Young Adult Fiction for Adults discussion

Recommendations > (Telepathic/Magical) Animal Companions

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message 1: by W. (new)

W. | 10 comments Hey! I've become addicted to books about animal companions, especially those with telepathic or magical abilities. I've read Anne McCaffrey's "The Dragonriders of Pern" series and Mercedes Lackey's "Heralds of Valdemar" series, but that's about it. Can anyone recommend a good book with a cool animal companion in it? Thanks! =)

message 2: by Jaimie (new)

Jaimie (jaimier) | 1275 comments Have you read His Dark Materials trilogy by Phillip Pullman?

message 3: by Becca (new)

Becca | 1608 comments His Dark Materials Trilogy is a whole different spin on animal companions that I thought was pretty fantastic.

Wildwood Dancing is a neat fairytale with a bit of animal companion magic in it.

Magic Kingdom for Sale--Sold series has a lot talking animals that aren't necessarily companions, but a great story none the less.

And lastly, my favorite ever! Eragon which is a dragon companion type book.

message 4: by W. (new)

W. | 10 comments Yay, thanks for the recs!

I'd completely forgotten about "His Dark Materials" (which I have read, and thought spectacular). I'm putting your other three recs on my TBR list, Becca.

You both rock. =)

message 5: by Laura Beth (new)

Laura Beth (tampabookworm) | 229 comments Try Wild Magic - it is the first of The Immortals quartet by Tamora Pierce.

message 6: by Laura Beth (new)

Laura Beth (tampabookworm) | 229 comments I just finished Path of Fate and it was very good. It is the first in a trilogy...

message 7: by Alan (new)

Alan (coachmt) | 72 comments Pip and Flinx books by Alan Dean Foster Pip is awesome and I wanted one so bad when I was a kid : )

message 8: by Tanya (last edited Jul 09, 2010 02:50PM) (new)

Tanya Mac (yoyochkmeouthotmailcom) | 45 comments The Princess and the Hound
The Princess and the Bear
The Princess and the Snowbird

These are all excellent books by Mette Ivie Harrison They are about people who have the ability to talk to animals through the animal magic. I am not normally into this kind of thing but I was so hooked. the last one just came in and I had to pre-order it just so I could continue reading this series!! Im a sucker for a good princess story!!

message 9: by Becca (new)

Becca | 1608 comments I loved the first one of that series Tanya, but the second one was a huge let down for me. It felt like a completely different writing style and I had a really hard time staying with the story. I love love love the first one though. How's the third one?

message 10: by Jason (new)

Jason (foreverjuly) | 176 comments There's this guy with a book on here a lot like what you're talking about. It's called The Familiars, but I can't find it with the search at the moment. You might want to look around for it.

message 11: by Amy (new)

Amy (aaammmyyy) | 29 comments Jonathan Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy!
The Amulet of Samarkand (Bartimaeus Trilogy, #1) by Jonathan Stroud The Golem's Eye (Bartimaeus Trilogy, #2) by Jonathan Stroud Ptolemy's Gate (Bartimaeus Trilogy, #3) by Jonathan Stroud

Not animals, exactly, but rather the main character is this snarky and hilarious and kind of lovable djinn :)

message 12: by Tanya (new)

Tanya Mac (yoyochkmeouthotmailcom) | 45 comments Becca wrote: "I loved the first one of that series Tanya, but the second one was a huge let down for me. It felt like a completely different writing style and I had a really hard time staying with the story. I l..."

I loved the third one....I just finished it about two weeks ago. Its about the daughter of the Bear and the hound. I agree the first was better than the second but the third did redeem it!

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