Review of Z Rock

Z Rock (2008–2009)
1st Show, 2nd Season
7 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Welcome back, Z Rock! The first season was hilarious and sexy. It has my favorite type of laughs, the type where you gasp in shock/disbelief at first and then just guffaw. The first season had many of these (the belief that Joan Rivers was involved in a casino elevator 3 way, the ruination of the band's chance at a break due to one of their own being caught on camera in total physical involvement with the record label president's wife, etc) to make it worth watching.

We were eagerly awaiting the 1st show of the 2nd season. There was no disappointment. Many LOLs watching these sexy, goofy, talented young men try to find their way professionally (and back to each other) in Manhattan. Brilliant humor laced with some true gross out (but still funny)bodily function gags.

If a show could be a person, then this is one I would want for a friend: funny, talented, interesting with a good, big heart. Congrats, guys. Looking forward to the rest of the season.
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