The Happy Prince and Other Tales Quotes

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The Happy Prince and Other Tales The Happy Prince and Other Tales by Oscar Wilde
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The Happy Prince and Other Tales Quotes Showing 31-60 of 44
“What a curious shape you are!  May I ask were you born like that, or is it the result of an accident?” “It”
Oscar Wilde, The Happy Prince and Other Tales
“لا بُدَّ أن يخطو كل واحد خطوته الأولى في الحياة، وليس »
«. بمقدور الآباء سوى التَّحلِّي بالصبر”
أوسكار وايلد, The Happy Prince and Other Tales
“I am going to the House of Death. Death is the brother of Sleep, is he not?”
Oscar Wilde, The Happy Prince & Other Stories
“Dear little Swallow,” said the Prince, “you tell me of marvellous things, but more marvellous than anything is the suffering of men and of women.  There is no Mystery so great as Misery.  Fly over my city, little Swallow, and tell me what you see there.”
Oscar Wilde, The Happy Prince and Other Tales
“والملك قد وعد بأن يعزف على الفلوت. عزف الملك كان سيئًا للغاية، ولكنَّ أحدًا لم يجرؤ
على إخباره بذلك، فهو الملك. في الواقع، لم يكن الملك يعرف سوى لحنَين، ولم يكن متأكِّدًا
تمامًا أيَّهما كان يعزف؛ ولكن لم يكن ذلك مهمٍّا، فمهما فعل كان الجميع يصيحون قائلين: ! بديع! بديع”
أوسكار وايلد, The Happy Prince and Other Tales
“He must have a truly romantic nature," said the Catherine Wheel, "for he weeps when there is nothing at all to weep about.”
Oscar Wilde, The Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde
“He must have a truly romantic nature,' said the Catherine Wheel, 'for he weeps when there is nothing at all to weep about';”
Oscar Wilde, The Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde
“I dare say that if I knew him I should not be his friend at all. It is a very dangerous thing to know one's friends.”
Oscar Wilde, The Happy Prince & Other Stories
“Somebody must listen," answered Frog, " and I like to do all the talking myself. It saves time, and prevents arguments.”
Oscar Wilde, The Happy Prince & Other Stories
tags: ego
“Indudablemente, el amor es una buena cosa a su manera, pero la amistad vale más. Le aseguro que no conozco en el mundo nada más noble o más raro que una fiel amistad.”
Oscar Wilde, El príncipe feliz y otros cuentos
“but more often he would be alone, feeling through a certain quick instinct, which was almost a divination, that the secrets of art are best learned in secret, and that Beauty, like Wisdom, loves the lonely worshiper.”
Oscar Wilde, The Happy Prince and Other Tales
“- Колко глупаво нещо е любовта! — рече студентът, когато си тръгна. — Тя не е и наполовина така полезна, както логиката, защото нищо не доказва, винаги разправя неща, които няма да станат, и те кара да вярваш в неща, които не са верни. Всъщност тя е съвсем непрактична, а понеже в нашия век да бъдеш практичен значи всичко, аз ще се върна към философията и ще изучавам метафизика.
И той се върна в стаята си, издърпа голяма прашна книга и седна да чете.”
Оскар Уайлд, The Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde
“Ce n'est pas en Egypte que je vais, répondit le Martinet. Je vais à la maison de la Mort. La Mort n'est-elle pas la sœur du Sommeil?”
Oscar Wilde, The Happy Prince and Other Tales
“Mais l'Amour vaut mieux que la Vie, et qu'est-ce que le cœur d'un oiseau à côté d'un cœur d'homme?”
Oscar Wilde, The Happy Prince and Other Tales

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