2022 Reading Challenge
Participants 6,758,290
Books Pledged 334,764,390
Avg. Books Pledged 49
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Eric has read 88 of 50 books in 2022.
  • The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel
  • Koren Talmud Bavli, Vol.17 by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
  • Kesubos Vol. 3 [78a-112b] by Yosef Davis
  • The Jews in a Polish Private Town by Gershon David Hundert
  • Octopussy & the Living Daylights by Ian Fleming
  • The Man With the Golden Gun by Ian Fleming
  • Everyday Holiness by Alan Morinis
  • You Only Live Twice by Ian Fleming
  • On Her Majesty's Secret Service by Ian Fleming
  • Not Dead Yet by Phil Collins
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message 1: by AttackGirl (new)

AttackGirl Adjust those goals and keep reading.

message 2: by Eric (new)

Eric Thanks! My goal for 2023 will be set to 100 books.

message 3: by AttackGirl (new)

AttackGirl Congratulations Eric, you can do it. Maybe try a list if your having trouble finding books to read. Have you heard of Jordan B Peterson he has a suggested reading list. jordanbpeterson . Com You can also try listmuse . I’m waiting for all of Goodreads numbers of my reads to at least start matching. I guess it takes a few weeks to reconcile. Let the reading begin!j

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