Root Zone LGR for script: Malayalam (Mlym) rz-lgr-5-malayalam-script-26may22-en

This document is mechanically formatted from the above XML file for the LGR. It provides additional summary data and explanatory text. The XML file remains the sole normative specification of the LGR.

Date 2022-05-26
LGR Version 5 (Root Zone LGR for the Malayalam Script)
Language und-Mlym (Malayalam Script)
Scope domain: "." (Root)
Unicode Version 11.0.0

Table of Contents


Root Zone Label Generation Rules for the Malayalam script


This file contains Label Generation Rules (LGR) for the Malayalam script for the Root Zone. For details on the development of this LGR and additional background on the script, see “Proposal for a Malayalam Script Root Zone Label Generation Ruleset (LGR)” [Proposal-Malayalam]. This file is one of a set of LGR files that together form an integrated LGR for the DNS Root Zone [RZ-LGR-5]. The format of this file follows [RFC 7940].


The repertoire contains 70 code points for letters used in the Malayalam language in addition to 11 sequences used in defining variants, bringing the total repertoire entries to 81.

For more detail, see Section 5, “Repertoire” in [Proposal-Malayalam].

The repertoire is based on [MSR-5], which is a subset of [Unicode 11.0].

As part of the Root Zone, this LGR includes neither decimal digits nor the HYPHEN-MINUS.

Code points outside the Malayalam script that are listed in this file are targets for out-of-script variants and are identified by a reflexive (identity) variant of type “out-of-repertoire-var”. They do not form part of the repertoire.

Each code point is tagged with the script or scripts with which the code point is used, one or more other character categories, and one or more references documenting sufficient justification for inclusion in the repertoire; see “References” below.


This LGR defines in-script variants and cross-script variants as described in Section 6, “Variants”, in [Proposal-Malayalam]. One in-script variant is due to the multiple ways to write the conjunct “nta” in Malayalam. Cross-script variants for related scripts are mainly defined for Tamil code points, as well as for Oriya and Myanmar.

For consistency with other RZ-LGRs, cross-script variants to ASCII code points are listed explicitly as well. For the Malayalam LGR this requires the addition of one redundant sequence U+0D1F U+0D1F (ടട). This sequence has no effect on available labels.

Variant Disposition: All variants are of type “blocked”, making labels that differ only by these variants mutually exclusive: whichever label containing either of these variants is chosen earlier, the other one equivalent variant label should be blocked. There is no preference among these variants.

This LGR does not define allocatable variants.

Additional Variants: This LGR inherits additional blocked cross-script variants by integration; they may not be listed here unless they result in in-script variants. See the merged, Common LGR [RZ-LGR-5] for details of all applicable cross-script variants, including any not listed here; always use the Common LGR for determining cross-script collisions of labels.

The specification of variants in the Root Zone LGR follows the guidelines in [RFC 8228].

Context Rules for Variants: some of the variants defined in this LGR are “effective null variants”, that is, some code points in the source map to “nothing” in the target with all other code points unchanged. (Because mappings are symmetric, it does not matter whether it is the forward or reverse mapping that maps to “null” ). Such variants require a context rule to keep the variant set well-behaved. Symmetry requires the same context rule for both forward and reverse mappings.

In other cases, the sequences or code points making up source and target are constrained by context rules on the code points. In such a case, any variants require context rules that match the intersection between the contexts for both source and target; otherwise a sequence might be considered valid in some variant label when it would not be valid in an equivalent context in an original label.

Character Classes

The basic characters in Malayalam are classified here into the following categories: Consonants, Vowels, Matra and Reordrant Vowel Diacritics, Halant, Visarga, Anusvara and Chillu letters.

Consonant: Malayalam is written in an abugida script derived ultimately from Brahmi in which every consonant carries an inherent /a/. More details in Section 3.8, “The Structure of Malayalam Script” of [Proposal-Malayalam].

Vowels: Like consonants, the independent vowels can follow any other class of code points in a label.

Matra: Vowels other than the inherent vowel are written as vowel diacritics. They are referred to as Matras, when they follow consonants. More details in Section 3.8, “The Structure of Malayalam Script” of [Proposal-Malayalam].

Halant: A consonant can be combined with another consonant or conjunct using the halant encoded as U+0D4D ( ്) MALAYALAM SIGN VIRAMA. This strips off the implicit vowel. More details in Section 3.8, “The Structure of Malayalam Script” of [Proposal-Malayalam].

Anusvara: In Malayalam, anusvara represented as U+0D02 ( ം), simply represents a consonant /m/ after a vowel, though this /m/ may be assimilated to another nasal consonant. More details in Section 3.8, “The Structure of Malayalam Script” of [Proposal-Malayalam].

Visarga: The visarga represents a consonant /h/ after a vowel, and is transliterated as ḥ. Like the anusvara, it is a special symbol, and is never followed by an inherent vowel or another vowel. More details in Section 3.8, “The Structure of Malayalam Script” of [Proposal-Malayalam].

Chillu: Chillu letters, aka “Chillaksharam”, represent pure consonants without any vowel sound. More details in Section 3.8, “The Structure of Malayalam Script” of [Proposal-Malayalam].

Reordrant: Vowel diacritics, part of which reorder around the preceding character or conjunct. More details in Sections 6.1 “In-script Variants” and 7.1.1 “Variables or definitions” of [Proposal-Malayalam].

Whole Label Evaluation (WLE) and Context Rules

Default Whole Label Evaluation Rules and Actions

The LGR includes the set of required default WLE rules and actions applicable to the Root Zone and defined in [MSR-5]. They are marked with ⍟. The default prohibition on leading combining marks is equivalent to ensuring that a label only starts with a consonant or vowel.

Malayalam-specific Rules

There are constraints on the context for many of the character classes in Malayalam. A corresponding set of context and whole label rules has been formulated for LGR specification, as described in Section 7, “Whole Label Evaluation (WLE) Rules” in [Proposal-Malayalam].

The following symbols are used in the WLE rules:
C → Consonant
M → Matra
V → Vowel
B → Anusvara
X → Visarga
D → Chandrabindu
H → Halant
L → Chillu
R → Reordrant Matra

Note: the Reordrant Matras include one sequence. That requires an auxiliary rule R in addition to class R.

The rules are:

The following context rules apply to Consonants U+0D33 () LLA and U+0D31 () RRA as well as to sequences ending in these code points:

Note: the implementation of Rules 7 & 8 relies on the fact that a context rule is not evaluated between code points in the same sequence. For example, if a label contains two adjacent U+0D33 U+0D33 (ളള) surrounded by other code points , the two code points can only be interpreted as the sequence U+0D33 U+0D33 (ളള) because a singleton U+0D33 () is not allowed to be followed by another U+0D33 ().

The following context rule applies to the sequence Chillu N + Halant (U+0D7B U+0D4D):

Context rules for Variants

The following context rules apply to variants:

These rules ensure that the variant label sets are well-behaved in cases where variant sequences overlap.

Note: any sequences ending with 0D31 would overlap with the various variant sequences beginning with 0D31, therefore this LGR drops the 0D31 from the end of these sequences, but adds context rule V1, when="followed-by-0D31" instead. Because all the variants also end in 0D31, this results in the same generated variants as if the sequences had been defined with trailing U+0D31 (), but now the variants are well-behaved in all contexts.

More details in Section 6.1, “In-script Variants” and Section 7, “Whole Label Evaluation Rules (WLE)” of [Proposal-Malayalam]

There are a number of cross-script homoglyphs to U+0D31 () RRA, which would interact with the definition of in-script sequences and variants, leading to unacceptable complexity. These variants would affect only labels made solely of letters RRA, and no other labels. Rule 8 already restricts labels consisting solely of copies of the letter RRA to either “റ” or “ററ”, thus allowing only two such labels. The following rule disallows the remaining two possible labels, obviating any need to define these cross-script variants.

Malayalam-specific actions

WLE rules 6 and 10 trigger Malayalam-specific actions to invalidate any original and variant labels not satisfying the constraints. See Section 7, “Whole Label Evaluation (WLE) Rules” in [Proposal-Malayalam].

Methodology and Contributors

The Root Zone LGR for the Malayalam script was developed by the Neo-Brahmi Generation Panel (NBGP) the members of which have experience in linguistics and computational linguistics in a wide variety of languages written with Neo-Brahmi scripts. Under the Neo-Brahmi Generation Panel, there are nine scripts belonging to separate Unicode blocks. Each of these scripts has been assigned a separate LGR, with the Neo-Brahmi GP ensuring that the fundamental philosophy behind building each LGR is in sync with all other Brahmi-derived scripts. For further details on methodology and contributors, see Sections 4 and 8 in [Proposal-Malayalam], as well as [RZ-LGR-5-Overview].

Changes from LGR-3

This LGR has been updated for LGR-4 to address an inconsistency involving the conjunct “nta” and to eliminate some potentially complex interactions with cross-script variants. For the prior version see [RZ-LGR-3-Mlym].

  1. Removed Chillu N from rule 1 and added a new context rule applied to the sequence Chillu N + Halant (U+0D7B U+0D4D):

    • 9. The sequence U+0D7B U+0D4D (ൻ്) must be preceded by C, L, M, V and must be followed by U+0D31 ()

    This change disallows some contexts that should not have been allowed for U+0D4D ( ്) when following U+0D7B ().

  2. Added a new context rule applied to variants:

    • V1: A variant is defined when followed by U+0D31 ()

    The definition of the sequences to which this context rule applies has been changed by dropping the final U+0D31 (). This is an equivalent formulation. The change simplifies the formulation of other rules and variant definitions.

  3. Added a new whole-label rule (and corresponding action):

    • 10. A label cannot consist solely of letters U+0D31 () RRA

    This rule invalidates the two labels U+0D31 () and U+0D31 U+0D31 (ററ), obviating the need to define certain cross-script variants for U+0D31 ()

Note: as result of the update, the LGR is slightly more restrictive.

Changes from LGR-4

As result of integration with additional scripts, this LGR has been updated. This update does not change the set of labels available under this LGR. For the prior version see [RZ-LGR-4-Mlym].

Integration with scripts newly added to LGR-5 adds cross-script variants to ASCII code points, such as between U+00^F and U+0D20 (), or between U+0073 (s) and U+0D1F (). For the latter, the Latin LGR [RZ-LGR-Latin] also declares an in-script variant between U+0073 U+0073 (ss) and U+00DF (ß), requiring the definition of a sequence U+0073 U+0073 (ss). Therefore the sequence U+0073 U+0073 (ss) automatically inherits a variant to any sequence U+0D1F U+0D1F (ടട) occurring in a Malayalam label. Transitivity of variants on the code point level requires explicit declaration of a sequence U+0D1F U+0D1F (ടട). Except for the purposes of allowing a variant, that sequence would not need to be defined in the Malayalam LGR because it is redundant: the LGR already supports the repetition of the singleton code point U+0D1F () without restriction.

Even though cross-script variants with the Latin or other scripts with cross-script variants to U+0D1F () are not otherwise listed in this LGR, the sequence U+0D1F U+0D1F (ടട) has been added here exceptionally, as have the variants between U+0073 (s) and U+0D1F (). Doing so ensures that the sequence forms part of the merged repertoire in Common LGR [RZ-LGR-5] and that any cross-script variants defined for it can be computed using that LGR. Being redundant other than in the definition of variants, adding the sequence does not change the labels available under this LGR.

Note that the listing of variants for U+0D1F () and U+0D1F U+0D1F (ടട) in this LGR is that minimally required for integration. Additional cross-script variants for these repertoire elements exist and are defined in [RZ-LGR-5].For consistency across RZ-LGRs, imposed variants to ASCII code points and to the Myanmar script are now explicitly listed as well



The following general references are cited in this document:

Integration Panel, “Maximal Starting Repertoire — MSR-5 Overview and Rationale”, 24 June 2021,
Neo-Brahmi Generation Panel, “Proposal for a Malayalam Script Root Zone Label Generation Ruleset (LGR)”, Updated 26 June 2020,
[RFC 7940]
Davies, K. and A. Freytag, “Representing Label Generation Rulesets Using XML”, RFC 7940, August 2016,
[RFC 8228]
A. Freytag, “Guidance on Designing Label Generation Rulesets (LGRs) Supporting Variant Labels”, RFC 8228, August 2017,
Integration Panel, “Root Zone Label Generation Rules (RZ-LGR-5)”, 26 May 2022 (XML),
non-normative HTML presentation:
ICANN, Root Zone Label Generation Rules for the Malayalam Script (und-Mlym), Version 3, 10 July 2019 (XML)
non-normative HTML presentation:
ICANN, Root Zone Label Generation Rules for the Malayalam Script (und-Mlym), Version 4, 5 November 2020 (XML)
non-normative HTML presentation:
“Root Zone Label Generation Rules for the Latin Script”, 26 May 2022,
non-normative HTML presentation:
Integration Panel, “Root Zone Label Generation Rules (RZ LGR-5): Overview and Summary”, 26 May 2022,
[Unicode 11.0]
The Unicode Consortium. The Unicode Standard, Version 11.0.0, (Mountain View, CA: The Unicode Consortium, 2018. ISBN 978-1-936213-19-1)

For references consulted particularly in designing the repertoire for the Malayalam script for the Root Zone please see details in the Table of References below. References [0] to [9] refer to the Unicode Standard versions in which the corresponding code points were initially encoded. Reference [106] corresponds to a source given in [Proposal-Malayalam] justifying the inclusion of the corresponding code points. Entries in the table may have multiple source reference values.


Repertoire Summary

Number of elements in repertoire 81
Out-of-repertoire variants 12
Total entries in table 93
Number of code points
for each script
Latin 2
Malayalam 70
Myanmar 2
Oriya 1
Tamil 6
Number of code points 81
Number of sequences 12
Longest code point sequence 4

Repertoire by Code Point

The following table lists the repertoire by code point (or code point sequence). The data in the Script and Name column are extracted from the Unicode character database. Where a comment in the original LGR is equal to the character name, it has been suppressed.

For any code point or sequence for which a variant is defined, additional information is provided in the Variants column. Some code points or sequences listed in the following table are not part of the repertoire itself; they document targets for out-of-repertoire variant mappings as indicated. See also the legend provided below the table.

Glyph Script Name Ref Tags Required Context Part of
Variants Comment
U+006F o Latin LATIN SMALL LETTER O [0]     set 1 Not part of repertoire
U+0073 s Latin LATIN SMALL LETTER S [0]     set 2 Not part of repertoire
U+0073 U+0073 ss {Latin} LATIN SMALL LETTER S + LATIN SMALL LETTER S       set 3 Not part of repertoire
U+0B20 Oriya ORIYA LETTER TTHA [0]     set 1 Not part of repertoire
U+0B9C Tamil TAMIL LETTER JA [0]     set 4 Not part of repertoire
U+0BAE Tamil TAMIL LETTER MA [0]     set 5 Not part of repertoire
U+0BB5 Tamil TAMIL LETTER VA [0]     set 6 Not part of repertoire
U+0BBF  ி Tamil TAMIL VOWEL SIGN I [0]     set 7 Not part of repertoire
U+0BC6  ெ Tamil TAMIL VOWEL SIGN E [0]     set 8 Not part of repertoire
U+0BC7  ே Tamil TAMIL VOWEL SIGN EE [0]     set 9 Not part of repertoire
U+0D02  ം Malayalam MALAYALAM SIGN ANUSVARA [0], [106] Anusvara follows-C-V-or-M    
U+0D03  ഃ Malayalam MALAYALAM SIGN VISARGA [0], [106] Visarga follows-C-V-or-M    
U+0D05 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER A [0], [106] Vowel      
U+0D06 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER AA [0], [106] Vowel      
U+0D07 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER I [0], [106] Vowel      
U+0D08 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER II [0], [106] Vowel      
U+0D09 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER U [0], [106] Vowel      
U+0D0A Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER UU [0], [106] Vowel      
U+0D0B Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER VOCALIC R [0], [106] Vowel      
U+0D0E Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER E [0], [106] Vowel      
U+0D0F �� Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER EE [0], [106] Vowel      
U+0D10 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER AI [0], [106] Vowel      
U+0D12 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER O [0], [106] Vowel      
U+0D13 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER OO [0], [106] Vowel      
U+0D14 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER AU [0], [106] Vowel      
U+0D15 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER KA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D16 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER KHA [0], [106] Consonant   set 6  
U+0D17 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER GA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D18 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER GHA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D19 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER NGA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D1A Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER CA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D1B Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER CHA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D1C Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER JA [0], [106] Consonant   set 4  
U+0D1D Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER JHA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D1E Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER NYA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D1F Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER TTA [0], [106] Consonant   set 2  
U+0D1F U+0D1F ടട {Malayalam} MALAYALAM LETTER TTA + MALAYALAM LETTER TTA   [Consonant] + [Consonant]   set 3 Added for cross-script variant
U+0D20 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER TTHA [0], [106] Consonant   set 1  
U+0D21 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER DDA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D22 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER DDHA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D23 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER NNA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D24 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER TA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D25 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER THA [0], [106] Consonant   set 5  
U+0D26 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER DA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D27 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER DHA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D28 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER NA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D28 U+0D4D ന് {Malayalam} MALAYALAM LETTER NA + MALAYALAM SIGN VIRAMA [0], [106] [Consonant] + [Halant] not: follows-B-X-or-H set 10  
U+0D2A Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER PA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D2B Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER PHA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D2C Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER BA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D2D Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER BHA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D2E Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER MA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D2F Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER YA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D30 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER RA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D31 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER RRA [0], [106] Consonant not: follows-0D31 set 11  
U+0D31 U+0D31 ററ {Malayalam} MALAYALAM LETTER RRA + MALAYALAM LETTER RRA   [Consonant] + [Consonant] not: follows-0D31 set 12  
U+0D31 U+0D31 U+0D4D U+0D31 ററ്റ {Malayalam} MALAYALAM LETTER RRA + MALAYALAM LETTER RRA + MALAYALAM SIGN VIRAMA + MALAYALAM LETTER RRA   [Consonant] + [Consonant] + [Halant] + [Consonant] not: follows-0D31 set 13  
U+0D31 U+0D4D U+0D31 റ്റ {Malayalam} MALAYALAM LETTER RRA + MALAYALAM SIGN VIRAMA + MALAYALAM LETTER RRA   [Consonant] + [Halant] + [Consonant] not: follows-0D31 set 12  
U+0D31 U+0D4D U+0D31 U+0D31 റ്ററ {Malayalam} MALAYALAM LETTER RRA + MALAYALAM SIGN VIRAMA + MALAYALAM LETTER RRA + MALAYALAM LETTER RRA   [Consonant] + [Halant] + [Consonant] + [Consonant] not: follows-0D31 set 13  
U+0D32 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER LA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D33 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER LLA [0], [106] Consonant not: follows-0D33    
U+0D33 U+0D33 ളള {Malayalam} MALAYALAM LETTER LLA + MALAYALAM LETTER LLA   [Consonant] + [Consonant] not: follows-0D33 set 14  
U+0D33 U+0D33 U+0D4D U+0D33 ളള്ള {Malayalam} MALAYALAM LETTER LLA + MALAYALAM LETTER LLA + MALAYALAM SIGN VIRAMA + MALAYALAM LETTER LLA   [Consonant] + [Consonant] + [Halant] + [Consonant] not: follows-0D33 set 15  
U+0D33 U+0D4D U+0D33 ള്ള {Malayalam} MALAYALAM LETTER LLA + MALAYALAM SIGN VIRAMA + MALAYALAM LETTER LLA   [Consonant] + [Halant] + [Consonant] not: follows-0D33 set 14  
U+0D33 U+0D4D U+0D33 U+0D33 ള്ളള {Malayalam} MALAYALAM LETTER LLA + MALAYALAM SIGN VIRAMA + MALAYALAM LETTER LLA + MALAYALAM LETTER LLA   [Consonant] + [Halant] + [Consonant] + [Consonant] not: follows-0D33 set 15  
U+0D34 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER LLLA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D35 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER VA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D36 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER SHA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D37 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER SSA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D38 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER SA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D39 Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER HA [0], [106] Consonant      
U+0D3E  ാ Malayalam MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN AA [0], [106] Matra follows-C    
U+0D3F  ി Malayalam MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN I [0], [106] Matra follows-C set 7  
U+0D40  ീ Malayalam MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN II [0], [106] Matra follows-C    
U+0D41  ു Malayalam MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN U [0], [106] Matra follows-C    
U+0D42  ൂ Malayalam MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN UU [0], [106] Matra follows-C    
U+0D43  ൃ Malayalam MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R [0], [106] Matra follows-C    
U+0D46  െ Malayalam MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN E [0], [106] Matra, R follows-C set 8  
U+0D47  േ Malayalam MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN EE [0], [106] Matra, R follows-C set 9  
U+0D48  ൈ Malayalam MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN AI [0], [106] Matra, R follows-C    
U+0D4A  ൊ Malayalam MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN O [0], [106] Matra, R follows-C    
U+0D4B  ോ Malayalam MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN OO [0], [106] Matra, R follows-C    
U+0D4D  ് Malayalam MALAYALAM SIGN VIRAMA [0], [106] Halant follows-C-or-0D41    
U+0D57  ൗ Malayalam MALAYALAM AU LENGTH MARK [0], [106] Matra follows-C    
U+0D7A Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER CHILLU NN [9], [106] Chillu not: follows-B-X-or-H    
U+0D7B Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER CHILLU N [9], [106] Chillu not: follows-B-X-or-H set 10  
U+0D7B U+0D4D ൻ് {Malayalam} MALAYALAM LETTER CHILLU N + MALAYALAM SIGN VIRAMA   [Chillu] + [Halant] follows-C-L-M-V-and-followed-by-03D1 set 10  
U+0D7C Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER CHILLU RR [9], [106] Chillu not: follows-B-X-or-H    
U+0D7D Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER CHILLU L [9], [106] Chillu not: follows-B-X-or-H    
U+0D7E Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER CHILLU LL [9], [106] Chillu not: follows-B-X-or-H    
U+0D7F ൿ Malayalam MALAYALAM LETTER CHILLU K [9], [106] Chillu not: follows-B-X-or-H    
U+1002 Myanmar MYANMAR LETTER GA [3]     set 11 Not part of repertoire
U+101D Myanmar MYANMAR LETTER WA [3]     set 1 Not part of repertoire


Throughout this LGR, a code point sequence may be annotated with a string in ALL CAPS that is constructed on the same principle as a name for a Unicode Named Sequence. No claim is made that a sequence thus annotated is in fact a named sequence, nor that the annotation in such case actually corresponds to the formal name of a named sequence.

Code Point
A code point or code point sequence.
The shape displayed depends on the fonts available to your browser.
Shows the script property value from the Unicode Character Database. Combining marks may have the value Inherited and code points used with more than one script may have the value Common. Sequences are annotated with a set of all distinct script values.
Shows the character or sequence name from the Unicode Character Database. Named sequences are listed with their normative names, for ad-hoc sequences the individual names are shown separated by “+”.
Links to the references associated with the code point or sequence, if any.
LGR-defined tag values. Any tags matching the Unicode script property are suppressed in this view. For sequences, the tags for all member code points are shown in [] for information; sequences as such do not have tags.
Required Context
Link to a rule defining the required context a code point or sequence must satisfy. If prefixed by “not:” identifies a context that must not occur.
Link to the variant set the code point or sequence is a member of, except where a coded point or sequence maps only to itself, in which case the type of that mapping is listed.
The comment as given in the XML file. However, if the comment for this row consists only of the code point or sequence name, it is suppressed in this view. By convention, comments starting with “=” denote an alias. If present, the symbol ⍟ marks a default item shared among a set of LGRs.
✔ - core repertoire
A check mark in the Part-of-repertoire column indicates a code point is part of the core repertoire.
✗ - out-of-repertoire
A code point shown with is not part of the repertoire. It is listed only because it is the target of an out-of-repertoire-var variant mapping.

Variant Sets

Variant Set Summary

Number of variant sets 15
Largest variant set 4
Ordinary Variants by Type
blocked 44
Reflexive Variants by Type
out-of-repertoire-var 12

The following tables list all variant sets defined in this LGR, except for singleton sets. Each table lists all variant mapping pairs of the set; one per row. Mappings are assumed to be symmetric: each row documents both forward (→) and reverse (←) mapping directions. In each table, the mappings are sorted by Source value in ascending code point order; shading is used to group mappings from the same source code point or sequence.

Where the type of both forward and reverse mappings are the same, a single value is given in the Type column; otherwise the types for forward and reverse mappings, as well as comments and references, are listed above one another. For summary counts, both forward and reverse mappings are always counted separately.

A mapping where source and target are the same is reflexive. Variant sets consisting of only a single reflexive mapping are not shown as a set. Instead, the variant type of the mapping is listed in the Variants column of the Repertoire by Code Point table. Reflexive mappings that are part of a larger set are indicated with a “≡” and are counted once per entry.

In any LGR with variant specifications that are well behaved, all members within each variant set are defined as variants of each other; the mappings in each set are symmetric and transitive; and variant sets for each context are disjoint, but code points that have variants with multiple contexts are members of more than one set.

Common Legend

By convention, the smaller of the two code points in a variant mapping pair.
By convention, the larger of the two code points in a variant mapping pair.
The shape displayed for source or target depends on the fonts available to your browser.
- forward
Indicates that Type, Ref and Comment apply to the mapping from source to target.
- reverse
Indicates that Type, Ref and Comment apply to the reverse mapping from target to source.
- both
Indicates that Type, Ref and Comment apply to both forward and reverse mapping.
- reflexive
Indicates that Type, Ref and Comment are for a reflexive mapping where source equals target.
The type of the variant mapping, including predefined variant types such as “allocatable” and “blocked”; or any that are defined specifically for this LGR. A reflexive variant type “out-of-repertoire-var” designates the target as not part of the repertoire; it is required as target for one or more variant mappings that cross repertoire boundaries. In this LGR, types for variants between out-of-repertoire code points are shown in italic while types for pure in-repertoire variants are shown in bold.
Required Context
Link to the rule defining a required context the source must satisfy for the variant mapping to be defined. If prefixed by “not:”, identifies a context that must not occur.
One or more reference IDs (optional). A “/” separates references for reverse / forward mappings, if different.
A descriptive comment (optional). A “/” separates comments for reverse / forward mappings, if different.

Variant Set 1 — 4 Members

Source Glyph Target Glyph   Type Ref Comment
006F o 006F o out-of-repertoire-var   Out-of-repertoire
006F o 0B20 blocked   Cross-script near homoglyph
006F o 0D20 blocked   Cross-script near homoglyph
006F o 101D blocked   Cross-script near homoglyph
0B20 0B20 out-of-repertoire-var   Out-of-repertoire
0B20 0D20 blocked   Cross-script homoglyph
0B20 101D blocked   Cross-script homoglyph
0D20 101D blocked   Cross-script homoglyph
101D 101D out-of-repertoire-var   Out-of-repertoire

Variant Set 2 — 2 Members

Source Glyph Target Glyph   Type Ref Comment
0073 s 0073 s out-of-repertoire-var   Out-of-repertoire
0073 s 0D1F blocked   Cross-script near homoglyph

Variant Set 3 — 2 Members

Source Glyph Target Glyph   Type Ref Comment
0073 0073 ss 0073 0073 ss out-of-repertoire-var   Out-of-repertoire
0073 0073 ss 0D1F 0D1F ടട blocked   Cross-script near homoglyph

Variant Set 4 — 2 Members

Source Glyph Target Glyph   Type Ref Comment
0B9C 0B9C out-of-repertoire-var   Out-of-repertoire
0B9C 0D1C blocked   Cross-script homoglyph

Variant Set 5 — 2 Members

Source Glyph Target Glyph   Type Ref Comment
0BAE 0BAE out-of-repertoire-var   Out-of-repertoire
0BAE 0D25 blocked   Cross-script homoglyph

Variant Set 6 — 2 Members

Source Glyph Target Glyph   Type Ref Comment
0BB5 0BB5 out-of-repertoire-var   Out-of-repertoire
0BB5 0D16 blocked   Cross-script homoglyph

Variant Set 7 — 2 Members

Source Glyph Target Glyph   Type Ref Comment
0BBF  ி 0BBF  ி out-of-repertoire-var   Out-of-repertoire
0BBF  ி 0D3F  ി blocked   Cross-script homoglyph

Variant Set 8 — 2 Members

Source Glyph Target Glyph   Type Ref Comment
0BC6  ெ 0BC6  ெ out-of-repertoire-var   Out-of-repertoire
0BC6  ெ 0D46  െ blocked   Cross-script homoglyph

Variant Set 9 — 2 Members

Source Glyph Target Glyph   Type Ref Comment
0BC7  ே 0BC7  ே out-of-repertoire-var   Out-of-repertoire
0BC7  ே 0D47  േ blocked   Cross-script homoglyph

Variant Set 10 — 3 Members

Source Glyph Target Glyph   Type Required Context Ref Comment
0D28 0D4D ന് 0D7B blocked followed-by-0D31    
0D28 0D4D ന് 0D7B 0D4D ൻ് blocked followed-by-0D31    
0D7B 0D7B 0D4D ൻ് blocked followed-by-0D31    

Variant Set 11 — 2 Members

Source Glyph Target Glyph   Type Ref Comment
0D31 1002 blocked   Cross-script homoglyph
1002 1002 out-of-repertoire-var   Out-of-repertoire

Variant Set 12 — 2 Members

Source Glyph Target Glyph   Type Required Context Ref Comment
0D31 0D31 ററ 0D31 0D4D 0D31 റ്റ blocked not: follows-0D31-0D4D-or-followed-by-0D4D-0D31-or-R    

Variant Set 13 — 2 Members

Source Glyph Target Glyph   Type Required Context Ref Comment
0D31 0D31 0D4D 0D31 ററ്റ 0D31 0D4D 0D31 0D31 റ്ററ blocked not: followed-by-R    

Variant Set 14 — 2 Members

Source Glyph Target Glyph   Type Required Context Ref Comment
0D33 0D33 ളള 0D33 0D4D 0D33 ള്ള blocked not: follows-0D33-0D4D-or-followed-by-0D4D-0D33-or-R    

Variant Set 15 — 2 Members

Source Glyph Target Glyph   Type Required Context Ref Comment
0D33 0D33 0D4D 0D33 ളള്ള 0D33 0D4D 0D33 0D33 ള്ളള blocked not: followed-by-R    

Classes, Rules and Actions

Character Classes

Number of named classes 8
Implict defined by script tag 5

The following table lists all named and implicit classes with their definition and a list of their members intersected with the current repertoire (for larger classes, this list is elided).

Name Definition Count Members or Ranges Ref Comment
C Tag=Consonant 36 {0D15-0D28 0D2A-0D39}   Any consonant
V Tag=Vowel 13 {0D05-0D0B 0D0E-0D10 0D12-0D14}   Any Malayalam independent vowel
M Tag=Matra 12 {0D3E-0D43 0D46-0D48 0D4A-0D4B 0D57}   Any Malayalam vowel sign (matra)
H Tag=Halant 1 {0D4D}   The Malayalam Halant/Virama
B Tag=Anusvara 1 {0D02}   The Malayalam Anusvara
X Tag=Visarga 1 {0D03}   The Malayalam Visarga
L Tag=Chillu 6 {0D7A-0D7F}   Any Malayalam chillu (consonant without any vowel sound)
R Tag=R 5 {0D46-0D48 0D4A-0D4B}   Any Malayalam reordrant vowel sign
implicit Tag=sc:Latn 2 {006F 0073}   Any character tagged as Latin
implicit Tag=sc:Mlym 70 {0D02-0D03 0D05-0D0B 0D0E-0D10 0D12-0D28 0D2A-0D39 0D3E-0D43 0D46-0D48 0D4A-0D4B 0D4D 0D57 0D7A-0D7F}   Any character tagged as Malayalam
implicit Tag=sc:Mymr 2 {1002 101D}   Any character tagged as Myanmar
implicit Tag=sc:Orya 1 {0B20}   Any character tagged as Oriya
implicit Tag=sc:Taml 6 {0B9C 0BAE 0BB5 0BBF 0BC6-0BC7}   Any character tagged as Tamil


Members or Ranges
Lists the members of the class as code points (xxx) or as ranges of code points (xxx-yyy). Any class too numerous to list in full is elided with "...".
A named or implicit class defined by all code points that share the given tag value (ttt).
An anonymous class implicitly defined based on tag value and for which there is no named equivalent.

Whole label evaluation and context rules

Number of rules 15
Used to trigger actions 3
Used as context rule (C) 7
Used as context rule (V) 4
Anchored context rules 11
Used only in another rule 1

The following table lists all named rules defined in the LGR and indicates whether they are used as trigger in an action or as context (when or not-when) for a code point or variant.

Name Regular Expression Used as
Anchor Used as
Ref Comment
leading-combining-mark (start)[[\p{gc=Mn}] ∪ [\p{gc=Mc}]]       Default WLE rule matching labels with leading combining marks ⍟
follows-C-or-0D41 ([:C:]|\u0D41)← ⚓︎   C   Section 7, WLE 1: Rule 1: H must be preceded by C or 0D41
follows-C ([:C:])← ⚓︎   C   Section 7, WLE 2: M must be preceded by C
follows-C-V-or-M ([:C:]|[:V:]|[:M:])← ⚓︎   C   Section 7, WLE 3: B must be preceded by C, V or M and WLE 4: X must be preceded by C, V or M
follows-B-X-or-H ([:B:]|[:X:]|[:H:])← ⚓︎   C   Section 7, WLE 5: L cannot be preceded by B, X or H
begins-with-L (start)[:L:]       Section 7, WLE 6: Label does not begin with L
follows-0D33 (\u0D33)← ⚓︎   C   Section 7, WLE 7. The character ള (0D33) cannot immediately follow ള (0D33), except as part of a defined sequence
follows-0D31 (\u0D31)← ⚓︎   C   Section 7, WLE 8. The character റ (0D31) cannot immediately follow റ (0D31), except as part of a defined sequence
follows-C-L-M-V-and-followed-by-03D1 ([:C:]|[:L:]|[:M:]|[:V:])← ⚓︎ →(\u0D31)   C   Section 7, WLE 9: Sequence 0D7B 0D4D must be preceded by C, L, M, V and must be followed by റ (0D31)
reordrant-matra [:R:]|\u0D4D\u0D30         Reordrant matras, including sequence U+0D4D U+0D30 ( ്ര)
followed-by-R ⚓︎ →((:reordrant-matra:))   V   variant not defined if followed by reordrant matra
followed-by-0D31 ⚓︎ →(\u0D31)   V   Section 6.1, V1: A variant is defined when followed by 0D31
follows-0D33-0D4D-or-followed-by-0D4D-0D33-or-R ((\u0D33\u0D4D)← ⚓︎)|(⚓︎ →(\u0D4D\u0D33|(:reordrant-matra:)))   V   Section 6.1, V2: variant not defined if preceded by 0D33+Halant or followed by Halant+0D33 or R
follows-0D31-0D4D-or-followed-by-0D4D-0D31-or-R ((\u0D31\u0D4D)← ⚓︎)|(⚓︎ →(\u0D4D\u0D31|(:reordrant-matra:)))   V   Section 6.1, V3: variant not defined if preceded by 0D31+Halant or followed by Halant+0D31 or R
only-RRA (start)\u0D31+(end)       Section 7, WLE 10: Labels consisting solely of the letter RRA are disallowed to limit cross-script interaction


Used as Trigger
This rule triggers one of the actions listed below.
Used as Context
This rule defines a required or prohibited context for a code point C or variant V.
This rule has a placeholder for the code point for which it is evaluated.
Regular Expression
A regular expression equivalent to the rule, shown in a modified notation as noted:
⚓︎ - context anchor
Placeholder for the actual code point when a context is evaluated. The code point must occur at the position corresponding to the anchor. Rules containing an anchor cannot be used as triggers.
(...)← - look-behind
If present encloses required context preceding the anchor.
→(..) - look-ahead
If present encloses required context following the anchor.
(: :) - rule reference
Non-recursive reference to a named rule.
( ) - group
An anonymous nested rule is used to group match operators.
(... | ...) - choice
When there is more than one alternative in a rule, the choices are separated by the alternation operator (...|...).
start or end
(start) matches the start of the label; (end) matches the end of the label.
*, +, ?, {n,m} - count operators
* indicates 0 or more, + indicates one or more, and ? indicates up to one instance. {n,m} indicates at least n and at most m instances.
[: :] - named or implicit character set
Reference to a named character set [:name:] or an implicit character set [:tag:]. A leading “^” before name or tag indicates the set complement.
[\p{ }] - property
Set of all characters matching a given value for a Unicode property [\p{prop=val}]. Note: uppercase “\P” defines the complement of a property set.
∪, ∩, ∖, ∆ - set operators
Sets may be combined by set operators ( = union, = intersection, = difference, = symmetric difference).
⍟ - default rule
Rules marked with ⍟ are included by default and may or may not be triggered by any possible label under this LGR.


The following table lists the actions that are used to assign dispositions to labels and variant labels based on the specified conditions. The order of actions defines their precedence: the first action triggered by a label is the one defining its disposition.

# Condition Rule / Variant Set   Disposition Ref Comment
1 if label matches leading-combining-mark invalid   labels with leading combining marks are invalid ⍟
2 if label matches begins-with-L invalid   Section 7, WLE 6: Label does not begin with L
3 if label matches only-RRA invalid   Section 7, WLE 10: Label cannot contain only RRA
4 if at least one variant is in {out-of-repertoire-var} invalid   any variant label with a code point out of repertoire is invalid ⍟
5 if at least one variant is in {blocked} blocked   any variant label containing blocked variants is blocked ⍟
6 if each variant is in {allocatable} allocatable   variant labels with all variants allocatable are allocatable ⍟
7 if any label (catch-all)   valid   catch all (default action) ⍟


{...} - variant type set
In the “Rule/Variant Set” column, the notation {...} means a set of variant types.
⍟ - default action
Actions marked with ⍟ are included by default and may or may not be triggered by any possible label under this LGR.

Table of References

The following lists the references cited for specific code points, variants, classes, rules or actions in this LGR. For General references refer to the "References" section in the Description.

[0] The Unicode Standard 1.1
Any code point originally encoded in Unicode 1.1
[9] The Unicode Standard 5.1
Any code point originally encoded in Unicode 5.1
[106] Omniglot, “Malayalam (മലയാളം):”
(Accessed on 5th July, 2018)
[3] The Unicode Standard 3.0
Any code point originally encoded in Unicode 3.0