
Fiscal Year 2006-07





This draft version of the ICANN Operating Plan is a one-year plan based upon the goals set out in the ICANN Strategic Plan. It is comprised of projects and annual operating objectives compiled by the ICANN staff. Throughout the first half of the present 2005-06 fiscal year ICANN has developed its Strategic Plan in consultation with the ICANN community. The work-in-progress Strategic Plan has been published as it has been developed through those consultative discussions until it was approved by the ICANN Board of Directors at the ICANN meeting in Wellington. During the second half of the fiscal year, ICANN points its planning activities toward the annual Operating Plan and Budgeting, i.e., the one-year plan that works to accomplish the objectives set out in the three-year Strategic Plan. In particular, the Operating Plan is comprised of the set of projects necessary to accomplish the objectives described in the longer-term Strategic Plan.

During last year’s review, collaboration and discussion of the Operating Plan, three suggestions were made regarding the form and format of the plan:

This year&s Operating Plan takes steps to address those requests. This year’s Operating Plan is a series of projects with allocated resources and deliverables. Project plans .that back-up each of the objectives listed here define a schedule for each of the milestones.

This draft plan was presented for review and comment in Wellington and in public comment forums. The revisions arising as a result of those consultations are posted below. ICANN is now developing an Expense Budget based upon the goals below and upon regular operating expenses. Some comments made during the above-mentioned consultations indicated that ICANN should carefully weigh “make-buy” decisions, i.e., whether to hire staff or outsource specific resource needs. Having defined and revised this plan, the budgeting and ongoing management process includes making economic decisions concerning staffing levels, outsourcing, resource acquisitions and other items to ensure that the accomplishment of these objectives is being conducted in an economical manner.



      1.1 Operations performance targets for:

Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
Section 1.1.1


Measure and subsequently improve IANA customer satisfaction through:
  • ensuring necessary and sufficient resources are devoted to the IANA function,
  • the design and implementation of surveys and other methodologies to measure client requirements,
  • implementation of additional automation techniques for receiving and processing requests,
  • provision of 24/7 service,
  • improved statistical reporting in order to direct continuous improvement efforts (including publication of IANA statistics to indirect beneficiaries of IANA services such as providers and users.
  • Oversight: .25 FTE
  • Analysis: .2 FTE
  • IT: 1.5 FTE
  • survey consultant 400/hours $40K (US$100/hour)
  • reporting tools 400 hours $40K
  • automation tools 800 hours $80K
  • statistical analysis 100 hours $10K
  • tech writer 80 hours $8K


  • surveying - 10 trips $65K
  • Establish and conduct surveys
  • Determine and achieve required service levels
  • Implementation of registry software package
  • Establish 24-hour service
  • Officially release complete version of online reporting
Improve the robustness of IANA infrastructure, including disaster preparedness, in order to ensure ongoing operations in the event of physical or business disruption. This includes
  • Archiving existing IANA data and implementing a system for ongoing archiving of data in order to provide additional secure backup of historical IANA information


  • Oversight: .25 FTE
  • DoC Admin: .2 FTE
  • IT Sys Admin 0.1 FTE


  • document archiving service ($40K)


  • Servers, equipment: $40K
  • Co-location $10K
  • Incremental bandwidth $30K
  • Complete archiving of historical data
  • Implementation of planned upgrades
Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
Section 1.1.2

gTLD Registry tasks

Registry failover - Establish a comprehensive plan to be followed in the event of financial, technical, or business failure of a registry operator, including full compliance with data escrow requirements and recovery testing.


  • Registry liaison: 0.3 FTE
  • IT Support: 0.1 FTE


  • Modeling: $100K
  • Publish a plan supported by the infrastructure and data escrow procedures necessary to maintain registry operation

Registry Liason

Policy implementation - Establish the infrastructure, resources and workflow for the implementation of the ICANN developed consensus policy: (i) form necessary external relationships; (ii) test, then create internal work-processes and simulation of such; (iii) review implementation plan with gTLD registries, management and ICANN Board; (iv) announce implementation process/procedures. Following the implementation of these processes, a review and evaluation of the functionality of the process will be initiated. This is to ensure that the process mechanism works for all parties involved or some way affected by it. These implementations will probably include:
  • The process for considering new registry services
  • Transfer policy review
  • WIPO considerations
  • RGP / RGP II


  • Funnel implementation & management: 0.5 FTE
  • New gTLD implementation: 1 FTE
  • Legal: 0.3 FTE
  • Other policy implementation: 0.2 FTE


  • Tech Panel: $500K
  • Outside council: $30K
  • Panel travel: $150K
  • Fully implement the policy for consideration of new registry services
  • Continue publication of transfer policy reviews; send recommendation to GNSO
  • Implement newly developed policies in accordance with the requirements of the policy
  • Top
    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 1.1.3

    gTLD Registrar tasks

    Continue to improve full contractual compliance program for registrars and registries including compliance philosophy, staffing plan, complaint management, auditing procedures, and interactions with government agencies. Develop metrics to measure program effectiveness


    • 3 Compliance staff FTE
    • 0.3 FTE IT Support


    • Regional Meetings (3) $15K
    • Auditing (6) $15K
    • Retain staff
    • Publish compliance program after consultation with registrars

    Registrar Liason

    Enhance automated processes involved in managing Registrar Liaison functions including registrar accreditation and renewal processes, the registrar database and billing systems, and managing projects.


    • 0.5 FTE Registrar Liaison
    • 0.2 FTE IT Support


    • IT Consulting: $72K
    • Finance Consulting: $20K


    • Hardware: $20K
    • Complete the restructure of the registrar database
    • Implement next version of the automated accreditation and renewal processes
    Enhanced registrar/registry partnerships through regional workshops and through enhanced communication and reporting:
    • Regional Workshops
    • Reporting / dashboard
    • Communications
    • Translation
    • IDN TLD communication


    • Registrar/registry: 0.2 FTE
    • Communications support: 0.1 FTE
    • Regional Liaison: 0.5 FTE


    • IT Support/Consulting: $30K
    • Translation: $50K
    • Publication $50K


    • Regional workshops: 3 @$15K ea - $45K
    • Schedule two to three regional workshops
    • Implement online reporting
    • Translate the above and all activities selectively to maximize effectiveness
    Develop a registrar data escrow program in collaboration with the registrar community. Install and operate the infrastructure needed to escrow data or contract with an outside entity to provide technical infrastructure. Create a process for approving third-party data escrow service providers and verifying compliance with ICANN's data escrow policies and procedures


    • Registrar liaison / Compliance: 0.5 FTE
    • IT: 0.1 FTE
    • Legal: 0.05FTE


    • Hardware, band-width, applications: $200K (assumes self performance by most registrars)
    • Establish registrar/ICANN team to develop program
    • Locate qualified third-party escrow provider
    • Publish timetable for full implementation
    Re-form the RAA to address current issues not addressed in the current agreement, among them: new markets and market behaviours, approval mechanisms for registrar fees, standards for accreditation approval, registrar data escrow and failover mechanisms, sanction program.


    • Liaison 0.2 FTE
    • Legal 0.05 FTE


    • Legal $30K
    • Translation $10K
    • Establish registrar/ICANN team to consider changes to the RAA
    • Publish proposed RAA
    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 1.1.4

    End Users

    Develop methods for handling queries and complaints. Collect data from phone calls and emails so that tools can be developed that will reduce staff burden, communicate effectively with those who contact ICANN, and answer questions that are passed in through the Board or staff. Tailor these efforts so that complaints are passed on to appropriate bodies or organizations (i.e., not ICANN).


    • Oversight:0.02 FTE


    • Creation of FAQ's and other tools $95K
    • Implement data collection and response mechanisms (e.g., FAQs) that facilitate responses and reporting


    Review UDRP for effectiveness.

    Staff oversight:

    • 0.02 FTE

    Consultant for independent review:

    • $120K
    • Make report on findings

    Registrar Liason

    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 1.1.5

    L-Root Server Operations

    Improve resilience to the L-root system. In addition, create and deploy any-cast locations to mitigate operational risk. Deploy a system that can remain operational during sustained DDOS attack. Enhance monitoring and statistical capabilities to allow analysis of data.


    • L-Tech support: 1 FTE
    • L-Global/Local: 1 FTE

    Other: $674K including:

    • Bandwidth
    • Global & local any cast location(s)
    • other upgrades
    • Establish any-cast locations


    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 1.1.6-1.1.7
    Procedures for dealing with potential business failure of key operational entities
    Develop and implement an Emergency Response Plan, including:
    • Responses for different emergency situations (internal and external)
    • Ensuring agreed processes with key partners
    • Ensuring full operational redundancy
    • Messaging strategies
    • Emergency response planning
    • Data Escrow
      • Establish escrow agent
      • Quality Assurance plan
    • Registry failover
    • Continue execution of contingency plan. Ensure continuation of operations during physical or business interruption of ICANN operations including: providing and maintaining appropriate infrastructure and executing business backup arrangements.
      • Coordination plan with TLDs root-servers and other critical infrastructure players
      • ICANN Contingency plan

    See Data Escrow and Registry Failover planning above Staff:

    • Contingency Plan Mgr 0.5 FTE
    • IT Support: .3 FTE
    • Legal: .05 FTE


    • Infrastructure: $75K
    • Legal: $50K
    • Communications: $15K


    • Hardware, logistics, applications $450K
    • Staff contingency plan project team
    • Implement project plan that includes collaboration among required parties such as gTLD registries and registrars


    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 1.1.8

    Further improve accountability of the budget process and ensure regularity of revenue flows consistent with ICANN mission and objectives

    • Develop tools for planning and reporting against project budgets (in addition to the present departmental accounting methods). Report on performance against project plans.
    • Ensure that information describing budget, independent audit, financial contributions are published on a timely basis and all information is current.
    • Set aside a portion of revenue that will (in four years) result in a cash reserve of at least 12 months expenses


    • Oversight: 1.0 FTE
    • Finance: 0.4 FTE


    • Finance $50K


    • Consultant trips: $8K
    • Implement project accounting system capability
    • Report against project plan for 2nd qtr of fiscal year
    • Post information


    • Complete registry and registrar agreements in order to provide for regular revenue for next several years.
    • Negotiate agreements with RIRs and ccTLDs to augment and balance revenue flows across possible sources.


    • Oversight: 0.1 FTE
    • Legal: 1.3 FTE
    • Policy support: 1.2 FTE


    • Legal $150K


    • ccTLD and RIR trips (24) $120K
    • See steps to restructured RAA above
    • Complete MoUs with RIRs
    • Facilitate agreement on a fee structure with ccTLDs
    • Develop alternate forms of revenue in accordance with recent discussions among gTLD registrars and registries. Reduce fees to those entities paying the relatively highest amount of fees to better balance revenue flows across sources.


    • Oversight: 0.05 FTE
    • Registrar Liaison: .3 FTE


    • Economics/other: $25K
    • Travel - meetings: $8K
    • Identify potential sources of revenue through consultations with constituencies
    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 1.1.9

    Improve access to technical advice and the resolution of technical issues in local communities

    • Create community response program by:
      • Design and provide educational opportunities for ccTLDs in developing areas
      • Utilise Regional Liaisons to create communications network by training them on the first technical level and providing access to technical expertise at the next level


    • Training: 0.02 FTE
    • Education: 0.1 FTE
    • Liaison: .5 FTE


    • 6 trips: $60K
    • Liaison trips (12): $60K
    • Conduct four to six workshops
    • Create communications link from Regional Liaisons to key personnel in developing countries

    Global Partnerships

    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 1.1.10

    Develop and implement a workforce planning methodology for ICANN staff to attract and retain the high quality staff

    • Improve effectiveness of ICANN performance through economic and effective hiring, performance measurement and leadership management and development. The workflow planning methodology will include:
      • Develop workforce planning methodologies
      • Develop performance measurement tools
      • Provide leadership development training
      • Implement effective and economical talent acquisition and retention techniques
    • Integrate communications and enhance performance of geographically separated offices by establishing team goals.


    • project oversight: 0.1 FTE

    Consultants: $220K

    • Search
    • Management Consultants
    • Performance measurement
    • Interoffice systems

    Other: Job Boards / Communications: $40K

    • Report monthly on efficacy of recruiting efforts
    • Establish economical, effective training program
    • Integrate operation of Brussels and Marina del Rey offices

    Human Resources


          1.2   Key issues to be addressed in this plan

    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 1.2.1

    Internationalized Domain Names (in particular, deployment of IDNs at the top-level)

    • IDN: take steps (e.g., develop and staff a Program Plan) toward enabling all internet users to access the internet using their local language or script identifiers. In some of the areas described in the plan ICANN seeks the expertise and mandate to act and will pursue the necessary partnerships. The major sub-projects of the Program Plan to be accomplished in this fiscal year are:
      • TLD root zone testing
      • IANA process & repository
      • Standards
      • Policy Development
      • Communications - in particular between the President's Advisory Committee and stakeholders

    Each of the above have technical and policy development aspects. These aspects should be segregated and managed with appropriate ICANN bodies. In particular, use the Policy Development Process involving and coordinating the activities of multiple Supporting Organisations and Advisory Groups developed in accordance with para. 2b(v), below.


    • Proj. Mgt., Admin., Technical Support, IANA Support, Policy Support, Liaison - PAC, Regional Liaison: 5.5 FTE
    • Testing: 0.2 FTE


    • Translation: $45K
    • Linguistics: $10K
    • Media/communications: $20K


    • 4 IETF Meetings, OECD Mtg, 2 ITU, Domain Round Table, 2 UNESCO, 6 Regional Liaison Travel, consultant: $162K
    • Complete TLD root zone testing and provide evaluation to policy development bodies
    • Deploy first IDN at top level
    • Revise IDNA and associated standards to work with future version of Unicode Tables
    • Facilitate publication or updating technical standards through the IETF
    • Revise IDN guidelines to include Best Current Practice standards
    • For IDNs, develop and implement a coordinated policy development support process to synthesize policy inputs from the supporting organisations and advisory committees


    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 1.2.2

    Security, e.g., DNSSEC deployment, preventing hijacking of network resources (e.g., network addresses and resolvers)

    • Implement signing of the root zone (DNSSEC) and enable IANA to accept signed TLD zones in order to enhance network security. Determine timetable, coordination requirements and costs for full deployment.
    • Transition Root Zone authoring from VeriSign to ICANN (VeriSign continues publishing) in order to fulfil the requirements in the MoU and create a more seamless process for root zone publication


    • Sys Admin: 0.8 FTE
    • Oversight: 0.5 FTE
    • Policy development 0.2 FTE
    • Legal 0.05


    • 24 hour ops $100K
    • legal $30K


    • DC trips (5) $15K


    • Hardware $50K
    • Facilities $8K
    • Connectivity 3megabits $25K
    • Applications/QA $30K
    • Sign the root zone


    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 1.2.3

    New gTLD process

    • Develop capacity to support the Policy Development Process consideration of economic, consumer, market and business issues through the engagement of expertise in economics and statistics


    • 0.5 FTE or consulting equivalent (economist)
    • 0.5 FTE or consulting equivalent (statistician)
    • Retain necessary staff economically ("make vs. buy" decision)

    Executive Officer

    • Introduction of New gTLDs - Pending the finalization of the PDP on introduction of new gTLDs, ICANN will be implementing the consensus policy that the GNSO develops. Policy questions that will affect the implementation of this policy are: selection criteria, allocation method, and contractual policy related topics. After successful implementation of the policy, interested applicants will be able to submit their proposals to ICANN for introduction of new gTLDs.

    For each application:
    Staff (a self-funding process):

    • New gTLD implementation: 1 FTE
    • Legal: .5 FTE
    • Technical: .2 FTE


    • Outside legal: $60K
    • Project management: $60K
    • Upon release of policy: budget for and staff registry designation operation

    Registry Liason

    • Develop and implement program for universal acceptance of gTLDs(i.e., registries with more than three letters).


    • Registry liaison
    • clerical/administrative
    • Publish statistics regarding TLD acceptance
    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 1.2.4

    WHOIS development

    • See gTLD Registry tasks - (Policy implementation: Establish within ICANN the infrastructure, resources and workflow for consideration of new registry applications by the implementation of the ICANN consensus policy...) Apply methodology to results of Whois policy development.


    • Registrar/Registry Liaison task included in Compliance staff.
    • IT support: .1 FTE
    • Legal Support: 0.05FTE


    • Outside Legal: $30K
    • Implementation of adopted Whois policy
    • Metrics defining improvements in Whois accuracy

    Registry Liason

    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 1.2.5

    Addressing issues of DNS market behaviour (within IP addresses and domain names)

    • See gTLD Compliance - work to improve Whois accuracy.
    • Set-up task force with appropriate economic, technical and statistical skill sets to determine root causes of market behaviour and determine if practices are appropriate:
      • Add storm
      • Add/deletes
      • RGP
      • Whois accuracy

    As appropriate, make recommendations to create incentives, amend agreements (see, restructure of RAA above), implement new services that will mitigate that behaviour.


    • Task force management: 0.1 FTE


    • Economics expertise: $75K
    • Establish task force, including registrar, registry, and independent expert participation.
    • Publish report including recommendations regarding market behaviour

    Registrar Liason


          1.3   Sustainability

    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 1.3

    Analyse implications of increased demand on ICANN operations and policy processes and develop ways of improving scalability

    • First, establish management reporting function so that workload metrics can be analyzed. Through the VP, Policy Development Support, work with the supporting organisations and advisory committees to develop metrics so that the workload of those organisations can be analyzed.


    • Management reporting function: 1 FTE
    • Staff support: 0.5 FTE
    • Establish reporting function
    • Establish metrics
    • Publish reports and use the information to improve operations

    Internal Operations


    2.   Organisational Excellence in Policy Development

    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 2.1

    Develop capacity to better understand economic issues, user needs, market expectations and business models and the implications of these factors on ICANN policy development, and also the implications of ICANN policy on Internet users

    • Facilitate the Policy Development Process consideration of economic, user, market and business issues through the retention of expertise in economic studies and statistical analysis.

    Staffing: after appropriate "make/buy" determination, retain services of economist and statistician - 1 FTE (combined w/ other req'ts in the is document, sums to 2 FTEs).

    • Retain staff (related to Introduction of new TLD objective)

    Executive Officer

    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 2.2

    Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees, including:

    Sections 2.2.1 - Sections 2.2.6
    Identifying the policy work that needs to be done
    Identifying which groups need to be working on which policy tasks
    Developing core policies as reference points
    Improving policy development process
    Developing a process for policy development where multiple Supporting Organizations and/or Advisory Committees need to be involved
    Enhancing interaction between Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees
    • In collaboration with the Supporting Organisations and Advisory Committees, develop and implement effective collaboration tools to facilitate the policy development process.
    • Provide economic assistance to volunteering organisations that includes appropriate cost controls and cost-benefit analysis:
      • Investigate and implement a travel assistance policy for Supporting Organisation volunteers,
      • Provide Secretariat services to the NCUC to enhance the effectiveness of this constituency group.
      • In a collaborative fashion determine how to enhance stakeholder participation in RSSAC and SSAC led discussions that are so important to ICANN's stability & security mission.

    Consulting/application development $80K

    Staff: 0.1 FTE

    Travel: $900K

    Consulting $50K

    • Implementation of tools
    • Policy implementation report ROI for travel assistance.
    • Provide, at least, secretariat support and measure ROI

    Policy Development

    • Through the Vice President, Policy Development Support:
      • accomplish the objectives set out in the strategic plan regarding the reviews to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees through statistical surveys to determine present effectiveness,
      • identify & manage new & existing policy development requirements through interaction in the community(updating those requirements throughout the year),
      • maintain a docket of all pending policy development matters, including their schedule and current status retain economics expertise to develop frameworks for establishing objective performance criteria and measuring performance against the criteria,
      • initiate a Policy Development Process involving and coordinating the activities of Supporting Organisations and Advisory Groups


    • Policy oversight: .5 FTE
    • Policy development support: .5 FTE
    • Services support: .3 FTE
    • IANA support: .03 FTE
    • Legal support: .3 FTE


    • SO evaluations: $300K
    • Economist: see above
    • Other: $150K


    • SO/AC meeting travel - 18 trips: $27K
    • Perform Supporting Organization and Advisory Committee reviews - at least two during the fiscal year.
    • Policy development to take place in accordance with (potentially revised) timelines
    • Retain staff (see items above).
    • Develop and implement a coordinated policy development support process to synthesize policy inputs from the supporting organisations and advisory committees

    3.   Increasing international participation in ICANN and the use of the Internet system of unique identifiers

    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 3.1

    Improve the ability of stakeholders to participate in ICANN processes, including in languages other than English

    Determine, with Supporting Organisation and Advisory Committee collaboration, a liaisons process appropriate to each SO and AC in order to fully implement cross-representation. Measure the efficacy of the liaison roles in each case ensure each plays a full and appropriate role.

    Resources include in line item above.

    Complete the staffing of the Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees

    Policy Development

    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 3.2

    Redesign ICANN business and policy practices and processes to meet the needs of a global audience

    Facilitate effective and multilingual communication to all ICANN stakeholders, to enable larger portions of the community to interact in the ICANN processes. This includes identifying the translation of materials and documents, website, and real-time translation at meetings. Identify translation of appropriate ICANN documents. Create an operational policy or guideline to steer future translation efforts. [Translation is not an end in itself but rather a means to an end. Therefore, budget for translation is included in each of the projects here as necessary to accomplish the goal in the most effective manner.] The expense for translation efforts outside the specific efforts will be budgeted and monitored, including translation of:
    • ICANN meetings
    • Routine newsletters/publications
    • Website


    • Staff translation practices development: $10K
    • Translation consulting (other than budgeted elsewhere in this document):
      • Meetings: $100K
      • Newsletters / press releases: $30K
      • Website: $150K
    • Publish translation practices
    • Implement practices at meetings, website

    Executive Officer

    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 3.3

    In each region, work with cc managers, local Internet communities (including governments, private sector and civil society ) and regional organizations to develop and monitor outreach programs for their region to improve capabilities in IP address, domain name and root management services

    Through Regional Liaison network, work with the community to better represent the regions in ICANN and facilitating ICANN responsiveness to stakeholders in all the regions, including work with respective stakeholders and end-user community in all regions, respond to the needs of the internet community and support ICANN staff in relation to business plans. Includes participation in respective meetings, such as post WSIS (participation in IGF); and regional initiatives, as well as sponsoring/co-hosting regional workshops


    • Regional Liaison: 5 FTE (other R.L. effort captured elsewhere)


    • IGF Secretariat support: $200K


    • Workshops: $50K
    • Liaisons: $70k
    • Retain Regional Liaisons
    • Staff secretariat
    • Conduct limited number of workshops

    Global Partnerships


    4.   Increase participation in and efficiency of the ICANN multi-stakeholder environment

    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 4.1

    Improve and deepen participation in the ICANN process by:

    Sections 4.1.1 - Sections 4.1.5
    Implement the vision for improvements in the GAC role, in accordance with ICANN Board direction that has been communicated to the GAC Chair. Potentially create a secretariat function and funding of selected GAC activities such as travel for the Chair, meeting participation, and sponsoring regional meetings.


    • Oversight: .05 FTE
    • Liaison: 0.5 FTE


    • Secretariat support: $150K (potentially funded elsewhere)

    Travel: $50K

    • Create Secretariat if so decided
    • Implement other change, as determined, in forms of GAC support

    Global Partnerships

    End Users
    • Given the objective of ICANN to embrace stakeholders globally, design and provide educational opportunities for ccTLDs in developing areas - especially with regard to IANA services - in order to improve security and stability of the Internet through education. Coordinate with ISOC and other entities to provide services economically. Importantly, sum the resources dedicated to soliciting participation from each region to ensure that sufficient investment is made to achieve ICANN objectives.
    • Informed participation by, and effective representation of, the international individual Internet user community in ICANN, including an ALAC that contributes to ICANN's policy and decision-making process, a global network of user groups involved as "At-Large Structures" (ALS) organized into 5 Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs) that share information, educate, coordinate, and support effective, structured user involvement in ICANN. Tools for accomplishing these goals include:
      • Fellows programs
      • Workshops
      • Translation

    Captured in line items above and education description above.

    ALAC Budget detail under separate cover:

    • Staffing: 2.5 FTE
    • Consultants: $44K
    • Translation: $93K
    • Travel: $330K
    • Other: $22K
    • Conduct education regarding IANA services in these areas
    • Increase number of At-Large structures
    • Sign MoUs for Regional At-Large Organisations (RALOs) in this fiscal year
    • Provide At-Large advice on all current policy development efforts
    • Conduct workshops / training sessions to inform At-Large community that can then provide valuable advice.

    Policy Development

    The business community
    Technical and industry experts
    Developers of new business models that use the Internet
    After developing a set of project objectives in consultation with ICANN constituency organisations, develop and implement a "recruitment plan" (including metrics and targets) of leading technical, business and policy individuals that describes the benefits and opportunities associated with participation in the ICANN model. Use increased participation to enhance Supporting Organisation and Advisory Committee effectiveness and potentially develop alternate streams of revenue.


    • Global partnerships support: 0.03 FTE
    • Policy Development support: 0.1 FTE
    • Srvcs support: 0.1 FTE
    • IANA support: 0.02 FTE

    Travel: $20K

    • Publish recruitment plan
    • Report on effectiveness of increased participation

    Policy Development

    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 4.2

    Develop and implement a communications plan that clearly explains ICANN's mission and communicates ICANN's activities and achievements

    • Fully staff ICANN's Communication functions (including a Manager, Public Participation) as described in ICANN planning documents.
    • 2.   Evolve the web sites and continue to implement broadcast and information dissemination tools such as RSS, web logs and newsletters. Improve (reliability and visibility) posting of and response to correspondence in the form of letters and comments, as well as public meeting presentations.


    • GM, Communications
    • Communications support staff: FTE
    • Web development: FTE


    • web development: $150K
    • Retain positions
    • Release evolved version of web site


    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 4.3

    Implement a programme to enhance and develop relevant skills and knowledge in existing participants and in the next generation of ICANN leadership.

    • Provide training for ICANN participants (Supporting Organisations & Advisory Committees) :
      • Interaction: develop a model for negotiation and exchange in the SO and AC environments.
      • Identifying opportunities for working within the ICANN model regarding policy development and technical coordination and the potential effect and benefits of those efforts.


    • Oversight: 0.5 FTE


    • Model development and training: $100K


    • Consultant: $40K
    • Identify areas where training would be of benefit
    • Conduct training
    • Measure effectiveness

    Policy Development

    Create a programme to encourage and fund participation by interested parties in developing countries. Programme elements include: technical workshops targeting stability and security issues, education regarding the policy development process, and attendance at ICANN meetings.


    • Oversight: .2 FTE
    • Education: .2 FTE


    • $450,000
    • Materials and development

      • $50,000
    • Determine quantifiable outcomes (attendance / participation / results)
    • Conduct programs and workshops
    • Measure efficacy

    Global Partnerships

    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 4.4

    Develop a knowledge management program to institutionalize corporate memory and communicate core ICANN values

    Create processes for routinely capturing and archiving information, data, and issues as they are developed. Develop tools for easily accessing thus information. Implement a program to capture and archive historic information in the same manner.


    • .05 FTE


    • Archiving: $50K
    • Data access tool: $75K
    • Complete archiving
    • Develop database tools


    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 4.5 - Section 4.6

    Strengthen relationships with key partners as needed to assist ICANN in carrying out its mission and identify key forums with which ICANN should interact to assist in dealing with issues that are related to but not in ICANN's ambit

    Establish partnerships (formalize with MoUs where feasible) with local, regional or international organizations, to gain formal support and partnerships for ICANN's mission.

    Partnerships effort is included in outreach and Liaison budgets

    • Sign agreements or other frameworks with local, regional or international organizations

    Global Participation

    • Measure and implement a plan to improve ICANN meeting effectiveness considering: location, form of public and regional participation, and funding/costs. Use meetings to facilitate ICANN objectives in increasing diverse stakeholder participation and education (wherever possible, in lieu of staff increase or other forms of investment).

    Meeting effectiveness:


    • Oversight and planning: 1 FTE


    • $60K
    • Engage reviewing team
    • Measure performance
    • Audit results


    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 4.7

    Develop mechanisms to report on ICANN's openness, transparency, inclusiveness and its multilateral and multi-stakeholder environment

    • Create an independently conducted project to:
      • develop metrics for measuring transparency and determining success,
      • self-measure performance against the metrics
      • independently audit measurement accuracy and appropriateness of the metrics
    • Post procedures for independent review including information about the body retained for that purpoe.


    • Oversight: .05 FTE
    • Website work: .05 FTE


    • To determine metrics, provide self-measurement process, audit: $150K


    • Consultant: $10K (2 trips)
    • Launch new TLDs
    • execute requisite number of Accountability Frameworks,
    • Measure execution of contingency plan against the plan itself
    • Execute MoUs with RIRs
    • Post IRP procedures

    Executive Officer


    5.   Work towards a post-MOU ICANN

    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 5.1

    Satisfy remaining MOU objectives

    • Manage the remainder of the MoU period in accordance with past practice with particular attention to:
      • Implementing the consensus policy for launching new gTLDs
      • Establishing Accountability Frameworks with ccTLDs so that half the ccTLD registrants are represented by participating ccTLDs
      • Fully execute the contingency plan written to meet MoU requirements
      • Execute additional MoUs with RIRs describing the duties of the parties

    Each of these is provided for above or in departmental budgets.

    • Identify model through process identified in the project plan
    • Fulfill the resources of an organisation as defined by the model


    Strategic Objective ICANN Project Resources Required Outcomes Managing Department
    Section 5.2-5.3
    Engage the community in the analysis of issues and scenarios for post-MOU oversight
    Review the ICANN structure to determine whether it is appropriate for a post-MOU ICANN, and make the changes that are necessary for stable strong and secure future whilst maintaining the full and meaningful participation of multiple stakeholders including governments, private sector, civil society groups, the broad set of Internet users, the technical community and business users
    • Project to develop a post-MoU model with appropriate input:
      • Identify characteristics of a model that satisfy the requirements of the community and governing bodies
      • Develop and launch consultations to solicit proposals for a post-MoU model or elements of that model
      • Engage the President's Strategy Committee to discuss inputs and develop concepts
      • Determine the process for implementation of an identified model
    • Strengthening: investigate the needs in order to sustain the new model and recruit the skill sets required to establish an effective organisation


    • Oversight: .2 FTE


    • Project management / advice on models: $150K


    • 4 trips: $30K
    • Publish proposed organisation structure.

