Welcome, I am Juntao — Engineer, Educator, Creator.

I help developers write better code through clear, practical guidance.

I share in-depth insights and practical tutorials in books, courses and videos.

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React Anti-Patterns

React Anti-Patterns

Take your React development skills to the next level by examining common anti-patterns with expert insights and practical solutions, to refine your codebases into sophisticated and scalable creations. Through this easy-to-follow guide, React Anti-Patterns serves as a roadmap to elevating the efficiency and maintainability of your React projects.

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Test-Driven Development with React and TypeScript

Test-Driven Development with React and TypeScript

Apply Test-Driven principles to create scalable and maintainable React applications. This book covers a wide range of topics, including setting up a testing environment and utilizing popular testing frameworks like Cypress,Jest, and the React Testing Library. It also delves into valuable refactoring techniques, as well as enhancing code maintainability and readability.

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Recent Articles

Interview with Packt on my new book React Anti-Patterns

As an application grows and more code is added, the initial loading time can become noticeably longer. This delay, sometimes lasting several seconds, can frustrate users. To avoid this, it's essential to optimize loading times.

Juntao Qiu • 01/10/2024

Implementing Dynamic Import and Code Splitting

As an application grows and more code is added, the initial loading time can become noticeably longer. This delay, sometimes lasting several seconds, can frustrate users. To avoid this, it's essential to optimize loading times.

Juntao Qiu • 12/21/2023

Why Web UI Development Is So Hard?

The landscape of web UI development is fraught with challenges that extend beyond writing code and designing interfaces. The inherent language limitations, nuanced data management, async complexities, and often-ignored unhappy paths collectively make this a formidable field. Architectural decisions ...

Juntao Qiu • 10/10/2023

Test-Driven Development Mini Course

The Mini-Course on React and Test-Driven Development will provide you with the skills and knowledge to build robust, scalable and maintainable React applications.

Juntao Qiu • 02/01/2023

Articles published on other places

Data Fetching Patterns in Single-Page Applications

When a single-page application needs to fetch data from a remote source, it needs to do so while remaining responsive and providing feedback to the user during an often slow query.

Juntao Qiu • 06/01/2024

Headless Component: a pattern for composing React UIs

As React UI controls become more sophisticated, complex logic can get intertwined with the visual representation. This makes it hard to reason about the behavior of the component, hard to test it, and necessary to build similar components that need a different look. A Headless Component extracts all non-visual logic and state management, separating the brain of a component from its looks.

Juntao Qiu • 11/07/2023

Modularizing React Applications with Established UI Patterns

Established UI patterns are often underutilized in the frontend development world, despite their proven effectiveness in solving complex problems in UI design. This article explores the application of established UI building patterns to the React world, with a refactoring journey code example to showcase the benefits. The emphasis is placed on how layering architecture can help organize the React application for improved responsiveness and future changes.

Juntao Qiu • 05/16/2023
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