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message 1: by Michele, The bookoholic! (new)

Michele C (mcgxo95) | 4897 comments Mod
Each time you read a book be sure to add a review here :) Also check out our points system if your interested in finding out how to become a mod/choose our next monthly read and/or become a featured reader!

Apps *ąþþℓεş щïŧɧ şþℓεεŋ ïş şҩųïşɧγ* (appsl) Are we supposed to post the link here or the whole review?

message 3: by Michele, The bookoholic! (new)

Michele C (mcgxo95) | 4897 comments Mod
whole review :)

message 4: by Dina (new)

Dina Heikal (dhekal) | 442 comments Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill
Joe Hill did a great job with it. The scenes were vivid and scary. The characters were very well built and I really cared about them. It's a dark adventure that you can't stop reading and surprises you with every page turn.

message 5: by James (new)

James (theadventurousbookreader) The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #2) by Rick Riordan

Rick Rordan has done a amzing job with the second book. The book had a lot of action and a lot surprises that I didn't suspect. I will read the third book in this series sometime in the future.

message 6: by Amber (new)

Amber Inkheart (Inkheart, #1) by Cornelia Funke

This book was amazing. The story was intresting and the characcters well thought out. Meggie was a nice character that I enjoyed reading about. The action parts were good, not to violent but intresting enough to keep you hooked, it's a book that I would hand to a young reader without much worry. There wasn't any time where I felt lost with what was happening. This is a book that I feel you would re-read many times, and not be bored.

message 7: by Amber (new)

Amber Divergent (Divergent, #1) by Veronica Roth

I think we're sitting on the next Hunger Games here. This book was all around a couldn't-put-it-down classic. The characters each had a unique personality. I felt like I knew each and everyone. The auther explained everything well, I didn't have trouble understanding and organizing their society. The cover was nice, it was simple but portrayed an important part in the book for Tris. Her romance in the book is toned down but was really cute. I can't wait to read the next book!

Apps *ąþþℓεş щïŧɧ şþℓεεŋ ïş şҩųïşɧγ* (appsl) I am Number Four (Lorien Legacies, #1) by Pittacus Lore
Since I was getting this book in my recommendations again and again and it had got such high ratings, I decided to try it out. But I have to say I was a bit disappointed. The book felt quite slow moving and I felt like the plot was kinda incomplete. It was all about four thinking about his girlfriend and daydreaming. The whole book felt like a prologue.
On the high side the story was quite original and the characters were really cute.

Apps *ąþþℓεş щïŧɧ şþℓεεŋ ïş şҩųïşɧγ* (appsl) Strange Angels (Strange Angels, #1) by Lili St. Crow
I would have given one more star to this book if it hadn't been the standard 'girl-torn-between-wolf-vamp' thing. The world portraited by Crow was actually very good. Especially the part where Dru is a total Daddy's girl and now finds herself all alone. Dru is not your 'all kick ass' girl but she manages (though personally I think there was all too much snot and tears).

message 10: by Snehal (new)

Snehal (sw_lillian) Divergent (Divergent, #1) by Veronica Roth
Divergent is about a girl named Beatrice(Tris) who shifts from the selfless Abnegation faction to the courageous Dauntless faction. How Tris tries to fit in and meets her other half is all what the book is about. It has everything from action-packed adventure to thrilling romance. I won't reveal much as I do not want to spoil the experience for those who haven't read it yet. It is definitely unputdownable. I envy those who haven't read it yet as a great treat is waiting for them! All in all, most surely worth a read.

message 11: by Sαmαnthα (new)

Sαmαnthα  (smyeres117) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, #7) by J.K. Rowling

“I'm going to keep going until I succeed — or die. Don't think I don't know how this might end. I've known it for years.”
― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Most seventeen-year olds don’t think of the possibility of an early death as being possible. But then again, most seventeen-year olds haven’t come face-to-face with death almost half a dozen times before their first kiss either.

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the seventh and final book of the ridiculously popular Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling brilliantly ties up every loose end that she has planted over the last ten years since the very first outing of the series was published in 1998 (in America). Truly, Rowling has learned exactly what her fans want and subsequently delivers a book that answers every Potterhead’s questions — and then some.

Not only does Deathly Hallows revisit key places and characters from all of the previous six books, but Rowling even manages to make clever references to previous bits of dialogue from her earlier books. Case in point: near the end of the first Potter book, after Hermione fails to see the magical solution to saving the trio from a nasty patch of Devil’s Snare, Ron yells “HAVE YOU GONE MAD? ARE YOU A WITCH OR NOT?” Now, six years later, Hermione finally gets her revenge on her red-headed friend when Ron believes that all is lost until Hermione yells to him “Are you a wizard, or what?” thus reminding Ron to use his wand to solve their problem. Subtle references such as this are a large part of what makes Rowling’s books so enjoyable to re-read as there are always deeper meanings and additional allusions that are often only discovered via multiple read-throughs.

Harry’s bold statement regarding his own potential death is also a prime example of how much Rowling truly wrote Harry’s last tale for her long-time fans. This line seems to read as a secret “shout-out” to the Potterites who have also known for years that the series might not end happily ever after. The prophecy in the fifth book revealed that “neither shall live while the other survives”, and therefore by the end of book seven either Harry or Voldemort had to die. Rowling cleverly fills her last installment with so many twists, turns and complications, however, that it becomes practically impossible to determine which way this book is going to end.

More than any of the other Potter books, Deathly Hallows is a true quest narrative, with the trio spending the majority of the story hunting for Horcruxes and Hallows whilst evading capture by Voldemort’s Death Eaters. The multiple close-calls that all three main characters find themselves in throughout the book add to the tension that continues to build until the predictably bloody battle at the end of the book. The book does, after all, chronicle a brutal war. I was not prepared for a lot of killing, and, consequently, a lot of tears.

This is not to say that Deathly Hallows doesn’t offer up a great deal of laughs as well. The hilarious twins Fred and George Weasley make several appearances to ensure that the book isn’t all doom and gloom. One of the funny part of the story is the secret radio show Potterwatch, anonymously hosted by former Hogwarts Quidditch commentator Lee Jordan with special appearances from Fred, George, and ex-Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Remus Lupin. Rowling perfectly mixes this blend of humor, tragedy and adventure so that her epic-length novel never lags or drags.

To write a 759 page book that millions of die-hard fans around the world are able to devour in an incredible amount of time, Joanne Kathleen Rowling’s farewell to the Boy Who Lived is an incredibly gripping page-turner that will leave all Potter lovers immensely satisfied.

“Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”
― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

message 12: by Amber (new)

Amber ^ wowness

message 13: by Sαmαnthα (new)

Sαmαnthα  (smyeres117) Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2) by Suzanne Collins
Defiantly not as good as the first, but it was still enjoyable. I felt like Collins rushed at the end and dragged in the middle. Reading Catching Fire was like eating a half-iced cupcake. The excitement (icing) needs to be spread out, instead of in one spot. If the icing is spread out, then the cupcake is much more enjoyable to read.
Also, if the cupcake just happens to be temporarily fully iced, then you have to stop reading and go to sleep because you have school tomorrow.

message 14: by Dina (new)

Dina Heikal (dhekal) | 442 comments The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
This novel was great, a little complicated when you give it much thought. Because Dorian read a book about a man with no morals and was very influenced by it, and became as notorious as him, and Oscar Wilde walked the same road which led to prison. I like the way he described things he has a beautiful style. Basil said in the story about the picture that he put too much of himself into it. And I think Oscar Wilde painted himself into his novel like his character Basil. There is some tragedy in the novel.
I cared about the character. And the idea of the novel was just amazing.
I recommend it for anyone who's interested in classics.

message 15: by Alyssa (new)

Alyssa (clarinetto14) | 14 comments Frostbite (Vampire Academy, #2) by Richelle Mead

** spoiler alert ** OK so the beginning was a little slow and the middle but the end with Rose fighting was epic and I finished the last half of the book in about two hours. But then there was also the problem of me knowing the outcome since I've already read Bloodlines and know Rose and Dimitri with end up together, so all that drama seemed boring to me but like I said its probably only because I know it all works out.

message 16: by Alyssa (new)

Alyssa (clarinetto14) | 14 comments Abandon (Abandon Trilogy, #1) by Meg Cabot

OK so the plot for this book was awesome but there were some sections that were confusing and some that seemed like they were just incorrect (ie. around page 198). But overall a good read!

message 17: by Alyssa (new)

Alyssa (clarinetto14) | 14 comments Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy, #1) by Richelle Mead

I thought for a first book in a series this one was really well written. The beginning was a little slow but the rest of the book was great! Now I can't wait to read the rest of the series!

message 18: by Snehal (last edited Apr 18, 2012 11:40PM) (new)

Snehal (sw_lillian) The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, #1) by J.R.R. Tolkien

The Lord of the Rings is often called a trilogy but it is, in fact, a single novel consisting of six books:- Return of the Shadow; Fellowship of the Ring; The treason of Isengard; The Journey of Mordor; The War of the Ring and The Return of the King. The whole novel has been written and published in three volumes: The Fellowship of the Ring; The Two Towers and The return of the King each containing two of the aforementioned books.
The First part, The Fellowship of the Ring starts on a happy note with Bilbo and Frodo’s birthday feast and then suddenly plunges into a dark mystery with Bilbo’s act of vanishing. The second chapter, Shadow of the Past, discloses almost all of the history of the One Ring and how Frodo came to possess this burden. When Gandalf tells Frodo that Sauron has discovered that the One Ring has been found, and he is searching for it in desperation, Frodo wishes it need not have happened in his time. To this Gandalf replies,“So do I. And so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” After the Second chapter, the book progresses very slowly. I felt that their journey has been dragged and so a few chapters of the first book after The Shadow of the Past feel monotonous. The excitement picks again with the entry of Strider into the story. After they leave Bree with Strider as their guide, they have many narrow escapes from the Black Riders which builds up the tension in the book. Frodo is hurt in one of the encounters making it all the more interesting. By the end of the first book, the party has reached Rivendell.
The Second book is a lot more enthralling and unputdownable than the First book. “The Council of Elrond” is probably the most important part of the ‘Fellowship of the Ring’. After this chapter, their journey commences, but now with a different destination, a different purpose and a different set of people. Here the journey is more interesting as it consists of different kinds of creatures. The author has also subtly and very aptly described the breaking of the Fellowship of the Ring with first Gandalf falling into the chasm and then Boromir trying to seize to ring from Frodo. Ultimately, it is only Sam and Frodo who head to Mordor.
Another aspect of the book that makes it interesting and worth a read is the songs put in here and there by the author. Some of them are truly beautiful.

But end of the story, it is a pretty boring book in comparison to books like Harry Potter or Divergent that we now have.

(I read the book and wrote this review for a school project except for the last line)

message 19: by Jon, The Paperback Prince (new)

Jon (scottreadsit) | 5707 comments Mod
Sw_lillian wrote: "The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, #1) by J.R.R. Tolkien

The Lord of the Rings is often called a trilogy but it is, in fact, a single novel consisting of six books:- Return of the Shadow; Fellowship of the Ri..."

It maybe long and dragged out a little.. it's still really good! You need to see the movie

message 20: by Apps *ąþþℓεş щïŧɧ şþℓεεŋ ïş şҩųïşɧγ* (last edited Dec 16, 2011 03:05AM) (new)

Apps *ąþþℓεş щïŧɧ şþℓεεŋ ïş şҩųïşɧγ* (appsl) Bloodlines (Bloodlines, #1) by Richelle Mead
This book is really good though not as good as the Vamp Academy .The book felt a bit slow but the plot was good. I really missed rose in this and all the trouble and action that follow her around and also her unpredictability. Jill totally bugged me. Ahhhh! It was like every man within miles had fallen for her. I mean even Eddie?? And she was just plain annoying.
Sidney was like the tastiest thing in the book. She managed to be the perfect and sweet and all without being annoying. And Adrian....What to say? He's just Adrian, and adorable. I was always a big fan of his and Bloodlines really played him up.
Then there was the whole Vamp-lover and evil-creature-of-the-night thing. Sidney and Adrian?? OMG! Perfect!!

message 21: by Alyssa (last edited Dec 16, 2011 02:10PM) (new)

Alyssa (clarinetto14) | 14 comments Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles, #1) by Kami Garcia

OK so the only reason I bought this book was because it was relatively inexpensive at about eight dollars. So when I bought it I was thinking well this looks interesting and I heard that its supposed to be a really good series so maybe I'll give it a shot. Then I brought it home and it sat on my bookshelf for quite a few weeks then I decided to buy another copy of it for my friend but I wanted to read it before her so I picked it up to read. And man am I glad I did. Well there are a lot of things I like about this book... one is the point of view its written in. Usually books are written from the girl's perspective which is awesome because duh the girl is the main character but this book is written from a boy's perspective which I thought was a little weird at first, cause I am a girl and I don't think like a guy, but overall it was a really neat perspective to read from. Also the plot was sorta unique... it didn't have the whole werewolf/vampire thing which most books today have... and I love the whole idea of casters. (view spoiler) So overall I thought this was a pretty awesome book definitely deserving of five stars.

message 22: by Alyssa (new)

Alyssa (clarinetto14) | 14 comments A Gift of Ghosts by Sarah Wynde

So I started reading this author's work on fan fiction and loved her writing style. It was simply impeccable and her ability to capture the essence of the Eureka characters was amazing. So even though I loved her work when I heard she was writing an original work I was little skeptical. I'm definitely not a fan of paranormal fiction so I decided to skip this and stick to Eureka fan fiction. Then recently the book went for free on amazon for one day only so I decided to get it and give it a chance. And I'm definitely glad I did.

-Well as I said the writing style is amazing. It was such a fast read and I ended up finishing it in only a matter of hours and it wasn't even consistently since I was required to bond with my family... my cousin kept trying to drag me away from my kindle... but trust me the only was I leaving was if the house was burning down around me! : )

-The character were so likeable. Akira was the image of a perfect modern day heroine with her bravery but still flawed. I could relate with her and that makes for a great read. Then we have Zane, the perfect love interest, who had such an unique personality. I loved his office!! Then there Dillon... there is hardly words to describe him. He was such a loveable character and was that perfect background character who kept the whole story together. I mean who wouldn't love a cautious teenage ghost boy who ironically died from an overdose? I can't wait for the companion novel with Dillon! Lastly we have the whole Latimer family as a whole who such an awesome group of people who seem so tight knit but perfectly happy to accept Akira into their family.

-I also loved the vague references to many Eureka elements. They were in there but not blatantly obvious so half the time I was scratching my head thinking "De ja vu, much?" before finally getting it and smiling so widely that my family must have thought I finally went nuts! : )

-So next there were all of the scientific and psychic details that were so interesting. I can't even imagine how much effort and research went into these small details and they totally made the book. They probably pushed this book from four stars up to five stars!

-Lastly I loved the ending! (view spoiler)

None, silly! : )

So this book was definitely amazing and totally deserved five stars. Even if you're not paranormal fan give this book a try because its not your normal run of the mill ghost book. It has such depth and details that makes you want to keep rereading it!! Enjoy!

message 23: by Coletta (new)

Coletta Fuller | 80 comments The Report Card
by Andrew Clements

I used to really like this book, but i was like five then. I really don't like this book because of the main character. She just annoys me. She thinks she's really smart, but she really is probably just as smart as me, and she makes a huge mess. I understand why she thinks that tests don't really show how smart you are, but teacher know that too. Tests just pretty much just show how much you pay attention and study. Also, IQ tests don't really show much.(less)

message 24: by Coletta (new)

Coletta Fuller | 80 comments Deeper (Tunnels, #2)
By Gordon, Roderick

It was really good but it was kind of slow with a few inconsistencies.

message 25: by Mazerunnergunner (last edited Jan 09, 2012 02:04PM) (new)

Mazerunnergunner (Rubberduckboy1) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is a great book.Book one of the Harry potter series is so interesting.I would rate this book 8 out of ten.How could you not read this book.I couldn't stop reading.I could read 5 hours straight a.k.a.(WEIRD).YOU SHOULD READ THIS IF YOU DIDN"T.I really would marry this book.Thats how good it is.Ron,Ron oh Ron learn to use your spells right.J.K. Rowling is amazing how does she write a book so good.

message 26: by Mazerunnergunner (last edited Jan 09, 2012 02:18PM) (new)

Mazerunnergunner (Rubberduckboy1) About the B'nai BagelsI love this book.I could relate to the book.Only one thing is different my mom is not the coach.I still love the name of the team.B'nai Bagels wow what a book!You should read it already.Go read it.Stop reading this go to to the library or the bookstore to take it out.10 out of ten.This book is a must read .Best book i ever read. I really think that you as a member of the Erudite Readers should listen to me.Read this book please

message 27: by Jon, The Paperback Prince (last edited Jan 08, 2012 04:27PM) (new)

Jon (scottreadsit) | 5707 comments Mod
Gandhi is an amazing novel. It goes into depth about the Great Soul's life. Some details of Gandhi's life I could relate to such as his hating of Geometry. As the book went on I learned what motivated him and his policy of ahimsa. I even found out that Gandhi was arrested for picking up a piece of salt at the beach by the British Gov't. Gandhi's policies of Satyagraha influenced Martin Luther King Jr. and even Nelson Mandela. He spent over 2000 days in jail and he was killed by a man who didn't want Hindus to cooperate with the Muslims . Gandhi is a good book to read because it's short and very descriptive. Lastly it tells the story of an amazing man who has touched millions of lives and who's legacy lives on today. I think everyone should read this to honor the life of a great man. i need to readThe Story of My Experiments With Truth by Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi is the Indian Moses/ George Washington..

message 28: by Valencia (new)

Valencia (empowered) | 52 comments Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1) by Tahereh Mafi

This book was AMAZING!!! Before I considered reading it, I felt that I wouldn't like it becuase of all the hype about it. I didn't understand what people thought was so fabulous about it, just like I didn't see what was the big deal about Divergent. So I took the plunge. The first two chapters had me hooked. I was already on an emotional high and I hadn't even bought the book!!! The story was enticing, but the writing....the writing had me analyzing my own thought processes. The author hit this one on the head. The scratched through writing, the repetition, the muddled thinking it all pulled me into the story. It made me unsure of my own self and my own abilities. Made me want to go hug someone..... I can honestly say no other book has effected me like this one has. This book is a heart wrenching tale that makes you appreciate things that you wouldn't think mattered so much. This is a must read, and I can not wait for the next installment!

message 29: by Mazerunnergunner (last edited Jan 09, 2012 02:16PM) (new)

Mazerunnergunner (Rubberduckboy1) Bud, Not Buddy
THis book should win an award.The award should be for b est children's book.The book won a newberry award already.Bud is such a great character.I feel so bad for him that he was in a orphanage because his father wouldn't take him in.Its so sad that this happens in real life.This award winning book should be the book that we read next month.It is very inspiring how a boy who didn't even know if his father father was still alive finds him.Now that is a book worth reading.

message 30: by Jon, The Paperback Prince (new)

Jon (scottreadsit) | 5707 comments Mod
Valencia wrote: "Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1) by Tahereh Mafi

This book was AMAZING!!! Before I considered reading it, I felt that I wouldn't like it becuase of all the hype about it. I didn't understand what people thought wa..."

Valencia you now have 6 points, great review

message 31: by Mazerunnergunner (last edited Apr 16, 2012 07:33AM) (new)

Mazerunnergunner (Rubberduckboy1) The voyage of the dawn treader is a great book.The book is so interesting.That book made me want to read the whole series.Best book ever! A 9 out 10.C.S. Lewis is a genius to write this book.You must read it.A thrilling tale.A emotional,inspiring,interesting,under rated book.Really this book is a must read.You must listen to me.C.S. Lewis is important part of my life because of this book.I really can't imagine life if I didn't read this book.That is how good this book is.

message 32: by Nandanie (new)

Nandanie (biblioholic369) My review for Hex Hall

I loved this!!! You were practically turning the pages!!!! I loved the twist at the end-who would've thought that Archer was the Eye? I felt soo dumb! I like Sophie. The way she thought, how she reacted to dogs (Bad Dog!) her magic, the revenge everything!!!!

Archer: I am so glad that you didnt kill Sophie. I have the feeling that you love her, i havent read spellbound yet. As for Elodie, I think you could find better taste.

Elodie: I felt sorry for her at the end but it didn't last long. She was preppy, snotty and stuck-up. I hate characters like that!

Jenna-Girl! You are a vamp and that is cool! Those witches should know who they are dealing with!

In all: I loved this book and its characters! =)

message 33: by Nandanie (new)

Nandanie (biblioholic369) My review for Divergent:

The 5 groups: Abnegation, Amity, Dauntless, Erudite and Candor. An annual ceremony. One choice. One fate.

That's how it's supposed to be. But what happened to Beatrice? She became a Divergent!!! Because of her ability, she poses as a threat to the groups, they can't control her. With this information she joins Dauntless.

4-I loved him! Oh My Gosh! I loved the way how he had 4 fears, how he like Tris and how he acted as if he could throw her in a dump one day and can't let her go another day!

Tris-I love it when heroines kick behinds and show men that they are smart, strong and athletic! Tris showed this, even though she was scared most of the time! Love ya!

In all, these 2 were my favorite characters and I loved the twists at the end of Erudite and Dauntless and the armies and war and such! Good book! =)

message 34: by Nandanie (new)

Nandanie (biblioholic369) My review for Tiger's Curse!

I love this book. It's officially one of my favorite series!

Ren: Smart, handsome, flirtatious and yet, boyish. There was something about him that drawn me towards him! I don't know what exactly. I like him and I feel like i can connect to him!

Kishan: Strong, muscular, bad boy. I love Kishan, but not as much as Ren. I love Ren. But now I am talking about Kishan. Kishan is one of those boys that you don't want to mess with. He has this strong aura of "You better watch your back" or "I am gonna kick your behind!" I love him. He is funny, flirtatious and careless.

Kelsey: Smart, and brave. I love her(though I would rather keep Ren for myself!) She is smart, helping Mr. Kadam decipher the codes to Durga's prophecies. She also knows how to wield her snake!

Fanindra: Girl! You are my personal cobra!!! I love you!!! Who doesn't like a snake that can be a bracelet adn a vicious protector?

Durga: You are my Indian godess. I am named after you after all! I love the way that you are helping Ren and Kishan in this quest!

Lokesh: Die! You killed Yesubai! Your own daughter and wife! All you care about is your amulets and greed!!!1

Mr Kadam: You love cars too much! And you are knowlegeable. There is somethin about you that reminds me of my won granddaddy! I like you as a character!

Nilima: I love you too! You are so nice and kind towards Kelsey.

I love this book adn MOST of the characters! I don't know why, but I am drawn into this book like a magnet! This is my review!

message 35: by Jon, The Paperback Prince (last edited Jan 08, 2012 07:34PM) (new)

Jon (scottreadsit) | 5707 comments Mod
Nandanie you now have 8 points, 1 more review and you're tied for first :)

message 36: by Coletta (new)

Coletta Fuller | 80 comments Linger
By Maggie Stiefvater
Rating: Five stars

This book is amazing!! I love how you get to see all the main characters points of views because it makes you feel for them. I felt so bad for Cole and I couldn't wait to read what happened next, so I read the whole book at one time. I can't wait to read the next book because this was sooooo good.

message 37: by Nidhi (new)

Nidhi Thomas (nidhithomas) | 650 comments oh this is interesting!

message 38: by Valencia (last edited Jan 08, 2012 10:24PM) (new)

Valencia (empowered) | 52 comments Firelight (Firelight, #1) by Sophie Jordan

I can say that I truly enjoyed this book. It was very refreshing. You don't see very many "relatable" and "reasonable" novels about dragons. What I mean is that I could see myself in Jacinda's shoes. Fighting for what I believe in. For the very essence of my being. Rebeling against and also standing to be an outcast for my family. Jacinda is a very strong feminine character and Will complements her in every way. The entire time I was guessing and coming up short on every conclusion I made. The ending left my mouth watering in suspense. There's several very capable antagonist characters, some of which will surprise you right up til the end, that will make the next installment action packed. I give this novel 5 stars!!!!

message 39: by Nidhi (new)

Nidhi Thomas (nidhithomas) | 650 comments Sea Glass (Glass, #2) by Maria V. Snyder

Well.. I truly love this book. The plot was a-amazing! It had a lot of twists in it. Even though I skipped ahead to see if..umm if Develen and what's-her-name hooked up umm OPAL! yes. With the thought of that I read the half of the ending and was like "Ok not so bad, now I know what's going to happen." But nope, nooo! When I actually started reading it went a whole different way then back to what I read, it was..interesting indeed.
Opal as her character, you can see that she has devoloped through the book. You can actually see the drastic change in her personality from the first book. One minute she is like "ohhh optimism all around!!" then to "Gloom and doom, I don't trust anyone." but I didn't like that part of her, made the book depressing. Made her look depressing, but she did have some good sarcastic remarks ;) oh and she is still a weakling :(
Develen and Uriclk (however you spell his name) they, they hmmmm Develen didn't actually shock me with his new...behaviour.. I expected it. Uriclk well he surprised me, even though I didn't not like him at all. I knew something was off about him. But back to the point he, I never imagined him as an asshole! (sorry) even though I did not like him, I still thought, but hey! that was something that made the book interesting.
Zitora, I like her. She is a smart women, yet annoying and frustrating to understand! I did not connect with her in this book, not one bit! I have nothing else to say.
Kade oh Kade..Your hot and amazing and caring. I love you. Your character is very lovely. I love your power, it's, it's, it's amazing.
Anyway I can blab on and on without making sense so I will stop right here and conculde saying I gave this book 3.5 stars :D can't wait to read spy glass XD and I hope this time Opal doesn't constently get Kidnapped :D and also hope Develen and Opal get together!

message 40: by Nandanie (new)

Nandanie (biblioholic369) My review for Fury.

We have all read terrible books. Let's just say that I couldn't finish this!

Ok...I dont know where to begin. I have read the first 33 pages of this book and I felt like gagging. Correction: I was gagging! I don't know how the cover and genres were so deceiving! It looked good, the titles was awesome and the plot-let's not even go there!

The prologue was beautiful! I felt like I was on that bridge, but what did you do to your writing? It turned from suicide to karma? What the heck? What type of fury is that? I weas utterly deceived and I am angry for it! I didn't even finish it, nor do I want to!

There wasn't any action. It was basically based on snotty, stuck-up teens with social and internal problems. Not my type of book! I think I have been thrown into a "prep pit!"

This was boring! I hate it! I thought that they were goin to have sword fighting and girls with red hair, butt kicking 24/7. How could I have been so wrong? Ha! I am going to find a book that I will enjoy-I need to be in my paranormal world! I am already living on Earth, and trust me, it's extremely boring for my liking! Well, there's my review! And that's what I think of this book! Please, let me go find a book that wouldn't have words that would burn out my irises!

message 41: by Nandanie (new)

Nandanie (biblioholic369) my review for Inheritance! Inheritance (Inheritance, #4) by Christopher Paolini

When I first read Eragon, I fell in love. I finally found a book that had everything that I needed! Eragonw as fatherless and motherless but he had an uncle. Uncle Garrow.

After finding a stone that hatched into a sapphire dragon (Saphira), he seeks revenge to go and kill the raz'ac that had killed/murdered his uncle.

But, he has to go against the kingdom. Eragon will have to fight the dragonriser-king. I loved this!

Vroengard, the Vault of Souls, the swordbattles, the dragons, the secret love, the sacrafice. This ENTIRE series must be read! I can't think of life without it.

Arya-butt kicking, fighting and fearless. My type of herione. She has no time to play and Eragon learns that the hardway soooo many times!

Eragon-fearless(after being afraid for like 10 times!) swordfighting and jealous. He doesn't like to be beat by Arya, yet a victory is everythign to him!

Saphira-Girl! You are a dragon adn you show it! Breathe that fire, kick that behind! My type of dragon! She even has a special name for us humans-round ears two legs!

I loved this series, I am sad that it is over but after a full year of waiting for Inheritance, it pays off! =)

message 42: by Michele, The bookoholic! (new)

Michele C (mcgxo95) | 4897 comments Mod
Nandanie wrote: "My review for Fury.

We have all read terrible books. Let's just say that I couldn't finish this!

Ok...I dont know where to begin. I have read the first 33 pages of this book and I felt like..."

Great review btw! Some parts were funny ,yet probs are true

message 43: by Jon, The Paperback Prince (new)

Jon (scottreadsit) | 5707 comments Mod
Nandanie wrote: "My review for Fury.

We have all read terrible books. Let's just say that I couldn't finish this!

Ok...I dont know where to begin. I have read the first 33 pages of this book and I felt like..."

It was entertaining, and funny.. You are hilarious :)
Also you're in first place :)

message 44: by Nandanie (new)

Nandanie (biblioholic369) My review for SKULDUGGERY PLEASANT!

Skulduggery Pleasant (Skulduggery Pleasant, #1) by Derek Landy

I loved this series! Who would ever thought of a skeleton detective? That is pure genius! Skulduggery Pleasant is a detective, as you have just read. He fights crime after his wife and child were murdered right in front of him. He was then burned. After that, his enemies stashed his bones in a bag in which he "put himself together" awkward right?

Skulduggery Pleasant-Butt-kicking, sarcastic, funny skeleton. He hates the faceless ones and he grieves for his family-but he hides it! He also has a sidekick named Stephanie aka Valkyrie.

You do notice that these are vocabulary words right? Skulduggery, Valkyrie, Pleasant? Good to see that you are catching on!

Valkyrie-though she loves helping Skulduggery, she hates doing it! She was even forced to drive a car once!

China Sorrows-Though she is beautiful, China can kick behind! Literally! That girl is like a ninja!

I loved these characters but my fav is Skulduggery! Nontheless, you should read this series! =))) *happy face*

message 45: by Nandanie (new)

Nandanie (biblioholic369) Scott wrote: "Nandanie wrote: "My review for Fury.

We have all read terrible books. Let's just say that I couldn't finish this!

Ok...I dont know where to begin. I have read the first 33 pages of this book an..."

YAY! =)

message 46: by Nandanie (new)

Nandanie (biblioholic369) Michele.♥ wrote: "Nandanie wrote: "My review for Fury.

We have all read terrible books. Let's just say that I couldn't finish this!

Ok...I dont know where to begin. I have read the first 33 pages of this boo..."


message 47: by Sαmαnthα (new)

Sαmαnthα  (smyeres117) I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You (Gallagher Girls, #1) by Ally Carter
5/5 Stars
What an awesome concept for a book! Teenage girls who just happen to be spies. On that alone, I started reading. Right from the beginning, Cammie was a fabulous main character. Funny, relatable, hardworking, and loyal to both her friends and her mom. Ally Carter did a great job of making the life of a teenage spy seem both familiar and fun. For example, the classes. Countries of the World, Covert Operations, Ancient Languages, Culture and Assimilation, and Protection and Enforcement. Each and every one seemed 1 Million times more exciting than my regular classes at school. But being a spy isn't all fun and games. Cammie has to go on really hard missions to test her skills. And, she has to stay a chameleon, and blend in with her surroundings. That is, until Josh see's her. I really liked seeing Josh and Cammie's relationship grow. It was a simple, cute romance. But things don't look very bright when Cammie has to hide the fact that she's a spy. This book was fun to read, and kept me turning the pages, wondering what Cammie's secret would get her into next. The next book is Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy, which I'm looking forward to reading.

message 48: by Mazerunnergunner (new)

Mazerunnergunner (Rubberduckboy1) Into the Wild
Warriors Book 1 was great.First of all Rusty was such a great character.Just so you know what i mean.Rusty changed his name to fire paw,then to fire heart.O.K.Rusty,the cat that was owned by twoleg automatically meets a thunder clan.Do you believe that all of the sudden he joins the clan, just because he met Graypaw.In the book it said that that never happens ,so why did it happen now.I don't know,maybe Eric Hunter knows.At that moment I automatically assumed that he would be important obviously that happens in every book.

message 49: by Jon, The Paperback Prince (new)

Jon (scottreadsit) | 5707 comments Mod
Dr. wrote: "Into the Wild
Warriors Book 1 was great.First of all Rusty was such a great character.Just so you know what i mean.Rusty changed his name to fire paw,then to fire heart.O.K.Rusty,the ..."

Amazing. Review :)

message 50: by Michele, The bookoholic! (new)

Michele C (mcgxo95) | 4897 comments Mod
♥Samantha♥ wrote: "I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You (Gallagher Girls, #1) by Ally Carter
5/5 Stars
What an awesome concept for a book! Teenage girls who just happen to be spies. On that alone, I started reading. ..."

i really want to read this series! Great review

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