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Sex & Nudity

  • About 9 minutes into the movie, a teacher grabs a card that has a topless woman on it from a male student, at a high school.

Violence & Gore

  • Some minor threats and talk about violence.
  • A woman smacks a man in the face twice.


  • Most of them by teenagers, Some by an adult.
  • One of the uses each of fuck, piss, hell and ass is by an adult during an argument discussion.
  • Typical '80s teen-flick language. (Shit, ass, bitch, asshole, assface, fuck, etc.), along with homophobic insults. (Lesbian, faggot.).

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • We see numerous scenes of Watts smoking.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Keith and his father get into an argument and they both raise their voices at each other.

See also

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