Reading with Style discussion

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message 1: by Krista (last edited Sep 01, 2010 09:19AM) (new)

Krista (kacey14) | 1037 comments Please post your completed points frequently, especially at the beginning of the challenge. Smaller lists of completed books are easier for me to manage especially if I have any questions for you about the points you're claiming. So, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE --- post early and post often!

Post your completed tasks here. Use the following format when posting tasks. This is the order I record the Style points on the scoring spreadsheet, so it will save me some time if you could list the points in the same order.

Be sure to include how the book qualifies for the Style points. For instance if you need to read a book from a specific timeframe for the task, please provide the ORIGINAL publication year when claiming points.

Reading w/Style (RwS) Sample Completed Tasks Post:
(Note: While this is an actual book, some of the Style points have been fabricated for illustration purposes)

Task 20.1 Monsterfest Redux: The Devil in the White City Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America by Erik Larson

+20 Task
+10 Combo (10.5, "City" in title; 20.8, Non-fiction)
+ 5 Series (Book 2 in 'Devil' series)
+10 Canon
+10 Lit (Translated from Spanish)
+15 Jumbo (820 pages)

Task Total = 70
Grand Total = 710 (This total assumes that we're mid-season and you had already posted 640 points.)

Reading through Time (RtT) Sample Completed Tasks Post for a 'Constant Traveler' & a RwS Task Combined:

RtT Tasks, Traveler Type = Constant

Task 15.1 (1951-2000) - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon (Publ 2000)

+15 Task
Task Total = 15

Task 15.2 (1901-1950) The Pursuit of Love by Nancy Mitford (Publ 1945)

+15 Task
+10 Style Points
Task Total = 25

Task 10.3 - Fall Birthdays:
The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro (Birthdate: Nov. 8th)

+10 Task
+5 Combo (10.2 Literature Map, Author: Wilkie Collins)

Task Total = 15

Grand Total = 410 (Assumes earlier points posted.)

Reading through Time (RtT) Sample Completed Tasks Post for a 'Time Leaper':

RtT Tasks, Traveler Type = Time Leaper

Book 1: Task 15.2 (1901-1950) The Pursuit of Love by Nancy Mitford (Publ 1945)

+15 Task
Task Total = 15

Book 2: Task 15.4 (1801-1850)
Emma by Jane Austen (Publ 1815)

+15 Task
Task Total = 15
Grand Total = 350 (Assumes earlier points posted.)

message 2: by Krista (new)

Krista (kacey14) | 1037 comments Welcome to the Fall 2010 Reading with Style Challenge.

This folder is now open for posting of Completed Tasks.

Participants, start your reading! :-)

message 3: by Erin (new)

Erin (eecamp) Task 10.1 "Football Season" Seeing a Large Cat by Elizabeth Peters

Has "Cat" in the title.

+10 Task
+5 Combo (10.3 "Fall Birthdays")
+5 Series (Book 9 Amelia Peabody Series)

Task Total= 20
Grand Total=20

message 4: by Rachel Lee (last edited Sep 02, 2010 07:01AM) (new)

Rachel Lee (rlcwt9) | 27 comments RtT Tasks, Traveler Type = Constant Traveler

Book 1: Task 15.10 (1500-1551)
The Prince by Macchiavelli(Publ 1532)

+15 Task
Task Total = 15

Book 2: Task 15.9 (1551-1600)
Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe (Publ 1593)

+15 Task
+10 Style Points
Task Total = 25

Book 3: Task 15.8 (1601-1650)

Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare(Publ 1623)

+15 Task
+10 Style Points
Task Total = 25

Grand Total 65
Total Books 3
Total Pages 482

message 5: by Liz M (new)

Liz M Task 20.9 Scandinavian Noir: Faceless Killers by Henning Mankell

+20 Task
+ 5 Series (Book 1 in "Wallander" series)
+10 Lit (Translated from Swedish)

Task Total = 35
Grand Total = 35

message 6: by Juniper (new)

Juniper (jooniperd) | 102 comments Task 10.10 - Group Read - The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell

No style points for this read (yet).

Grand total: 10 points

message 7: by Jane from B.C. (new)

Jane from B.C. (janethebookworm) | 62 comments RtT Tasks, Traveler Type = Constant

Task 15.1 (1951-2000)To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (published 1960)

+15 Task
Task Total = 15


message 8: by Liz (new)

Liz   (lizvegas) RtT Tasks. Claiming myself as A Constant Traveler

Task 15.1 (1951-2000) Black Water- Joyce Carol Oates (1992)

+15 Task points
Task Total= 15


message 9: by Deana (last edited Sep 02, 2010 06:38PM) (new)

Deana Pittman RtT Task....Constant Traveler

Task 15.1, 1951-2000, I read Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote (1958).

Task total: 15 points

Grand Total: 15 points

message 10: by Allie (new)

Allie (tubeofaim) | 27 comments Task 20.1 Monsterfest Redux

The Devil in the White City Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America by Erik Larson

+20 Task
+10 Combo (10.5 City Lights; 20.8 Just the Facts)
Task Total 30 points

Grand Total: 30 points

message 11: by Deana (new)

Deana Pittman Task 10.5 City Lights

I read Valentine Murder by Leslie Meier. Check out Valentine, Nebraska at

10 points
+ 5 points (Series, Lucy Stone #6)
=15 points for the task

Total RWS points: 30

message 12: by Kiri (last edited Sep 04, 2010 11:54AM) (new)

Kiri | 20 comments 10.3 (Fall Birthdays 18 Oct 1944): The Bastard Prince (The Heirs of Saint Camber #3) by Katherine Kurtz (1994) 421pp. (series: The Heirs of Saint Camber #3 5 points)
15 points this post.

10 points - Fall Birthdays - 18 Oct 1944
5 points series - The Heirs of Saint Camber #3
15 points

If I understand scoring this time Reading Through Time is totally separate from the rest of the RwS scoring. If not then it will work for a combo - eventually. please advise. Although since I'd like to do the constant traveler this won't be used. I'd just like to know. p.s. yes I'm nearly back.. and nearly done with my first completed meal in *cough* :D Let the reading commence!

message 13: by Cassandra (last edited Sep 04, 2010 11:31AM) (new)

Cassandra Task 10.5 City Lights: Persians/Seven against Thebes/Suppliants/Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus ('Thebes' is a city.)

+10 Task
+5 Combo (10.9, 'Suppliants' is also titled Suppliant Women or The Suppliant Maidens)
+5 Series (All of these plays are single parts of tragic trilogies)
+10 Canon
+10 LiT (Ancient Greek)

Task Total = 40
Grand Total = 40

It doesn't count for 20.1C because it's not a novel, and I'm not counting it for Jumbo points since it's only long because the left hand pages have the original Greek on them.

message 14: by Liz (last edited Sep 03, 2010 04:09PM) (new)

Liz   (lizvegas) There appears to be two Liz's in the challenge.
I can be Liz Vegas if it's easier.

20.5 The Help- Kathryn Stockett (set in Mississippi)

+20 pt task
+5 combo (10.5 - Stockett's only book)

= 30 pts task total

RwS grand total: 45 points

message 15: by Jane from B.C. (new)

Jane from B.C. (janethebookworm) | 62 comments RtT Task - stop two as a Constant Traveller

15.2 (1950-1901) We by Yevgeny Zamyatin (publ.1924)

+15 Task
+10 Style bonus
Total = 25 points

RtT TOTAL = 40 points

message 16: by Daniel (new)

Daniel 10.4 One Hit Wonder

A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole.

+10 Task
+10 Combo (20.5 Freedom Season, set in the South; 20.7 Unification Season, published 1980 by an American)

Total = 20 points

message 17: by Karen Michele (new)

Karen Michele Burns (klibrary) | 5023 comments 10.7 – Under the Covers

List: Young Adult Fiction Nominees for the 2009 Cybils Awards

North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley

+10 Task

Task Total = 10
Grand Total = 10

message 18: by Krista (new)

Krista (kacey14) | 1037 comments In Msg 12 Kiri wrote: "10.3 (Fall Birthdays 18 Oct 1944): The Bastard Prince (The Heirs of Saint Camber #3) by Katherine Kurtz (1994) 421pp. (combo: Rtt?) (series: The Heirs of Saint Cambo...

If I understand scoring this time Reading Through Time is totally separate from the rest of the RwS scoring. If not then it will work for a combo - eventually. please advise. Although since I'd like to do the constant traveler this won't be used. I'd just like to know. p.s. yes I'm nearly back.. and nearly done with my first completed meal in *cough* :D Let the reading commence!

Hi Kiri -- yes your understanding of RtT is correct. It's kind of a challenge within a challenge. Books read for the RwS tasks can't earn combo points for any RtT tasks.

message 19: by Rachel (new)

Rachel | 574 comments 20.3 The Season of Shorter Days

Prom Nights from Hell by Meg CabotStephenie MeyerMichele JaffeLauren MyracleKim Harrison

+20 Task

Task Total: 20
Grand Total:20

message 20: by Krista (last edited Sep 04, 2010 11:58AM) (new)

Krista (kacey14) | 1037 comments In Msg 13 - Rhea wrote: "Task 10.5 City Lights: Persians/Seven against Thebes/Suppliants/Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus ('Thebes' is a city.)

+10 Task
+5 Combo (10.9, 'Suppliants' is also titled Suppliant Women or The Suppliant Maidens)
+5 Series (All of these plays are single parts of tragic trilogies)
+10 Canon
+10 LiT (Ancient Greek)

Task Total = 40
Grand Total = 40

Perfect formatting for the point tally. Thanks so much!

message 21: by Krista (last edited Sep 04, 2010 12:07PM) (new)

Krista (kacey14) | 1037 comments In Msg 14 -- Liz wrote: "There appears to be two Liz's in the challenge.
I can be Liz Vegas if it's easier.

Yes, that would be a help. That's how I'll show you on the Readerboard. Thanks, -Krista

+20 pt task
+5 combo (10.5 - Stockett's only book)

= 30 pts task total

RwS grand total: 45 points

Oops, a little math error in this message.
Total Task points = 25 (not the 30 shown)
Grand Total = 40

message 22: by Kiri (new)

Kiri | 20 comments 15.10 Reading Through Time -- 1500-1550
Utopia by Thomas More (1516) 312pp.

15 points (Constant Traveler Passport)

I'm not sure if we give these any other points even though many would fit for canon and LiT. (This does as canon and LiT (Latin) ) Will check back after picnicking and see if anyone else is silly enough to be here over the weekend! :D

(and one very pissed off feline who feels that weekends should not be spent working but playing with pets.)

message 23: by Krista (last edited Sep 04, 2010 12:27PM) (new)

Krista (kacey14) | 1037 comments Kiri wrote: "15.10 Reading Through Time -- 1500-1550
Utopia by Thomas More (1516) 312pp.

15 points (Constant Traveler Passport)

I'm not sure if we give these any other points even though many would fit for canon and LiT. "

Nope, no Canon, LiT etc. points. However, as a Constant Traveler, you'll receive a 10 point bonus per book for books 2-10 read in chronological sequence in the time series.

message 24: by Kiri (new)

Kiri | 20 comments Krista wrote: "Kiri wrote: "15.10 Reading Through Time -- 1500-1550
Utopia by Thomas More (1516) 312pp.

15 points (Constant Traveler Passport)

I'm not sure if we give th..."

got it! Can I get bonus points or at least catnip for the felines? *laughing*

ok then I'll amend my post above and I have 30 whole points for RwS so far. btw any time you need to re-check these, they are summed up in the writing section (you know where to look).

message 25: by PDXReader (new)

PDXReader Task 10.4 One Hit Wonder: You'll Be Sor-ree: A Guadalcanal Marine Remembers The Pacific War, by Sid Phillips

+10 Task
+15 Combo (10.3, Fall birthday (9/2/1924); 10.6 Way to Make a Living (Marine); 20.8, Just the Facts)
+ 0 Series
+ 0 Canon
+ 0 Language
+ 0 Jumbo

Task Total = 25
Grand Total = 25

message 26: by Deana (new)

Deana Pittman Task 10.5 City Lights

I read Turkey Day Murder by Leslie Meier.
There are at least 3 cities in the U.S. named "Turkey". One of them is Turkey, Texas (

10 points for the task
**Even though this is a series, I cannot claim the series bonus because it is for the same task, correct?

Total RWS Points: 40

message 27: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra I'm glad I did the formatting right. It was all messed up before and I managed to edit it right before you got to it, so I'm lucky.

Task 20.7 Unification Season: Science and Human Values by Jacob Bronowski (Publ 1972, Polish author)

+20 Task

Task Total = 20
Grand Total = 60

message 28: by Deana (last edited Oct 05, 2010 05:25AM) (new)

Deana Pittman Task 10.10 Group Read

I read Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto. This was a very quick read; I read it outside this afternoon while my daughter was riding her bike. The stories are sad, but have "triumphing" characters at the end!

Task: 10 points
+ 10 Lost in Translation (originally published in Japanese)
+ 5 Combo (20.7 originally published in 1988--Author is Japanese)
=25 points for the task

Grand total: 65 points

message 29: by Krista (new)

Krista (kacey14) | 1037 comments In Msg 26 -- Deana wrote: "Task 10.5 City Lights

I read Turkey Day Murder by Leslie Meier.
There are at least 3 cities in the U.S. named "Turkey". One of them is Turkey, Texas (
**Even though this is a series, I cannot claim the series bonus because it is for the same task, correct? ..."

Correct. If you found a different task for this book (not easy, I know) then you'd earn 10 Series style points because you've already claimed Series style points for 1 book in this series.

message 30: by Krista (new)

Krista (kacey14) | 1037 comments Task 20.4: Harvest Season (Vegetable in title) - Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn (Author's Birthday: 10/22/56)

You were right again Donna Jo, I LOVED this clever little book! I gave it 5 stars.

+20 Task
+5 Combo (10.3, Fall B-Day)

Task Total = 20
Grand Total = 20

message 31: by Sam (last edited Sep 06, 2010 04:41AM) (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 205 comments Task 10.2: Literature Map - Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins (Literature Map = Stephenie Meyer)

+10 Task
+5 Combo (10.3, B-Day 11/21)
+5 Series (Hunger Games #3)

Task Total: 20
Grand Total: 20

(There's no Lexile for Mockingjay, but the first book in the series has a score of 810.)

message 32: by Allie (new)

Allie (tubeofaim) | 27 comments Task 20.8 Just the Facts

Paradise General: Riding the Surge at a Combat Hospital in Iraq by Dave Hnida

+20 Task
+5 Combo (10.6 Way to make a living - memoir of his experience as a combat doctor)

Task Total: 25
Grand Total: 55

message 33: by Katy (new)

Katy | 1139 comments Task 20.6 Harvest Season (Vegetable in title) - Garlic and Sapphires: The Secret Life of a Critic in Disguise by Ruth Reichl.

+20 Task
+10 Combo (10.6, career memoir; 20.8, Non-fiction)

Task Total = 30
Grand Total = 30

Incidentally, I enjoy work memoirs a lot and I *really* liked this one. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed her writing.

message 34: by Deana (new)

Deana Pittman Task 10.2 Literature Map

My map was created using the author Janet Evanovich. This brought up the author Sopie Kinsella as one of the authors on my map.

I read Shopaholic and Sister (Shopaholic #4).

Task 10 points
+ 5 points for series
=15 total task points

Grand Total RWS Points: 80

message 35: by Chad (new)

Chad Task 10.3 Fall Birthdays
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins (November 21, 1947)

+10 Task
+5 Series (Hunger Games #3)

Task Total:15
Grand Total:15

message 36: by Liz M (new)

Liz M 20.6 – Multicultural Season: Three Trapped Tigers by Guillermo Cabrera Infante

+20 Task
+15 Combo (20.7 - pub. 1965 Cuban author; 10.1 - "Tigers" in title; 10.8 - moon on cover)
+10 Canon
+10 Lit (Translated from Spanish)

Task Total = 55
Grand Total = 90

message 37: by Krista (new)

Krista (kacey14) | 1037 comments Liz wrote: "20.6 – Multicultural Season: Three Trapped Tigers by Guillermo Cabrera Infante

+20 Task
+15 Combo (20.7 - pub. 1965 Cuban author; 10.1 - "Tigers" in title; 10.8 - moo..."

Liz, how did you like this book? I too found this is my searches for likely reading candidates for Task 10.1, but I couldn't tell much about it from the GR blurb. At least my library has a copy of it. I'd be interested to hear what you thought about it. Thanks!

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13806 comments yea! I'm finally on the board!

10.7 Under the Covers Madame Bovary (John Irving Top Ten)

+ 10 Task
+ 10 Canon
+ 10 LiT

Task Total = 30

Grand Total = 30

message 39: by Liz M (last edited Sep 06, 2010 09:06AM) (new)

Liz M Liz wrote: "20.6 – Multicultural Season: Three Trapped Tigers by Guillermo Cabrera Infante
Krista wrote: "Liz, how did you like this book?"

The book is indescribable. The back jacket says something along the lines of it being a Cuban Ulysses, which if like Portrait of an Artist... makes sense. It's not really a book you can read; it's more of a book that you sink into and let the words swirl around you. I enjoyed much of it, was confounded by even more, and it's LONG (and 12 pages short of jumbo points). It is a commitment. I would read it if you can get 50+ points for it as the writing can be pretty amazing.

message 40: by Liz (new)

Liz   (lizvegas) Liz Vegas

20.7 The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro

+20 task (1989 - British Author)
+5 Combo (10.3 - Kazuo Ishiguro Nov. birthday)

=25 task total

RwS grand total = 65 points.

message 41: by Katie (new)

Katie | 9 comments 10.9 Also Known As: The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway (published in England as Fiesta)

+10 Task
+5 Combo (20.2, challenged classics list #18)
+10 Canon

Task Total = 25

20.7 Unification Season: Prisoner without a Name, Cell without a Number by Jacobo Timerman (published in 1981, Israeli* author)

+20 Task
+10 LiT (translated from Spanish)

Task Total = 30

Grand Total = 55

*This author has multiple possible nationalities (see message 22 in 20.7 help thread). I've chosen Israel because that was his nationality when he wrote the book...and also he was an enthusiastic Zionist who probably thought of himself as Israeli. Please let me know if you think he should be classified differently, as it will probably affect my plan for combo points.

message 42: by Kiri (last edited Sep 06, 2010 07:37PM) (new)

Kiri | 20 comments 10.10 Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto (1988) 164 pp.
10 (10.10) +5 Combo (20.7 - 1988) +10 (LiT - Japanese) = 2530

RTT - I read these in reverse - Constant Traveler - but I'm listing them in this order for your convenience.
15.7 The Misanthrope, Tartuffe, and Other Plays by Molière (1666) 400pp.
15 (15.7) + 10 (style) = 25

15.8 The Satasai of Bihari: Seven Hundred Love Poems; Dual Language Edition by Bihari (1600-1650 date inexact) 416pp.
15 (15.8) + 10 (style) = 25

15.9 The Tragedy of Dido Queene of Carthage (excerpted from the complete works) by Christopher Marlowe (1586) 124pp.
15 (15.9) + 10 (style) = 25

Total this post: 100 (25+25+25+25)
Rws Total: 130

message 43: by Juniper (last edited Sep 07, 2010 03:28PM) (new)

Juniper (jooniperd) | 102 comments 10.9 ~ Coralie's "Also Known As"
Little Bee by Chris Cleave (also known as The Other Hand)

+10 Task Points, no style points

Total RwS Points, to date: 20

message 44: by Julie (new)

Julie (readerjules) Task 20.2 Banned Book Week: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
(List B, #36)
+20 Task
+5 Combo (10.2 Literature Map, Author=Daniel Keyes)
+10 Canon
Task total = 35
Grand Total = 35

message 45: by Liz M (last edited Sep 06, 2010 06:01PM) (new)

Liz M Kiri wrote: "10.10 Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto (1988) 164 pp.
10 (10.10) +10 Combo (20.3 - Short Stories, 20.7 - 1988) +10 (LiT - Japanese) = 30"

Unfortunately, 20.3 requires an anthology with stories written by more than one author.

message 46: by PDXReader (new)

PDXReader Reading through Time task 15.1: In the Time of the Butterflies

Task points 15

Challenge points to date: 40

message 47: by Jane from B.C. (new)

Jane from B.C. (janethebookworm) | 62 comments Task 20.5 Freedom Season: The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom

+20 Task (set in and around the ‘big house’ of a Virginia tobacco plantation in the late 1700s/early 1800s)
+5 Combo (10.4 One hit wonder - only book by this author)

Task Total = 25
Grand Total = 65

message 48: by Kiri (last edited Sep 06, 2010 07:36PM) (new)

Kiri | 20 comments Liz wrote: "Kiri wrote: "10.10 Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto (1988) 164 pp.
10 (10.10) +10 Combo (20.3 - Short Stories, 20.7 - 1988) +10 (LiT - Japanese) = 30"

Unfortunately, 20.3 r..."

It does? I didn't read that in the task thingy when I checked earlier.. *goes to read again*

well I'll be... takes off 5 points*

message 49: by Cait (new)

Cait (caitertot) Task 20.3 Shorter Days: Stories: All-New Tales - edited by Neil Gaiman & Al Sarrantonio

+20 Task

Task Total = 20
Grand Total = 20

message 50: by Liz M (new)

Liz M RtT Tasks, Traveler Type = Constant

Task 15.10 (1500-1550) - The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli (pub. 1532)

+15 task points
Grand Total: 105

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