Pick-a-Shelf discussion

Pick-a-Shelf: Monthly -Archive > 2010-04 - Favorites - What will you Read in April?

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message 1: by BJ Rose (new)

BJ Rose (bjrose) | 234 comments Here's the link for this month's shelf:


message 2: by BJ Rose (last edited Apr 28, 2010 07:52AM) (new)

BJ Rose (bjrose) | 234 comments I'll start with these, and hopefully add more (seems I say that every month!)

The Call of the Wild by Jack London Apr 20
The Awakening by Kelley Armstrong
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery Apr 7
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K.Rowling
Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson Apr 4
I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak Apr 7

message 3: by Candiss (last edited Apr 13, 2010 03:44PM) (new)

Candiss (tantara) I am being conservative with my list this month, because I always make a bigger list than I can ever get to. I am going to start with three that are for other current challenges I am involved in. Two of these books were on my list for last month's "Dystopia" shelf, but I never got to them.

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
The Magicians by Lev Grossman

I need to read 2-3 other books for other challenges as well - none of which manage to make it onto the Favorites shelf and so can not do double duty. But if I get through those, I'll add to this month's shelf list.

message 4: by Mita (new)

Mita (mitab) | 104 comments I'll just aim for 1 but seeing that it's a list filled with favourites, I might end up reading more, who knows? :D

My pick is The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. I'm probably the only English Lit graduate who's not read it yet, shame on me!

message 5: by Em (last edited Mar 25, 2010 02:52PM) (new)

Em (emily27) | 45 comments Alright I found 22 books that from my TBR list from the first couple pages of this shelf.. so i guess to narrow it down I will read at least one of these:

The Princess Bride
Memoirs of a Geisha
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Like Water for Chocolate: A Novel in Monthly Installments with Recipes, Romances, and Home Remedies

message 6: by Melissa (new)

Melissa (melitious) Em, I have read three of the books on your list. I hope you enjoy them!

message 7: by Luann (last edited Apr 01, 2010 01:42AM) (new)

Luann (azbookgal) | 1011 comments Brave New World - a leftover from March
The Joy Luck Club - it ends in a "b" so I can read it right before Brave New World and include it in my chain :)

message 8: by Lyn (Readinghearts) (last edited Apr 27, 2010 11:18AM) (new)

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
Candiss - I just read Never Let Me Go, and LOVED it. I hope you like it, too.

This is great since many of my challenge books for other groups are on this list. Here are mine:

The Red Tent by Anita Diamant
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
Changes by Jim Butcher
Robert Frost's Poems by Robert Frost

message 9: by Tara (last edited Apr 27, 2010 04:36PM) (new)

Tara | 742 comments I am going to try and get to
The Help
A Great and Terrible Beauty
Little Bee

Enter Three Witches

and hopefully some more.

message 10: by Tina (last edited Apr 21, 2010 01:20AM) (new)

Tina | 232 comments I had twelve books from the first 20 pages that are either sitting on my shelf or on my kindle already waiting to be read. What a great opportunity to knock some of them out!

I'm going to short list them now, and hopefully add more as the month goes on. . .

1. The Kite Runner (I'd already started this a couple of years ago, but put it down at the rape scene. I would love to pick it up again and finish it.)
2. Rebecca
3. The Thirteenth Tale
4. The Hiding Place
5. Me & Emma
6. The Eyre Affair
7. A Thousand Splendid Suns
8. Olive Kitteridge

I love playing TBR clean up with this shelf!

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
Tina - Rebecca and The Thirteenth Tale are really good.

message 12: by Tina (new)

Tina | 232 comments Lyn M wrote: "Tina - Rebecca and The Thirteenth Tale are really good."

That's good! I'm looking forward to them :-)

I loved the Red Tent--hope you do too! I'll be interested to hear what you think about the Historian--I read it for a bookclub and most either loved or hated it.

message 13: by Tara (new)

Tara | 742 comments Tina wrote: "I had twelve books from the first 20 pages that are either sitting on my shelf or on my kindle already waiting to be read. What a great opportunity to knock some of them out!

I'm going to short l..."

I have been reading The Kite Runner and I know exactly the scene you were talking about. Horrific. I hope to finish it within the week, but I think it would be a good one to go back to. Heavy, but good.

message 14: by Vivian (new)

Vivian (_vivian) | 192 comments The purpose of this group is to read books I wouldn't normally look at, but this shelf included sooo many books on my to-read list, I'm going to try and knock a few of them off :)
Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides
The Princess Bride - William Goldman
The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood

message 15: by Karen (last edited Apr 28, 2010 02:34AM) (new)

Karen (karenofthebookworm) Going to start with Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China as i'm also reading this for another group after that I don't know so many on this shelf are on my tbr list that it's going to be difficult to choose. On the plus side I have the first two weeks of april off and with nothing to do but read.

Think I'll add The Gnostic Gospels as I'm going to be reading that for the chain challenge

1. Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China
2. The Gnostic Gospels
3. The Elegance of the Hedgehog
4 Silence of the Grave
5. Round Ireland with a Fridge
6. Playing with Fire
7. The Forest of Hands and Teeth
8. Nada
9.Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - abandoned for now
10.James Potter and the Hall of Elders' Crossing
11. The Big Over Easy
12. Their Eyes Were Watching God
13. The Faceless Ones
14. Dark Days
15. Mount Dragon
16. Don't Stand Too Close to a Naked Man
17. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
18. Subterranean
19. Nocturnes
20.Suite Française

message 16: by Tina (new)

Tina | 232 comments Karen wrote: On the plus side I have the first two weeks of april off with nothing to do but read."

Sounds like heaven to me!

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
Wow Karen - That sounds so good. BTW - I want to read Wild Swans also, I hope you like it.

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
I am going to add The Count of Monte Cristo to my list since I still have about half of it to read, and I will finish it this month.

message 19: by Josie (new)

Josie | 6 comments Karen wrote: "Going to start with Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China as i'm also reading this for another group after that I don't know so many on this shelf are on my tbr list that it's going to b..."

I love Wild Swans! It makes me cry every time. I love that it's real...

message 20: by Josie (new)

Josie | 6 comments Ok, I'm going for the ones I own but haven't read (gasp!).

1/ Gone with the Wind
2/ The Call of the Wild

If I get these done (I read multiple books at once -- it's a special book that can hold my attention)I'll try some new ones;

3/The little prince
4/The Princess Bride (LOVE the film).

Now all I have to do is find the bloody things...

message 21: by Sunflower (new)

Sunflower | 174 comments Catching Fire. Now I have an excuse to go out and buy it!

message 23: by Pollyanna (last edited Apr 27, 2010 11:14AM) (new)

message 24: by Cam (last edited Mar 28, 2010 06:36AM) (new)

Cam A few of the many possibles are

Suite Française By Irene Nemirovsky
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass By Lewis Carroll
Dark Places By Gillian Flynn
Rules By Cynthia Lord

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
Cam - I just read Alice's Adventures, etc. in Feb, and it was really good. I enjoyed it more, and got much more of the humor, than I did when I read it as a child.

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
Katey - Going to have a Dan Brown month, huh?

message 27: by Lynne (new)

Lynne (lmsindel) Tina wrote: "I had twelve books from the first 20 pages that are either sitting on my shelf or on my kindle already waiting to be read. What a great opportunity to knock some of them out!

I'm going to short l..."

OOh, "The 13th Tale" is one of my favorites. Very different from any other book I have read. I'm sure you will enjoy it.

message 28: by Lynne (last edited Apr 10, 2010 05:35PM) (new)

Lynne (lmsindel) There are 18 books on this shelf that I currently own,(Great Job BJ Rose) so that should keep me pretty busy. I won't list them all, but I will list a few that are at the top of my interest this month:

Avalon High
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
The Phantom Tollbooth
Lucky Jim
Catching Fire

We will see how far I get. I do have a week off, so that should help.

Okay, now I'm adding King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa since I started it this a.m. for my Africa group and it is on the favorites shelf too. Serendipity!

message 29: by Melissa (new)

Melissa | 1 comments First of all, I'm very excited to have found this group. What a great idea! Will keep me directed too. I own several from this shelf that I have been meaning to read:

The Giver
The Great Gatsby
The Red Tent
Blood Meridian: Or the Evening Redness in the West

message 30: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (ossycolly) I am going to finally read:
To Kill a Mockingbird

message 31: by Josie (new)

Josie | 6 comments Colleen wrote: "I am going to finally read:
To Kill a Mockingbird"

I love that book! It's still so real...

I'm adding to my list the one I've just started, "The Jungle Book". I read it a lot in primary school (which is hindsight worries me a little) but I haven't read it in 20 years. Another one I found lying around the house...

message 32: by Katey (new)

Katey (kateyyy) | 50 comments Lyn M wrote: "Katey - Going to have a Dan Brown month, huh?"
lol yes lyn i am
my dad gave me his collection to read and this is the perfect time and excuse to get me to read them :)

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
I really enjoyed all three, as well as the other two that he wrote. Hope you enjoy them.

message 34: by Susan (last edited May 06, 2010 10:42AM) (new)

Susan | 3677 comments Mod
Wow! What a huge, diverse bookshelf! It's a challenge just to pick something.

I'll read
Wicked Lovely (on my faculty book club list)
The Golden Compass
Her Fearful Symmetry
Labyrinths(has been waiting on my bookshelf)--not happening--see later message below;
and, as something I wouldn't have read this month otherwise, I'll try:
Passage to India or To Kill a Mockingbird

message 35: by Catamorandi (new)

Catamorandi (wwwgoodreadscomprofilerandi) I'll be reading:

A Great and Terrible Beauty
Dead Man's Folly
The Time Traveller's Wife

message 36: by Katey (new)

Katey (kateyyy) | 50 comments Lyn M wrote: "I really enjoyed all three, as well as the other two that he wrote. Hope you enjoy them."

thanks lyn i'll let you know how i go
i actually saw the da vinci code movie and loved it so i'm sure if i love that then i'll love the books even more :)

message 37: by Maisha (new)

Maisha | 5 comments I will be finishing Atlas Shrugged, which I started for last month. Luckily it is in the list for this month. The rest of my list is below:
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Anna Karenina

message 38: by Tina (new)

Tina | 232 comments Catamorandi wrote: "I'll be reading:

A Great and Terrible Beauty
Dead Man's Folly
The Time Traveller's Wife"

I'm reading Rebecca now too! You'll have to let me know what you think about it :-)

message 39: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 286 comments I'm also going to read Rebecca (I started it yesterday, so far so good!)

I'll also try:
Robinson Crusoe
The Woman in White

message 40: by Blarneygod (last edited Apr 30, 2010 01:39PM) (new)

Blarneygod | 221 comments Luckily for me, this shelf has a lot of books that overlap with my other book clubs... so for this month I plan to read:
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

message 41: by Tina (new)

Tina | 232 comments Lot's of people reading Rebecca! If anyone is interested, The Book Addicts bookclub has it as a buddy read this month. . .

message 42: by BJ Rose (new)

BJ Rose (bjrose) | 234 comments I'm currently reading Wintergirls *very chilling* and listening to Anne of Green Gables

message 43: by Tina (new)

Tina | 232 comments BJ Rose wrote: "I'm currently reading Wintergirls *very chilling* and listening to Anne of Green Gables"

I adore Anne of Green Gables :)

message 44: by BJ Rose (new)

BJ Rose (bjrose) | 234 comments Tina wrote: "BJ Rose wrote: "I'm currently reading Wintergirls *very chilling* and listening to Anne of Green Gables"

I adore Anne of Green Gables :)"

I'm enjoying it. I just got to the part where Anne wants to call Marilla Aunt Marilla but Marilla tells her to do what she's told instead of 'discoursing' about it!

message 45: by Blarneygod (new)

Blarneygod | 221 comments I love Anne of Green Gables too. Anne is one of my all time favorite characters.

message 46: by Arlene (new)

Arlene | 145 comments Lyn M wrote: "Candiss - I just read Never Let Me Go, and LOVED it. I hope you like it, too.

This is great since many of my challenge books for other groups are on this list. Here are mine:

The Red T..."</i>
My daughter doesn't do much reading but she loved
[book:The Red Tent
. She said she would read The Bible if the stories in it were as good!

message 47: by Arlene (new)

Arlene | 145 comments I'm going to start with The Thirteenth Tale. There are a lot of books on this shelf that I have read already but I am sure that there are a number that I can find on one of my bookshelves at home that I can continue with. My goal is still not to buy any new books till I whittle down that shelf in the bedroom (unless I just can't help myself!)

message 48: by Lynne (new)

Lynne (lmsindel) Hope you are successful Arlene. I just went to Arizona on vacation, on a plane yet, and came back with 2 new books. Already finished one of them.

message 49: by Tina (last edited Apr 06, 2010 07:56PM) (new)

Tina | 232 comments Just finished Rebecca --how's it going for the other readers?

message 50: by Susan (new)

Susan | 3677 comments Mod
Making some changes to my plans for the month.

I remember loving Rebecca when I was a teenager, many years ago. Several of you chose it, and seeing Tina's stellar review has prompted me to add it back to my "read it again" list, this month if I can.

I also realized why Labyrinths is always on my bookshelf. It's not a book you can "finish" in a month, maybe ever. It's a selection of Borges' short stories and other short works (he never wrote long stuff), and each one needs time to be savored, to think about. Borges is the father (or maybe the grandfather) of what we know today as "Magic Realism," so it's sometimes very hard work, at least for me. But it's worth it, and I'll keep at it.

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