is conducting a raid! How original! We just got to watch the SAME scene a couple of months ago in "Hannibal". So we know what will happen: she makes a mistake, she gets beaten for it, and (but of course) she gets a new assignment so that she can clear her name.

Stop me if I am wrong here, but this is one of the longest chain of clichés in any movie. "Big momma's house", "Hannibal", "Pygmalion", "My Fair Lady", you name it, it's here.

It shows who the "Producer" was. She never stops hogging the screen, either eating tons of ice cream (who thought that was funny), or smiling, or insulting anyone. Someone should tell Ms. Bullock that it takes a special someone to be funny and gross at the same time (think Eddie Murphy), and she is definitely not that kind of person. Her jokes are boring, her acting is only so-so, and she never stops being "the nice one, the intelligent one, the good one". What a bore.

Furthermore, the film lacks coherence and credibility. We are supposed to be watching a "serious" comedy, yet when she is having her make-up applied, a megaphone blurts out: "make up, podiatrist, dermatologist, aisle 25, urgent", as if in a real hangar. So dumb. I agree, there are times we should check our brains at the door and just forget all about coherence, but that is usually in "stupid" comedies, as "Dumb and dumber". This film is pretentious AND dumb at the same time.

Not to mention the fact that sweet Sandra Bullock transforms "magically" from being a brat to a beauty queen without the audience understanding what went into it. We only see her assistant, Vic (very funny performance, BTW) having trouble with her.

Oh, and I won't mention the fact that this should be an insult to any feminist. It really is degrading to women, considering the fact that it shows beauty contests as having something to do with intelligence. Isn't this the 21st century?

Overall, 6. Only because the supporting cast did make me laugh (at times).
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Excellent comedy kept me laughing all the way through.
Davenz17 March 2001
This is an excellent comedy which kept me laughing all the way through consistently without the flat patches you often get in longer comedies.

The premise is not so unusual with Sandra Bullock playing an ugly duckling/Pygmalion turning into a swan, however, the performances, especially by Bullock, Caine, Shatner and Bergen make the film.

Bullock stars as the never been loved tomboy of the FBI who has to dump her coarse manners and unkempt appearance in order to go undercover at a beauty pageant. Michael Caine is the Dr Higgins figure grooming her for stardom. Shatner plays Shatner, and Bergen is the matron of the Pageant. Benjamin Bratt plays the love interest !

Bullock is excellent all the way through from uncouth to gorgeous, and is particularly stunning in her transformed self. Caine is also excellent and the interplay between these 2 and the cast in general makes for a lively pace all the way through, til the final crowning ceremony.

A thoroughly entertaining film and well worth seeing.
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Miss Congeniality
jessibi-919568 May 2021
Miss Congeniality is a funny and charming comedy with a pretty entertaining concept. I adore Sandra Bullock as an actress and she is great in this role though I did sometimes feel like she was portraying two different characters instead of the same one pretending to be someone else. William Shatner is hilarious and steals every scene he is in. The film definitely has some plot holes and weird moments but overall I think its a very enjoyable and harmless film that offers plenty of laughs and entertainment especially if your in the right mode.
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I left the theatre hours ago and I'm still laughing
freshy171 May 2001
Honestly speaking I had not very high expectations for this one. Not because I thought it was bad, but because so much is revealed in the trailers nowadays. So I figured all the funny jokes had been given away already. I was wrong. This movie is truly entertaining and hilarious. I don't remember having such a great time at the movies in quite a while, even if some people think it is predictable, but... isn't that the reason most of us go to movies anyway? To spend a good time, have a good laugh and hopefully forget some of our everyday worries? Well this film did it for me. Congratulations to Miss Bullock, she did great job both as producer and as a leading lady, and the supporting cast was amazing. 10/10
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Catwalk tomboy
Chase_Witherspoon1 October 2012
Confirms the Sandra Bullock brand that was emerging through action-thrillers like "Speed" and "U-Turn", here cast as a tomboy detective who must learn to behave like a lady in order to compete undercover in the annual Miss America pageant to capture an extortionist. With the regaled Victor Melling (Caine) contracted to refine her rough edges and prepare her for contest, pageant director Candice Bergen recoils at the thought of such a tomboy compromising the exacting standards, poking fun at the almost sacrosanct beauty pageant industry.

Apart from the precision professionalism of Caine and Bergen in their respective roles as perfectionists, Benjamin Bratt successfully breaks his "Law and Order" mould as Bullock's practical joking colleague, while ex-Ghostbuster Ernie Hudson plays the long suffering police chief.

While the momentum sags a little early in the second half, William Shatner fills the void as the flamboyant and faithful right hand man to Bergen, showing his comedic talents first discovered on "Star Trek" had not waned over the intervening years. With a cast that seem to be comfortable in their roles and genuinely enjoying the witty dialogue, the laughs are solid and the general tone is enjoyable to watch. Surprisingly, Bullock elected to make an ill-advised sequel (read remake) with which you shouldn't need to bother if you see the original.
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Didier-Becu6 November 2003
Sure that this is a movie you can live without and in some weeks you even won't remember one bloody second of it, but still an enjoyable movie just because it's a bit fresher than most of the comedies we are seeing today. Sandra Bullock steals the show completely (perhaps her best role ever) as she plays the anti-woman who is an FBI-cop but then her worst nightmare comes across when she has to go undercover for some election from Miss America. It leads into quite silly situations that will make you laugh and even if the plot is pure Hollywoodnonsense (and not exactly the cherry on the pie), it's quite enjoyable. As always a cool Michael Caine as well. Don't rent it or so, it's not worth it, but surely see it on telly...
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Nothing new in the plot, but good anyway!
mathlepine12 January 2003
Ok, we already seen thousand times the story of a ugly girl becoming a beautiful one. With Sandra Bullock in the movie, it was at least funny. This is the kind of character that she likes to play. She is not afraid of looking ridiculous, unlike many actresses. Benjamin Bratt, Michael Caine and Candrice Bergin are very good in their characters. The love story is inevitably cliché, but it didn't bother me that much.

So for a great acting, a most of the time cliché plot and many funny moments, I give 7 out of 10 to this movie.
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