Challenge: 50 Books discussion

*Retired* 2008 Lists > Dini's List for 2008 - Done with 50!

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message 4: by Dini (new)

Dini September
32. About A Boy by Nick Hornby

message 5: by Dini (new)

Dini 33. American Gods by Neil Gaiman

Finally finished this book. It feels so long-winded.

message 6: by Dini (new)

Dini 34. Penggambar Mimpi by Nurkastelia A., Runi Indrani, E. Nandiasari, Nilam Suri
35. Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

message 7: by Dini (last edited Oct 05, 2008 12:11AM) (new)

message 8: by Dini (last edited Oct 08, 2008 04:09AM) (new)

Dini October
37. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

message 9: by Dini (new)

message 11: by Dini (new)

message 14: by Dini (last edited Nov 20, 2008 08:39PM) (new)

Dini November
43. PS, I Love You by Cecelia Ahern

message 16: by Dini (last edited Nov 23, 2008 08:42PM) (new)

message 18: by Dini (last edited Dec 11, 2008 10:51AM) (new)

message 20: by Dini (new)

Dini 49. Pengakuan by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

One more to go!!!

message 21: by Dini (new)

Dini 50. Supernatural: Bone Key by Keith R.A. DeCandido

Eureka! Seems like it's lighter books that end this year for me. I might be able to squeeze in another one before the calendar changes, so we'll see ;)

message 23: by Dini (new)

Dini 52. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Finished this right before the new year fireworks started. I'm pleased that I've achieved my goal for 2008 -- here's to 50 books and more in 2009!

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