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University City



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HotelTonight – University City Charlotte Hotels

Ever since I was a kid, I have loved Charlotte, North Carolina. My Dad used to take me there on business trips, and I will always remember this hamburger place that he used to take me to that had the best burgers, fries and vanilla cokes. Many years passed between my last visit there with my Father and my next visit there as an adult, but as soon as I got there all of the memories and even some of the emotions came flooding back to me. I made the decision right then and there that I was going to do what I could to get to know this city fully. I came up with a plan that involved staying for an extra 24 hours in Charlotte every time I was there if possible. That would give me the opportunity to dig deeply into the beautiful place. I also decided that on these trips, I would visit one neighborhood at a time. That would remove any time-related stress. I chose University City on my last trip. As far as lodging was concerned, I had no concern. That's because I travel with the HotelTonight app. It would find me a University City Charlotte hotel as soon as I needed one.

The University

The reason the neighborhood has its name is because it's home to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. UNCC is a school that I had never seen, but it didn't take long for me to find out that this is a beautiful campus in the middle of a large city. The academics are renowned and the athletics are known across the country, but what I enjoyed was walking around and talking to students there. All of them – without exception – told me they loved their lives at this school.

The Botanical Gardens

While on the campus, I encountered something unexpected: a big botanical garden. I love botanical gardens, as they give you an opportunity to see what different plants look like that you're most likely not going to ever encounter in your daily life. They also provide you with a very nice introduction to what the local plant life is like, and I wound up spending a couple of hours here just walking around and appreciating all the work that went into this lovely place. I could've spent the entire day there.

The Food

I've always felt that you'll find some of the best restaurants around near big college campuses, and that proved correct with regards to UNCC. There were all kinds of choices for me, but I wanted some southern fare. I found a place that made some of the best fried chicken, greens and cornbread that I had ever tasted in my life. There was a subtle spice to the chicken skin that I could not name and that my server would not name. It was delicious.

HotelTonight – University City Charlotte Hotels Brought to You

After such a nice dinner, it was time to rest. I opened my HotelTonight app and it automatically listed several choices for University City Charlotte hotel rooms. I booked one and headed immediately towards what I knew was going to be a deep and satisfied slumber.