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A collection of missives and messages, along with nerd talk and company carryings-on.

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Gravity Forms vs GiveWP for WordPress Donations

Gravity Forms vs GiveWP Comparison for WordPress Donations

By Colin Newcomer

Trying to choose between Gravity Forms vs GiveWP for WordPress donations? Our honest comparison will help you make the best decision.

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5 Gravity Forms Add-Ons Your Nonprofit Needs to Use

5 Gravity Forms Add-Ons Your Nonprofit Needs to Use 

By Joe Fylan

Gravity Forms is the go-to form builder for nonprofits. But with so many features and integrations, are you getting the most out of your Nonprofit License?

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10 Essential Marketing Tools for Nonprofits

10 Essential Marketing Tools for Nonprofits

By Joe Fylan

Check out these top 10 marketing tools, solutions, and discounts for nonprofits that can help you do more with less.

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Fundraising Guide

Digital Fundraising on WordPress: Full Guide to Online Donations

By Colin Newcomer

Learn everything you need to know about using WordPress for digital fundraising, including how to accept online donations on your site.

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Create a Volunteer Application Form for your Nonprofit

Starter Guide: How to Create a WordPress Volunteer Application Form for Your Nonprofit

By Colin Newcomer

Learn how to create a WordPress volunteer application form for your nonprofit using the Gravity Forms plugin. No tech knowledge needed and it’s super flexible!

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Accept Recurring Monthly Donations

How to Create a Recurring Monthly Donation Form With Gravity Forms

By Colin Newcomer

Learn how to set up a WordPress recurring monthly donation form using Gravity Forms. No code needed – just follow the step-by-step guide!

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New Nonprofit License

Introducing the New Gravity Forms Nonprofit License

By Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms is the go-to WordPress form builder for nonprofits around the globe. Find out more about our new Nonprofit License and how it can benefit your organization.

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Nonprofit Donations

How to Start a Nonprofit Monthly Giving Program

By Megan Jones

Introducing a successful monthly giving program can increase revenue, retain donors, and help provide a predictable and reliable monthly income for your nonprofit. Find out more…

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Starter Guide: How to Create a Donation Form with Gravity Forms

By Megan Jones

In this Starter Guide, we look at how to create a donation form for your website, using a selection of form fields and conditional logic.

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3 Forms Your Nonprofit Website Needs (and how to create them)

By Megan Jones

Check out these 3 different forms your nonprofit website may need, including a contact form, a volunteer application form, and a donation form.

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Online donations

Here’s How to Accept Donations Through Your WordPress Site with Gravity Forms


Taking donations through a website is an excellent way to raise funds – and with Gravity Forms, it’s not as hard to set up as you may think.

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