75 Books...More or Less! discussion

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Archive (Intros & General) > Authors you love

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message 1: by Karol (new)

Karol | 99 comments What authors do you feel like you just can't get enough of? How long have you been reading their books; do you have a favorite title?

Have you discovered someone in 2008 that you plan to read more of in 2009?

message 2: by Terri (new)

Terri (terrisa-uk) Hmm this is a tricky one, as I tend to go off authors after a while!

I loved Patricia Cornwell's early novels, but went off them after a while. The tend to be a bit 'samey' and I kind of went off the central characters. Same with Minette Walters - like her early stuff, but can't even read the later books.

In 2008 I read Twilight, then had to immediately go out and get the rest of the series and read them back to back. I now need to read The Host, so I guess Stephenie Meyer is one of those authors I love!

Also I've just discovered Elizabeth Berg - only read one book so far, but really enjoyed it, so I want to read some more of hers ....

message 3: by *Nan* (new)

*Nan* (nan4471) I have quite a few favorite authors. Some of them are David Baldacci, Vince Flynn, Iris Johansen, Lisa Jackson, J.D. Robb, Tami Hoag and these are just a few.

message 4: by Penny (new)

Penny Oh, there are so many. Annie Dillard, Czeslaw Milosz, Mary Oliver, Tomas Transtromer, Robert Frost, Anne Lamott, Graham Greene. I've enjoyed a few first-book authors lately--Leif Enger (actually he has a new one out; I'm about half-way through it) and Jonathan Friesen. Basically, though, I like many authors, look forward to reading ones new to me, and enjoy discussing books with reading friends.

message 5: by d4 (new)

d4 Penny: I've just started reading Graham Greene. So far I've only read The Heart of the Matter and The End of the Affair, but I adored the latter.

message 6: by Ashley (new)

Ashley (readerandwriter) Stephenie Meyer

message 7: by d4 (new)

d4 some of the authors I've been reading lately:
Margaret Atwood
W. Somerset Maugham
Cormac McCarthy
Milan Kundera

message 8: by d4 (last edited Nov 17, 2008 07:36PM) (new)

d4 Oh and just started reading a bit of Joyce Carol Oates--talk about a prolific writer!

message 9: by Karol (new)

Karol | 99 comments Wow - quite an intriguing group of authors. One thing I really enjoy about Goodreads is getting to know a couple of new authors. Deb Baker is one of my favorites for cozy mysteries . . .

message 10: by Wanda (new)

Wanda | 1 comments Charles Martin - Wrapped in Rain
Brandilynn Collins - Eyes of Elisha
Colleen Coble - Without a Doubt
Francine Rivers - Redeeming Love
Robin Lee Hatcher - The Shepherds Voice
Hannah Alexander - Hideaway

message 11: by Maria (new)

Maria Elmvang (kiwiria) Favourite authors:
Tamora Pierce (I've read and loved all her books)
L.M. Montgomery (ditto. Just bought the biography of her written by Rubio and can't wait to get to read it!)
C.S. Lewis (I especially love Narnia and "Out of the Silent Planet")
Diana Gabaldon
Frank Peretti
Maeve Binchy

New authors I've discovered this year and come to love:
Neta Jackson (author of "The Yada Yada Prayer Group" which is the BEST Christian fiction I've EVER read... and yes, it does deserve all those capital letters ;) )
Andrea Pickens (historical novels. My favourite is "The Spy in Silk")
Stieg Larsson (you all have to read "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" - it's fantastic!)

message 14: by Kathy (new)

Kathy  (readr4ever) | 265 comments Laurie R. King
Ariana Franklin
Amy Tan
Stephenie Meyer
J.K. Rowling
Roald Dahl
Norman Cantor
Khaled Hosseini
Paul Jennings
J.R.R. Tolkien
Sena Jeter Naslund
Sue Monk Kidd
Connie Willis

message 16: by Graceann (new)

Graceann (silentsgirl) Oh my gosh, that's an eclectic list for me.

My absolute favorite is Eugenia Price (who passed away in 1996 so, sadly, I will never again have the experience of reading a new title from her).

Gene Stratton-Porter (who was killed in 1924)
Jasper Fforde
Paul Auster
Jane Heller (hilarious)
Kate Morton (a new favorite)
Bill Bryson
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Gavin Lambert
Gavin Lambert
Philippa Gregory
Alison Weir
John Jakes
Ellen Feldman

and a guilty pleasure
Sidney Sheldon (his books are like cotton candy, completely devoid of nutrition and melting on the tongue, but gosh I love them - good fun trash!)

I'm sure I'll think of a half-dozen other folks as soon as I hit "post," but these are the highlights.

Lynne - The Book Squirrel (squirrelsend) Stephen King
John Saul
Mike Gayle
James Herbert
Alan Titchmarsh

I will buy any new ones by these authors as soon as they are available.

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