A Special Message from Andrew Lincoln

Author: J.K. Rowling

Watch this short message from Andrew Lincoln, narrator of Quidditch Through the Ages, as he announces his involvement in the project.

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message 1: by rafia

rafia omg hes english lmao i knew him frmo twd but i never even knew he did narration too woah

message 2: by Eiler

Eiler How does it feel knowing that people made Quidditch a sport that some people play today.

Juliet omg omg i freaked out when I saw Andy on JKR page and my heart skipped several beats. Now I WANT THIS AUDIOBOOK!

Ilaria !!👉💖👈

message 5: by Em

Em I love him so much can't believe my fave actor is involved with HP

Sirius good

Sirius ok

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