Review of Z Rock

Z Rock (2008–2009)
Very Underrated Show
19 May 2009
This show is great! Z Rock has a simple concept. It's a show about three guy's and their agent trying to make it big as a rock band. They get good gigs, they screw up, meet some famous people, screw up again, and display a realistic look on how it is to really try to start a rock band in real life. This show has a lot of nice celebrity appearances. From Joan Rivers to Dave Navarro, the show is enjoyable and is being supported by some big names in the business. The music by the band, although not great, is catchy and can keep any real musicians interested. The acting is very good and unique - the show is not scripted. The actors get to say what they want to make it feel more natural and I have to say it works!

One thing that hurts this show is it's on an unknown channel. IFC is an unknown upper channel that half the people that actually own probably don't know they own it. But that is no reason to bring it down. It's an unscripted, uncensored, uninterrupted show that I would pick any day over a local channel TV show. I don't have much more to add but for anyone that has IFC to watch this show! DirecTV users can tune into 550 every Tuesday night and check this show out, along with another great line up of shows before and after Z Rock.
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