Graphic Novel Reading Group discussion

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Group Monthly Discussions > What is your suggestion for our 40th Group Read (May 2015)

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Interstella5555 | 15 comments Ill nominate Dial H, Vol. 1 Into You by China Miéville

message 2: by Mel (new)

Mel (metermouse) | 50 comments for some fun! Yotsuba&!, Vol. 01 Yotsuba&!, Vol. 01 (Yotsuba&! #1) by Kiyohiko Azuma

message 3: by Robert (new)

message 4: by BellaGBear (new)

BellaGBear Persepolis, Volume 1

Both for the seek of good storytelling, misconcentions about the middle-east and strong feminime authors.

It is a memoir about a girl growing up in Iran during the revolution and the countries slide into radicalism.

message 5: by Brandon (new)

Brandon (sholundil) | 34 comments Fever Moon by Karen Marie Moning. It's part of the 'Fever' series of books but is a self contained story and should appeal to both men and women.

message 6: by Corto (new)

Corto Maltese | 78 comments Haven't read it yet, but it's on my pile like every new non-SH book by Brubaker. The Fade Out vol 1
The Fade Out, Vol. 1 by Ed Brubaker

message 7: by Kurt (new)

Kurt Rocourt (krocourt) I will nominate Jupiter's Legacy, Book One by Mark Millar by Mark Millar

message 8: by Kevin (new)

Kevin  | 7 comments I'll nominate Black Science by Rick Remender and Matteo Scalera.
Black Science, Vol.1 How to Fall Forever by Rick Remender

message 9: by Davidg (new)

Davidg | 34 comments As I recall Damon asked for Rob Williams Ordinary to be included last month but was too late. He was told his nomination would carry over to this month. If that doesn't count as my choice I'd like to add Wilds End by Dan Abnett.

message 11: by BellaGBear (new)

BellaGBear Kenny wrote: "Bellagbear wrote: "Persepolis, Volume 1

Both for the seek of good storytelling, misconcentions about the middle-east and strong feminime authors.

It is a memoir about a girl growing u..."

O sorry. I thought I checked, but maybe I overlooked it

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