SciFi and Fantasy Book Club discussion

What Else Are You Reading? > What I am also reading in October

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message 2: by Jon (new)

Jon (jonmoss) | 890 comments Since my birthday is in October and I don't care for horror, I'm not sure what I'm going to read!

Currently reading The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton and Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein.

I will soon return to Frankenstein in ebook format. I will also start another short story anthology, probably Snow White, Blood Red which I recently picked up at the Friends of the Library book sale.

I should receive my signed and numbered copies of The Hero of Ages and The Well of Ascension: Book Two of Mistborn this month so I'll at least try to finish one of them.

And, finally, I recently received the final book in the Trophy Chase trilogy The Battle for Vast Dominion by George Bryan Polivka and should be able to finish that quickly.

message 3: by Shannon (new)

Shannon  (shannoncb) Happy birthday Jon!

Aside from Stranger in a Strange Land, I'm also reading The Phantom of the Opera this month with a GR buddy, but I confess I haven't started it yet. And my non-online book club is doing East of Eden this month and I really need to try to read this one because I've missed the last two months :(

I'm still plodding through the Penguin History of Canada because I'm doing my teaching degree here and one of my teachables in history and I don't know any Canadian history! The book raises a lot of questions for me but it is working - I've been able to contribute intelligent comments to discussions that have come up! It's just so hard to find the time to read now.

message 4: by Brooke (new)

Brooke | 0 comments My list isn't all that different from last month, since I only read 5 books in September. Very bizarre, for me!

New ones I added for this month - SISL and Lonesome October for this group, The Road by Cormac McCarthy for another, and I Am Legend.

message 5: by Terence (new)

Terence (spocksbro) I'm going to be very good this month and not go to the library; instead I'll be burrowing into the shelf of books I actually own!

Fictionwise, I'm finishing Viriconium by M. John Harrison and More Than Human by Theodore Sturgeon.

After that, I'm tackling The House in the High Wood by Jeffrey Barlough and Toll the Hounds, #8 in Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen series.

Nonfictionwise, I'm going to be focusing on hominin evolution with Steven Mithen's The Singing Neanderthals, Steven Stanley's Children of the Ice Age and David Lewis-Williams' Inside the Neolithic Mind, with a soupcon of Shakespeare thrown in: Think on My Words by David Crystal.

message 6: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Albee | 187 comments This monht and decemeber I will not be doing much pleasure reading.

I am in a Doctorate program And will be writting my comprehensive papers the next 8-10 weeks. What glorious fun

By the way Happy birthday Jon Oct 12 right.


message 7: by Beth A. (last edited Oct 01, 2008 04:13PM) (new)

Beth A. (bethalm) I will be reading The Hundred Secret Senses by Amy Tan, The Gathering by Anne Enright, A Curse Dark as Gold by Elizabeth Bunce, and Bitterwood by James Maxey.

message 8: by Sandi (new)

Sandi (sandikal) Right now, I'm re-reading "Stranger in a Strange Land" and reading "The Last Colony" by John Scalzi.

message 9: by Sandi (new)

Sandi (sandikal) I like Scalzi a lot. There's nothing too deep that makes me think too hard and I always have a good time with his books.

message 10: by Jon (last edited Oct 01, 2008 05:46PM) (new)

Jon (jonmoss) | 890 comments Actually it's tomorrow, not Columbus Day. :P

My birthday, that is. But the older I get, the less I worry about it.

message 11: by Jon (new)

Jon (jonmoss) | 890 comments Oh, I forgot I was reading The Gathering by Anne Enright as well this month, for another GoodReads book club.

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

I think Snow White, Blood Red is a horror anthology. Thought you didn't like that.

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm reading "Technophobia!: Science Fiction Visions of Posthuman Technology." Non-fiction.

message 14: by Marian (new)

Marian | 7 comments Before They Were Hanged
The Lifted Veil
Natural Ordermage
Three Hands for Scorpio
The Tourmaline
White as Snow
The Frozen Water Trade
Beyond the Abbey Gates
Set In Stone
The Wind-up Bird chronicle
A Night in Lonesome October
The Alchemist’s Code
Dream Thief
The Host
The New Policeman
Forests of the Heart
Belong to Me
The Keepsake
Wolf Tower

I'm Believing in this list for October! All in my hands either mine or library books.

message 15: by Brooke (new)

Brooke | 0 comments Happy birthday, Jon!

message 16: by Kristin (new)

Kristin I've finished Call of the Cthulhu and other Weird Stories by Lovecraft for my book group later this month.

I'm still working on Stranger in a Strange Land.

I want to read Zelazny's book but I'm having a hard time getting my hands on a reasonably priced copy.

I just started the Bhagavad-Gita

And I'm trying not to buy any books until I work through my "too read" pile on my nightstand. So I might be reading:
Axis by RC Wilson
Polar Star by Martin Cruz Smith
or a Donna Andrews mystery.

message 17: by Jon (new)

Jon (jonmoss) | 890 comments It's an anthology of fantasy/horror. It's a retelling of faery tales for adults. The first one was a good story and I liked it. I'll let you know if it get's to graphic or scary, but it probably won't. I like thrillers, just not stuff like Saw or Hostel (those are movies, I know, but it's been 2.5 decades since I read anything by Stephen King so I'm a bit rusty on what's out there).

message 18: by Jon (new)

Jon (jonmoss) | 890 comments Thank you for the birthday wishes, Brooke. :)

message 19: by Angie (new)

Angie | 342 comments Marian, that is quite a list for one month! Good luck!

message 20: by Sandi (new)

Sandi (sandikal) Marian is very ambitious.

message 21: by Catamorandi (new)

Catamorandi (wwwgoodreadscomprofilerandi) I am reading Callander Square by Anne Perry and House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski.

message 22: by Lianna (new)

Lianna Vigil (liannallama) | 40 comments oh, I love Cthulhu! I will probably end up reading some extra Heinlein--once I start with an author I usually read several more--even old favorites. The talk about short stories has me thinking of digging out some of those to read. I'm a little short on time this month due to work and lots of family obligations so I probably won't have such an impressive list. If I can get to the book store I will probably buy the rest of the Dresdin Files, # 7-whatever they are up to.

message 23: by Deanna (last edited Oct 03, 2008 05:42AM) (new)

Deanna | 30 comments I have a copy of A Night in Lonesome October I can loan anybody...let me know!

message 24: by Deebles (new)

Deebles | 8 comments My list for October so far is very short, I am currently reading The da-da-de-da-da Code by Robert Rankin (which goodreads can't seem to find and thinks is another book which is quite annoying as it means I can't add it to my library) and other than that I have no idea.

I am currently waiting to hear from my local library as to whether they have got a couple of books in yet, so I might be reading Where Demons Dare by Kim Harrison and The stupidest Angel by Christopher Moore.

message 25: by Gbina (new)

Gbina | 20 comments Holy crap, Marian! Make sure you take time to eat and drink. Hydration is important.

Seriously though, I am in awe of your reading prowess/ambitions. You have to let us know if you really read them all by October 31. ;)

message 26: by Lianna (new)

Lianna Vigil (liannallama) | 40 comments oh, shoot! I forgot that the new George RR Martin is coming soon so I think I will be reading the previous 4. I like to read them all again in order each time or at least read the most recent one before reading the new one. I'm so excited--anyone else eagerly awaiting this?

message 27: by Angie (new)

Angie | 342 comments Where did you see that the next Martin book is coming out?

message 28: by Sandi (new)

Sandi (sandikal) I have a couple of recommendations for anyone who wants to read some scary stuff for Halloween.

Check out Joe Hill. His novel, "Heart-Shaped Box" is an awesome ghost story. His short story collection, "Twentieth Century Ghosts" is like revisiting "The Twilight Zone" because it has a great mix of stories.

message 29: by Jon (new)

Jon (jonmoss) | 890 comments I mooched Heart-Shaped Box: A Novel recently and should receive it in the mail next week. If I get through the ones I've got on my urgent to read stack, I'll attempt to read it as well this month.

message 30: by Sandi (new)

Sandi (sandikal) Jon, it looks like a long book, but it was a really fast read. I had trouble putting it down, so i finished in a couple of days.

message 31: by Nick, Founder (In Absentia) (last edited Feb 25, 2009 03:35AM) (new)

Nick (nickqueen) | 303 comments Mod
Storm of Swords

message 32: by Leslie Ann (new)

Leslie Ann (leslieann) | 185 comments Oh, if only I had more time for pleasure reading!! I'm still only half-way through last month's selection Storm Front, and only two-thirds of the way through A Game of Thrones!!
However, I'm going to start Naomi Klein's book The Shock Doctrine to get my non-fiction fix in.

Griffin's Daughter (Griffin's Daughter Trilogy) by Leslie Ann Moore

message 33: by Lianna (new)

Lianna Vigil (liannallama) | 40 comments Sorry, Angie--my bad! I had it in my head that it was scheduled for October, but it had been scheduled for September and then indefinitely postponed. (sigh!) Write faster, darn you, George!

I went to the bookstore last night and stocked up on:
Dresden Files (7)
Heinlein's "For Us, the Living" (thanks to whomever pointed this out earlier--I didn't even know it existed!
Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind (soon to be a new TV series--anyone intrigued?
Elantris by Brandon Sanderson (who is rumored to be writing the next Robert Jordan book--oh, I am lamenting RJ's untimely demise!)

message 34: by Jon (new)

Jon (jonmoss) | 890 comments Lianna, not a rumor. Brandon Sanderson is writing the last book, A Memory of Light, and here's a link to his official blog:

Elantris was very good as was Mistborn: The Final Empire.

message 35: by Marian (new)

Marian | 7 comments Thanks for all the encouragement 2 down
THe host and White as Snow--Marian

message 36: by Lori (new)

Lori How are there 8 ratings for the Memory of Light? lol

message 37: by Angie (new)

Angie | 342 comments I would like to read Wizard's First Rule Lianna, I think TV series isn't called the same title as the book do you know what it is called?

message 38: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Albee | 187 comments I am reading a series of articles on auditory rehabilitation and auditory processing disorders. I will also be writing papaers to answer comrehesive exam questions for my Audiology doctorate.

I know very exciting but the pyscholgy portions of audiology are science "fiction". Just don't tell my teacher I said that


message 39: by Jenina (last edited Feb 25, 2009 02:17AM) (new)

Jenina | 1 comments Breaking Dawn - the latest in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. If that counts as horror...

message 40: by Travis (new)

Travis Crowe (travis_crowe) | 1 comments As for October, my first goal is to finish A Feast for Crows, since I've put off reading it for far too long. Then perhaps I can move onto World War Z , Cat's Cradle, or the Farseer Trilogy.

message 41: by Lianna (new)

Lianna Vigil (liannallama) | 40 comments oh, I will have to research to find the name of the TV show--My DH knows but I'm at work!

message 42: by Terence (new)

Terence (spocksbro) I said I was going to be good but I broke down today and ordered Sylvia Warner's Kingdoms of Elfin from the library.

I have seen references to it in so many encyclopedias and I've always wanted to read it. I took a chance and saw that one of my libraries had it.

message 43: by Jim (new)

Jim (jimmaclachlan) I just started Patricia Briggs', "Cry Wolf". She's usually a good, quick read. I love escaping to such worlds during lunch. It really breaks up the day.

This morning I'm reading several articles on RFID chips, their uses & dangers. We're thinking of using them here at work & experimentation kits are now cheap - $100 at The dangers are privacy concerns as they get included in more & more items. Wonder if I should make a tin foil hat - I mean wallet? ;-)

message 44: by Marian (new)

Marian | 7 comments 5 down! add to my read list Anathem, A night in Lonesome October and Set in Stone Plus read Veil of Gold and Escape not on this list.

message 45: by Jon (last edited Oct 09, 2008 04:38AM) (new)

Jon (jonmoss) | 890 comments October reading update:

Finished Stranger in a Strange Land.
I'm about 75% finished with Age of Innocence.
I'm about 40% finished with Snow White, Blood Red.

I've started The Gathering and I'm hating it. I may not be able to finish that one.

I received the last book of the Trophy Chase trilogy so it might be the next one I start.

I haven't received my Brandon Sanderson books yet, but I got an e-mail a couple of days ago that they were "in the mail."

Heart-Shaped Box: A Novel is also in the mail and I'll start that when I receive it.

And as soon as I finish the ebook copy of Age of Innocence, I'll continue on with the ebook edition of Frankenstein.

Not even a third of the way through October yet so plenty of days left to lose myself in a book.

message 46: by AA (new)

AA | 42 comments @Jon: Happy Birthday! :)

I'm reading Deja Dead (Reichs) - mostly b/c I really like Bones and wanted to see where it came from. Guess I should have read the book first b/c I do not like the Tempe character of the book at all (especially not compared to the tv character) Usually it's the other way around for me .. so this is a first!

message 47: by Jeffrey (new)

Jeffrey | 202 comments I have read so far in October:

Little Brother by Cory Doctorow
heat lightning by John Sandford
Fifth Floor by Michael Harvey

I also re-read Crossover by Joel Shepherd - an excellent sf import from australia

I am currently reading Foundation by Mercedes Lackey, a new novel in her Valdemar series

I am going clear out my second half of the month to read Anathem by Stephenson.

I also will try to read

Fade Away by Harold Cobin
Debateable Space by Phillip Palmer
Pirate Sun by Karl Schroeder

I usually read 10-12 so a couple of other books from the libary or the tbr pile will finish the month

message 48: by Marian (new)

Marian | 7 comments Down some more from the list-Beyond the Abbey Gates, Faefever, Gone, 2 not on the list-The silver Master,The secret life of Cee Cee wilkes. I guess I am just kidding myself on this list--Anathem took days--

message 49: by Ubik (new)

Ubik | 42 comments Hi guys, Im new to the group.

So far this month Ive read:

-Doomsday Book by Connie Willis
-Barefoot in the Head by Brian Aldiss (didnt finish it though)
-The Embedding by Ian Watson
-Venus Plus X by Theodore Sturgeon

Im currently reading: Far Rainbow: The Second Invasion from Mars (two stories; Im reading 2nd Invasion first)

Next up:

-The works of M.P. Shiel: Writings (which I got mainly for The Purple Cloud and will probably read the other stories in there as well considering how rare this book is and because the other works arent available in any other form)
-Remainder by Tom McCarthy
-Bones of the Moon & The Ghost in Love: A Novel both by Jonathan Carroll
-Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy
-62: A Model Kit by Julio Cortazar
-Mary and the Giant by Philip K Dick

NOt sure how many of those I can get read in the next 11 days, but thats pretty much the order Im going to follow.

message 50: by Marian (new)

Marian | 7 comments 3 more down, The dream thief, the white Tyger, and not on the list he paid Companion by Amanda Quick

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