Saw this on MGM a month ago very good.
3 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't catch the very beginning of it but I seen most of this movie. The story is about this guy played by DB Sweeney (who was in that 2000 animated film Dinosaur as the voice of that dinosaur in that movie)who's a former hockey player who had some sort of accident meaning he can't play Hockey anymore. So he decides to try something else which is(yup) Ice skating,where he meets and later falls for a girl played by Moira Kelly(who was in One Tree Hill and The Lion King). Problem is she's getting married so there's a will they won't they scenario going on.

Bottom line I found it really enjoyable and if its on TV again I won't miss out on the beginning of it.If you like Ice Skating movies then check it out.
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