Pretty Woman (1990) Poster


Richard Gere: Edward Lewis



  • Vivian : People put you down enough, you start to believe it.

    Edward Lewis : I think you are a very bright, very special woman.

    Vivian : The bad stuff is easier to believe. You ever notice that?

  • [after negotiating three thousand dollars] 

    Vivian : I would have stayed for two thousand.

    Edward Lewis : I would have paid four.

  • Vivian : You're late.

    Edward Lewis : You're stunning.

    Vivian : You're forgiven.

  • Edward Lewis : You can't charge me for directions.

    Vivian : I can do anything I want to, baby. I ain't lost.

  • Old Lady at Opera : Did you enjoy the opera, dear?

    Vivian : Oh, it was so good, I almost peed my pants!

    Old Lady at Opera : What?

    Edward Lewis : She said she liked it better than Pirates of Penzance.

  • Edward Lewis : I think we both know that she's not my niece.

    Barney : Of course.

    Edward Lewis : The reason I know that is that I'm an only child.

  • Vivian : That would make you... a lawyer.

    Edward Lewis : A lawyer?

    Vivian : Mm-hm.

    Edward Lewis : Makes you think I'm a lawyer?

    Vivian : You got that, uh, sharp, useless look about you.

  • Edward Lewis : [he's said that he has arranged for her to have an apartment, to have a car, and money.]  I have to go now. I want you to understand, I heard everything you said. This is all I'm capable of right now. It's a very big step for me.

    Vivian : [sardonic]  I know. It's a really good offer for a girl like me.

    Edward Lewis : I've never treated you like a prostitute.

    [he walks away] 

    Vivian : [softly, he doesn't hear]  You just did.

  • Edward Lewis : I told you not to pick up the phone.

    Vivian : Then stop calling me.

  • Edward Lewis : So what happened after he climbed up the tower and rescueed her?

    Vivian : She rescues him right back.

  • Vivian : Can I call you Eddie?

    Edward Lewis : Not if you expect me to answer.

  • [after meeting Vivian] 

    Elizabeth Stuckey : She's sweet, Edward. Where ever did you find her?

    Edward Lewis : 976-BABE.

  • Edward Lewis : People's reactions to opera the first time they see it is very dramatic; they either love it or they hate it. If they love it, they will always love it. If they don't, they may learn to appreciate it, but it will never become part of their soul.

  • Vivian : Baby, I'm gonna treat you so nice, you're never gonna wanna let me go.

    Edward Lewis : Three thousand for six days, and, Vivian, I will let you go.

    [he goes out and closes the door] 

    Vivian : [smiles and says very quietly:]  But I'm here now.

    [then gleefully jumps onto the bed] 

  • Vivian : Let's watch old movies all night. We'll just veg out in front of the TV.

    Edward Lewis : Veg out?

    Vivian : Yeah. Be still like vegetables. Lay like broccoli.

    Edward Lewis : Look, I'll tell ya what. I'll be back. We'll do broccoli tomorrow.

  • Edward Lewis : Do you have anything in this shop as beautiful as she is?

  • Edward Lewis : It's just that, uh, very few people surprise me.

    Vivian : Yeah, well, you're lucky. Most of 'em shock the hell outta me.

  • Edward Lewis : You all right?

    Vivian : I'm fine.

    Edward Lewis : "Fine." Well, that's good. Seven "fine"s since we left the match. Can I have another word, please?

    Vivian : ASSHOLE! THERE'S a "word!"

    Edward Lewis : I think I liked "fine" better.

  • Vivian : What would it be like?

    Edward Lewis : Well, for one thing it would get you off of the streets.

    Vivian : That's just geography.

  • Mr. Hollister : Exactly how obscene an amount of money were you talking about? Just profane or really offensive?

    Edward Lewis : Really offensive.

    Mr. Hollister : I like him so much.

  • Edward Lewis : You make a hundred dollars an hour and you got a safety pin holding your boot up?

  • Edward Lewis : Wake up! Time to shop.

  • Vivian : [referring to Philip Stuckey]  Real genuine guy. Who is he?

    Edward Lewis : He's my lawyer. He's all right.

    Vivian : You could freeze ice on his wife's ass.

    Edward Lewis : We'll try that later.

  • Vivian : [sitting at a table, naked, and only wearing a tie]  How was your day, dear?

    Edward Lewis : Nice tie.

    Vivian : I got it for you.

  • Edward Lewis : What's your name?

    Vivian : What you want it to be?

  • Edward Lewis : You and I are such similar creatures, Vivian. We both screw people for money.

  • Vivian : [after Edward catches her singing along to Prince]  Don't you just love Prince?

    Edward Lewis : More than life itself.

  • Edward Lewis : Oh, by the way, Phil! About your car.

    Philip Stuckey : Oh, God. What?

    Edward Lewis : It corners like it's on rails.

  • Vivian : What's your name?

    Edward Lewis : Edward.

    Vivian : Edward? That's my favorite name in the whole world.

  • Edward Lewis : Impossible relationships. My special gift is impossible relationships.

  • Edward Lewis : Six nights at $300 is $1,800.

    Vivian : You want days too.

    Edward Lewis : $2,000.

    Vivian : $3,000.

    Edward Lewis : Done.

    Vivian : Holy shit!

  • Vivian : I got red, I got green, I got yellow... I'm out of purple, but I do have one Gold Circle coin left... the condom of champions... the one and only... nothin' is gettin' through this sucker. Whaddya say, hm?

    Edward Lewis : A buffet of safety?

    Vivian : I'm a safety girl.

    [Edward stands up] 

    Vivian : All right, let's get one of these on ya.

  • Edward Lewis : [watching a polo match]  Well done!

    Vivian : Well done! WAH! WAH! WAH!

  • Edward Lewis : How much for the entire night?

    Vivian : To stay here? You couldn't afford it.

    Edward Lewis : Try me.

    Vivian : Three hundred dollars.

    Edward Lewis : [taking her empty champagne glass]  Done. Thank you. Now we can relax.

  • Edward Lewis : [to Vivian]  I'd like you to spend the week with me.

  • Carlos : Edward. So how's it feel to be a trick?

    Edward Lewis : I am not a trick. This is a trick. Darryl! Left pocket. Isn't that incredible? And he does have a permit. Thank you, gentlemen. Don't you ever go near her again.

    Vivian : Does Darryl always carry a gun?

    Edward Lewis : When he drives me, yes, always.

  • Vivian : What's going on out here?

    Edward Lewis : I don't know. You left and all of a suddenly I'm in the middle of West Side Story.

  • Edward Lewis : [emerging from conference room after one-on-one with Morse, where they agree to call off the deal]  Philip, finish it up.

    Philip Stuckey : [Stuckey enters conference room and closes the door. Edward leaves, smiling at what Stuckey's about to see]  These aren't signed! Why aren't these signed? Dammit, will someone please tell me what the fuck is going on!

    James Morse : Mr. Lewis and I are going to build ships together. Great big ships!

  • Vivian : Are you sure you want me to stay for the entire night? I mean, I could just pop ya good and be on my way.

    Edward Lewis : Tell ya the truth, I don't feel like being alone tonight.

    Vivian : Why, is it your birthday or something?

    Edward Lewis : No.

    Vivian : >I mean, I been been the party at a couple of birthdays.

    Edward Lewis : I bet you have.

  • Edward Lewis : I'm very angry with my father.

  • Vivian : I'm sorry I ever met you. I'm sorry I ever got into your stupid car!

    Edward Lewis : As if you had so many more appealing options!

    Vivian : I never had anyone make me feel as cheap as you did today.

    Edward Lewis : Somehow, I find that very hard to believe.

  • Vivian : Mind, if I, uhm, take a swim in your tub before I go?

    Edward Lewis : Not at all. Just stay in the shallow end.

  • Vivian : So, do you have a wife? Girlfriend?

    Edward Lewis : I have both.

  • Philip Stuckey : Edward where are you going?

    Edward Lewis : Do you have the keys to your car?

    Philip Stuckey : Why? What's wrong with the limo?

    Edward Lewis : Look, the limo is buried back there and Darryl can't get it out.

    [Darryl raises his hand to show his helplessness about the situation] 

  • Vivian : These people your friends?

    Edward Lewis : I spend time with them, yeah.

    Vivian : Well, no wonder.

    Edward Lewis : No wonder what?

    Vivian : No wonder why you came looking for me.

  • Vivian : They've never seen catsup before?

    Edward Lewis : Not in this building.

  • Vivian : [on the balcony]  Wow, great view. I bet you can see all the way to the ocean from out here.

    Edward Lewis : I'll take your word for it. I don't go out there.

    Vivian : Why don't you go out there?

    Edward Lewis : I'm afraid of heights.

    Vivian : You are? So how come you rented a penthouse?

    Edward Lewis : It's the best. I looked all around for penthouses on the first floor but I can't find one.

  • Edward Lewis : When you and I were dating, did you speak to my secretary more than you spoke to me?

    Susan : She was one of my bridesmaids.

  • Edward Lewis : Yes, I'd like to hire you as an employee. Would you consider spending a week with me? I will pay you to be at my beck and call.

    Vivian : Look, I'd love to be your "beck and call" girl, but, um, you're now a rich. good-looking guy. You could get a million girls free.

    Edward Lewis : I want a professional. Don't need any romantic hassles this week.

  • James Morse : [Edward and Vivian are having dinner with David and James Morse discussing Edward's acquisition of James' company]  I met your father, what's his name?

    Edward Lewis : Carter.

    James Morse : Yeah, Carter. Carter Lewis. He's not quite the bastard everybody says he is.

    Edward Lewis : No, I have the franchise on that.

    James Morse : Does that make him proud?

    Edward Lewis : I doubt it. It doesn't really matter now, he passed away.

    James Morse : I hadn't heard. I'm sorry.

    Vivian : [quietly to Edward]  I'm sorry too.

    Edward Lewis : [impatiently]  Mr. Morse, you asked for this meeting. What can I do for you?

    James Morse : Leave my company alone!

    Edward Lewis : I can't do that. I own ten million shares.

    James Morse : I'll buy your stock back.

    Edward Lewis : You don't have the money.

    David Morse : We will. We're getting a contract to build ten destroyers.

    Edward Lewis : There will be no contract. The contract is now buried in the appropriations committee and it will remain there.

  • Edward Lewis : [while driving the Lotus, she told him how much the going rate is]  You gotta be joking.

    Vivian : I never joke about money.

    Vivian : Neither do I.

    Edward Lewis : A hundred dollars an hour. Pretty stiff.

    Vivian : [with her free hand, reaches down towards his crotch]  Well, no, but it's got potential.

  • Edward Lewis : [to Vivian, as they walk through the foyer]  When you're not fidgeting, you look very beautiful. And very tall.

See also

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