

Public data at your fingertips

The Illinois Answers Project offers two easy-to-use databases of public information to bring greater clarity to how tax dollars are used.

Illinois Public Employee Salaries

Illinois Answers compiles the most comprehensive database to review, explore and compare compensation for public employees in Illinois.

Illinois Public Pensions

We collect data from the largest public pension systems in the state and centralize it into our Illinois Public Pensions Database.

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The Illinois Answers Project is an investigations and solutions-focused nonprofit and nonpartisan news organization published by the Better Government Association. Launched in November 2022, the Illinois Answers Project identifies problems and solutions to significant Chicago and Illinois problems. Learn more


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Greising: Aldermen Gain Upper Hand Over ShotSpotter’s Future

The lengthy and intense City Council debate this week over the future of ShotSpotter, the heavily hyped and deeply flawed policing technology, came at a fitting time: just before Memorial Day weekend, when the summerlong fight against violent crime begins in earnest. Summer is when the Chicago Police Department is put to the test, and ShotSpotter…

Greising: Illinois Tier 2 Pension Promise Needs To Be Fixed

In the debate over how to fix Illinois’ worst-in-the-nation pension problem, the people who argue that retirement pay and benefits need to be protected at all costs have always held the high ground. The law is on their side: Pensions are a contract, the benefits of which “shall not be diminished or impaired,” the Illinois…