Pretty Woman (1990) Poster


Julia Roberts: Vivian Ward



  • Vivian : People put you down enough, you start to believe it.

    Edward Lewis : I think you are a very bright, very special woman.

    Vivian : The bad stuff is easier to believe. You ever notice that?

  • [after negotiating three thousand dollars] 

    Vivian : I would have stayed for two thousand.

    Edward Lewis : I would have paid four.

  • Vivian : You're late.

    Edward Lewis : You're stunning.

    Vivian : You're forgiven.

  • Edward Lewis : You can't charge me for directions.

    Vivian : I can do anything I want to, baby. I ain't lost.

  • Marie : May I help you?

    Vivian : No, thank you.

    [greeting the next saleswoman:] 

    Vivian : Hi.

    Snobby Saleswoman : Hello.

    Vivian : Do you remember me?

    Snobby Saleswoman : No, I'm sorry.

    Vivian : I was in here yesterday. You wouldn't wait on me.

    Snobby Saleswoman : Oh.

    Vivian : You work on commission, right?

    Snobby Saleswoman : Ah, yes.

    Vivian : Big mistake. Big. Huge. I have to go shopping now.

    [salesladies all have crestfallen expressions] 

  • Old Lady at Opera : Did you enjoy the opera, dear?

    Vivian : Oh, it was so good, I almost peed my pants!

    Old Lady at Opera : What?

    Edward Lewis : She said she liked it better than Pirates of Penzance.

  • Vivian : That would make you... a lawyer.

    Edward Lewis : A lawyer?

    Vivian : Mm-hm.

    Edward Lewis : Makes you think I'm a lawyer?

    Vivian : You got that, uh, sharp, useless look about you.

  • Edward Lewis : [he's said that he has arranged for her to have an apartment, to have a car, and money.]  I have to go now. I want you to understand, I heard everything you said. This is all I'm capable of right now. It's a very big step for me.

    Vivian : [sardonic]  I know. It's a really good offer for a girl like me.

    Edward Lewis : I've never treated you like a prostitute.

    [he walks away] 

    Vivian : [softly, he doesn't hear]  You just did.

  • Vivian : I want the fairy tale.

  • Edward Lewis : I told you not to pick up the phone.

    Vivian : Then stop calling me.

  • Edward Lewis : So what happened after he climbed up the tower and rescueed her?

    Vivian : She rescues him right back.

  • Vivian : [sitting with Edward leaning against her in the bathtub]  Did I mention my leg is forty-four inches from hip to toe; so, basically, we are talking about eighty-eight inches of therapy wrapped around you for the bargain price of three thousand dollars.

  • [At the beginning of the evening] 

    Vivian : If I forget to tell you later, I had a really good time tonight.

  • Vivian : I just wanna know who it works out for. You give me one example of someone that we know.

    Kit : Name someone? You want me to name someone? You want to, like, give you a name or something?

    Vivian : Yeah, I'd like a name.

    Kit : Oh, God, the pressure of a name...

    Kit : [thinks then suddenly lightens up]  Cindafuckin'rella.

  • Vivian : Can I call you Eddie?

    Edward Lewis : Not if you expect me to answer.

  • Vivian : Bridge? He's not really my uncle.

    Bridget : They never are, dear.

  • Vivian : [when the elevator door opens, she says this real loud in front of other guests, and Edward]  Well, color me happy! There's a sofa in here for two!

  • Vivian : Baby, I'm gonna treat you so nice, you're never gonna wanna let me go.

    Edward Lewis : Three thousand for six days, and, Vivian, I will let you go.

    [he goes out and closes the door] 

    Vivian : [smiles and says very quietly:]  But I'm here now.

    [then gleefully jumps onto the bed] 

  • Vivian : Let's watch old movies all night. We'll just veg out in front of the TV.

    Edward Lewis : Veg out?

    Vivian : Yeah. Be still like vegetables. Lay like broccoli.

    Edward Lewis : Look, I'll tell ya what. I'll be back. We'll do broccoli tomorrow.

  • Edward Lewis : It's just that, uh, very few people surprise me.

    Vivian : Yeah, well, you're lucky. Most of 'em shock the hell outta me.

  • Edward Lewis : You all right?

    Vivian : I'm fine.

    Edward Lewis : "Fine." Well, that's good. Seven "fine"s since we left the match. Can I have another word, please?

    Vivian : ASSHOLE! THERE'S a "word!"

    Edward Lewis : I think I liked "fine" better.

  • Vivian : [as Vivian tries to eat escargot, she pulls too hard on her tongs, and the snail goes FLYING through the air about 12 feet.]  Slippery little suckers.

    Waiter : [a quick-reflex waiter catches it]  It happens all the time.

  • Vivian : What would it be like?

    Edward Lewis : Well, for one thing it would get you off of the streets.

    Vivian : That's just geography.

  • Olsen Sister : [Olsen Sister #2, Gretchen]  Edward's our most eligible bachelor, everybody is trying to land him.

    Vivian : Well, I'm not trying to land him. I'm just using him for sex.

  • Vivian : Listen, I... I appreciate this whole seduction scene you've got going, but lemme give you a tip: I'm a sure thing, okay? So, I'm on an hourly rate. Can we just move it along?

  • Kit : You should go for him. You look hot tonight. Don't take less than a hundred. Call me when you're through. Take care of you.

    Vivian : Take care of you.

  • Vivian : [referring to Philip Stuckey]  Real genuine guy. Who is he?

    Edward Lewis : He's my lawyer. He's all right.

    Vivian : You could freeze ice on his wife's ass.

    Edward Lewis : We'll try that later.

  • Vivian : [sitting at a table, naked, and only wearing a tie]  How was your day, dear?

    Edward Lewis : Nice tie.

    Vivian : I got it for you.

  • Edward Lewis : What's your name?

    Vivian : What you want it to be?

  • Vivian : When I was a little girl, my mama used to lock me in the attic when I was bad, which was pretty often, and I would... I would pretend I was a princess trapped in a tower by a wicked queen, and then suddenly this knight... on a white horse with these colors flying would come charging up and draw his sword, and I would wave, and he would climb up the tower and rescue me - but never in all the time... that I had this dream did the knight say to me, "Come on, baby, I'll put you up in a great condo."

  • Vivian : [after Edward catches her singing along to Prince]  Don't you just love Prince?

    Edward Lewis : More than life itself.

  • Vivian : [to Edward]  Oh, honey, you know what's happened? I've got a runner in my pantyhose.


    Vivian : I'm not wearing pantyhose.

  • Vivian : You know, you could pay me. That's one way to maybe break the ice.

  • Vivian : What's your name?

    Edward Lewis : Edward.

    Vivian : Edward? That's my favorite name in the whole world.

  • Edward Lewis : Six nights at $300 is $1,800.

    Vivian : You want days too.

    Edward Lewis : $2,000.

    Vivian : $3,000.

    Edward Lewis : Done.

    Vivian : Holy shit!

  • Kit : You clean up real nice. You sure don't fit in down on the Boulevard lookin' like you do, not that you ever did.

    Vivian : Well, thanks, but it's easy to clean up when you got money.

  • Vivian : I got red, I got green, I got yellow... I'm out of purple, but I do have one Gold Circle coin left... the condom of champions... the one and only... nothin' is gettin' through this sucker. Whaddya say, hm?

    Edward Lewis : A buffet of safety?

    Vivian : I'm a safety girl.

    [Edward stands up] 

    Vivian : All right, let's get one of these on ya.

  • Edward Lewis : [watching a polo match]  Well done!

    Vivian : Well done! WAH! WAH! WAH!

  • Kit : You definitely like him. Well, he's not a bum. He's a rich, classy guy.

    Vivian : Who's gonna break my heart, right?

    Kit : Oh, no, come on, you don't know that. Hey, he asked you right? Maybe you guys could, like, um... you know, get a house together and, like, buy some diamonds and a horse. I don't know.

  • Edward Lewis : How much for the entire night?

    Vivian : To stay here? You couldn't afford it.

    Edward Lewis : Try me.

    Vivian : Three hundred dollars.

    Edward Lewis : [taking her empty champagne glass]  Done. Thank you. Now we can relax.

  • Carlos : Edward. So how's it feel to be a trick?

    Edward Lewis : I am not a trick. This is a trick. Darryl! Left pocket. Isn't that incredible? And he does have a permit. Thank you, gentlemen. Don't you ever go near her again.

    Vivian : Does Darryl always carry a gun?

    Edward Lewis : When he drives me, yes, always.

  • Vivian : What's going on out here?

    Edward Lewis : I don't know. You left and all of a suddenly I'm in the middle of West Side Story.

  • Vivian : Are you sure you want me to stay for the entire night? I mean, I could just pop ya good and be on my way.

    Edward Lewis : Tell ya the truth, I don't feel like being alone tonight.

    Vivian : Why, is it your birthday or something?

    Edward Lewis : No.

    Vivian : >I mean, I been been the party at a couple of birthdays.

    Edward Lewis : I bet you have.

  • Vivian : I say who! I say when! I say... WHO!

  • Vivian : I got a dress.

    Barney : Well, I'd rather hoped you'd be WEARING it.

  • Vivian : I think you have a lot of special gifts.

  • Vivian : I'm sorry I ever met you. I'm sorry I ever got into your stupid car!

    Edward Lewis : As if you had so many more appealing options!

    Vivian : I never had anyone make me feel as cheap as you did today.

    Edward Lewis : Somehow, I find that very hard to believe.

  • Vivian : Mind, if I, uhm, take a swim in your tub before I go?

    Edward Lewis : Not at all. Just stay in the shallow end.

  • Vivian : So, do you have a wife? Girlfriend?

    Edward Lewis : I have both.

  • Vivian : Uh, Edward will be back soon. Any minute he'll be home.

    Philip Stuckey : You know this is not home. This is, uh... a hotel room, and, uh... you are not a little woman. You're a hooker. Maybe you're a very good hooker. And, maybe if I do you, then I wouldn't care about losing millions of dollars, because I have to be very honest with you right now, Vivian, right now I really do care. I really do. Right now, I am really pissed, you know? Right now I am just freaking out, so maybe if I screw you, huh, and take you to the opera, then I can be a happy guy, just like Edward.

  • Vivian : These people your friends?

    Edward Lewis : I spend time with them, yeah.

    Vivian : Well, no wonder.

    Edward Lewis : No wonder what?

    Vivian : No wonder why you came looking for me.

  • Vivian : They've never seen catsup before?

    Edward Lewis : Not in this building.

  • Vivian : [on the balcony]  Wow, great view. I bet you can see all the way to the ocean from out here.

    Edward Lewis : I'll take your word for it. I don't go out there.

    Vivian : Why don't you go out there?

    Edward Lewis : I'm afraid of heights.

    Vivian : You are? So how come you rented a penthouse?

    Edward Lewis : It's the best. I looked all around for penthouses on the first floor but I can't find one.

  • Vivian : How much is this?

    Snobby Saleswoman : I don't think this would fit you.

    Vivian : Well, I didn't ask if it would fit. I asked how much it was.

    Snobby Saleswoman : How much is this, Marie?

    Marie : It's very expensive.

    Snobby Saleswoman : It's very expensive.

    Vivian : Look, I got money to spend in here

    Snobby Saleswoman : I don't think we have anything for you. You're obviously in the wrong place. Please leave.

  • Edward Lewis : Yes, I'd like to hire you as an employee. Would you consider spending a week with me? I will pay you to be at my beck and call.

    Vivian : Look, I'd love to be your "beck and call" girl, but, um, you're now a rich. good-looking guy. You could get a million girls free.

    Edward Lewis : I want a professional. Don't need any romantic hassles this week.

  • James Morse : [Edward and Vivian are having dinner with David and James Morse discussing Edward's acquisition of James' company]  I met your father, what's his name?

    Edward Lewis : Carter.

    James Morse : Yeah, Carter. Carter Lewis. He's not quite the bastard everybody says he is.

    Edward Lewis : No, I have the franchise on that.

    James Morse : Does that make him proud?

    Edward Lewis : I doubt it. It doesn't really matter now, he passed away.

    James Morse : I hadn't heard. I'm sorry.

    Vivian : [quietly to Edward]  I'm sorry too.

    Edward Lewis : [impatiently]  Mr. Morse, you asked for this meeting. What can I do for you?

    James Morse : Leave my company alone!

    Edward Lewis : I can't do that. I own ten million shares.

    James Morse : I'll buy your stock back.

    Edward Lewis : You don't have the money.

    David Morse : We will. We're getting a contract to build ten destroyers.

    Edward Lewis : There will be no contract. The contract is now buried in the appropriations committee and it will remain there.

  • Edward Lewis : [while driving the Lotus, she told him how much the going rate is]  You gotta be joking.

    Vivian : I never joke about money.

    Vivian : Neither do I.

    Edward Lewis : A hundred dollars an hour. Pretty stiff.

    Vivian : [with her free hand, reaches down towards his crotch]  Well, no, but it's got potential.

  • Philip Stuckey : Having a nice time Vivian.

    Vivian : Yeah I'm having a great time.

    Philip Stuckey : Must be quite a change from Hollywood Boulevard hmmm?

    Vivian : [gives a shocked and uncomfortable look]  What?

    Philip Stuckey : Yeah Edward told me and don't worry your secret is safe with me. Listen maybe you and I could get together sometime after Edward leaves.

    Vivian : [about to cry but covers it up with a smile]  Yeah sure. Why not?

    Philip Stuckey : We'll just have to do that.

See also

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