The Seasonal Reading Challenge discussion

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WINTER CHALLENGE 2013 > Winter Challenge 2013: Completed Tasks (Do Not Delete Posts)

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message 1: by Sandy, Moderator Emeritus (last edited Dec 05, 2013 05:07PM) (new)

Sandy | 16893 comments Mod
The Winter 2013-2014 challenge will begin December 1, 2013, and end at midnight, EST, February 28, 2014.

This is where you will need to post information about completed tasks - updates to the Readerboard will be based on what is posted HERE AND ONLY HERE.

Please do not delete or edit any post in this thread!! Even if the post is not reflected on the Readerboard yet, I've often logged the post on my spreadsheet already and I will not know that you've made the changes. I do not go backwards in this thread to pick up points. If you need to make a change, just make a new post.

Please refer to the posting requirements for what must be included, and to the general guidelines that will help us keep the challenge running smoothly.

1. You MUST post a link to books claimed for a task. Be sure that you have linked to the correct edition. See links to books in your completed task posts.
2. If you claim a book that only exists in e-book form, you MUST provide either a line reference to the approved book spreadsheet or the post number in which the book was approved.
3. If the task requires a cover element, you MUST include the cover when you post.
4. Remember to include all "Required" task elements.
5. If your book was approved in the Help Thread for the task, please indicate that in your post.
6. Post tasks in numerical order, from smallest to largest.

Any problems with task postings will be posted in the questions/problems thread. Please post there if you have a question about your points, Goodreads authors, or Big Books.

Good luck and have fun!

message 2: by Sandy, Moderator Emeritus (new)

Sandy | 16893 comments Mod
And the winter challenge begins!

message 3: by mstan (last edited Nov 30, 2013 11:09PM) (new)

mstan | 868 comments 5.7 - In the Hall

Bunnicula (Howe)

Total points accumulated: 5
Total # of big book tickets: 0

message 4: by mstan (new)

mstan | 868 comments 10.9 - White Sale!

Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life by Wendy Mass - white stars surrounding the children (approved in task help thread msg #28)

Total points accumulated: 15 (10 in this post)
Total # of big book tickets: 0

message 5: by Felina (new)

Felina | 0 comments 15.9 First or Last?

The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan (Goodreads Author)
First book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series.

Total Points Accumulated: 15
Total # of Big Book Tickets: 0
Goodreads Author: 1

message 6: by Karen Michele (new)

Karen Michele Burns (klibrary) | 1922 comments 10.1 – Get a Clue


The Crucible by Arthur Miller

+10 Points

Grand Total:10

message 7: by Candy (new)

Candy | 151 comments 15.8 - No Time to Waste

Read one of the 10 shortest books that meet general SRC guidelines on your TBR.

Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman

*Neil Gaiman is a GoodReads author*

Total Points Accumulated: 15
Total # of Big Book Tickets: 0
Goodreads Author: 1

message 8: by Mandy (new)

Mandy (mandyy) | 91 comments MANDY Y
Task 5.6 -- In the Billiards Room

First (chronological) book in the Narnia series:
The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis

Points this task: 5
Total points: 5
Tasks completed: 1
Books read: 1
Pages read: 202
Goodreads authors:0
Big books: 500+ (0); 750+ (0); 1000+ (0)

Theresa~OctoberLace (octoberlace) | 119 comments Theresa~OctoberLace

10.1 - Get a Clue. Read a book with all the letters C, L, U, E found in any combination of the title, subtitle, series title or author's name

Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel 12/1/13

The letters C, L, U, E are found in:
Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel

This post: 10 points

Total to Date = 10 points.
Big Book Tickets to date: 0
Goodreads Author Tickets to date: 0

message 10: by Cindie (new)

Cindie | 1780 comments 20.10 Group Read

I did not read, I devoured Fangirl. And posted on the group discussion thread. I was disappointed to see I was the first one. I am dying to see what everyone else thought.

Rainbow Rowell is a *************Goodreads Author*********

Points: 20
Tasks: 1
Books read: 1
GR authors: 1
Pages: 436

message 11: by Mai (last edited Dec 01, 2013 01:31PM) (new)

Mai (jeanphoenix) | 686 comments Mai

10.2 - Sochi Sidekicks

Read a book with an image of one of the mascots: flames, fire

Avengers vs. X-Men by Brian Michael Bendis
Avengers vs. X-Men by Brian Michael Bendis

Points this post: 10
Total Points: 10
Tasks Completed: 1
Books Read: 1
GR Authors: 0
Big Book Tickets: 500(), 750(), 1000()

message 12: by Rhiannon (last edited Dec 01, 2013 02:27PM) (new)

Rhiannon | 239 comments 15.5 - Mysteries Can Be Real. Vanished at Sea: The True Story of a Child TV Actor and Double Murder True Crime is on the first page

Total Points Earned: 15/1035
Total Pages Read: 256/15120
Total Books Read: 1/81
Good Read Authors:
Big Book Tickets: 500(), 750(), 1000()

message 13: by Kristine (new)

Kristine (kristinekae) | 251 comments 10.8 Take the plunge

The Boy in the Suitcase
Lene Kaaberbøl

set in Denmark

this task 10 points

total points 10

message 14: by Mandy (new)

Mandy (mandyy) | 91 comments MANDY Y
Task 5.9 -- In the Cellar

Book takes place in Italy, number 3 country in terms of wine consumption:
The Betrothed by Alessandro Manzoni

Big Book at 720 pages

Points this task: 5
Total points:10
Tasks completed: 2
Books read: 2
Pages read: 972
Goodreads authors:0
Big books: 500+ (1); 750+ (0); 1000+ (0)

message 15: by Deborah (new)

Deborah | 1559 comments Post #1

5.2 -- In the Library

Books about Books

Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops by Jen Campbell

Verified Genre verification #6
Task Help has it listed in "these work" message 2

Jen Campbell is a GR author

Points this task: 5
Total: 5
GR authors: 1
Books read:1
Tasks Done: 1

Theresa~OctoberLace (octoberlace) | 119 comments Theresa~OctoberLace

5.10 -- In the Lounge Read a book that has "book club" or "book group" as a genre on its main page.

The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman 12/1/13

This book has "Book Club" listed as a genre on its main page.

***Neil Gaiman is a Goodreads Author***
Claiming Goodreads Author Ticket

This post: 5 points

Total to Date = 15 points.
Big Book Tickets to date: 0
Goodreads Author Tickets to date: 1

message 17: by Kristine (new)

Kristine (kristinekae) | 251 comments 10.9

The Plague of Doves by Louise Erdrich
The birds are white

this task 10 points

total points 20

message 18: by Rochella (last edited Dec 02, 2013 04:08AM) (new)

Rochella (rosesbookgarden) | 108 comments 10.4 - A Really Big Show

Read a book with a word from one of the songs.
All My Loving
Steal My Sunshine by Emily Gale

Points this post: 10
Total points: 10
GR Author this post: 0
Total GR Authors: 0
Big Books this post: 0
Total Big Books: 0

message 19: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer | 86 comments Jenn IL

10.10 'Tis the Season

A Wallflower Christmas by Lisa Kleypas

***Goodreads Author***

Points this Post:10
Total Points: 10
Tasks Complete: 1
Goodreads Authors: 1
Big Book: 500+(0);750+(0);1000+(0)

message 20: by Nick (new)

Nick (doily) | 3100 comments Nick KY

5.6 Billiards Room. I read Murder on the Ballarat Train, # 3 in the Phryne Fisher series (which is between 1 and 9) by Kerry Greenwood.

15.7 Plum? Scarlet? I read Death at Victoria Dock by Kerry Greenwood. “Green” is contained in its entirety within the author’s name.

Points this Post: 20
Total Points So Far: 20

message 21: by Seakbee (new)

Seakbee | 185 comments 15.9 - First or Last?
The first book in the Stephanie Plum Series.

One for the Money (Stephanie Plum, #1) by Janet Evanovich (a GR Author)

Points this post: 15
Total points: 15
Total GR Authors: 1

message 22: by Sheila (new)

Sheila (sheilaj) | 2221 comments Sheila

5.1 -- In the Kitchen
5 Gears Diet Learn how to drive your body by Diana Artene
5 Gears Diet: Learn how to drive your body by Diana Artene
approved for ebook verification # 2926 in verification thread here -

Total Points = 5

message 23: by Andy (new)

Andy Plonka (plonkaac) | 4038 comments Andy P.
Task # 15.4 15.4 - Whodunit?

One book option
Prey by Michael Crichton
Michael matches Michael McKean (as Mr. Green) and has mystery on its main page.

Points this post:15
Total Points: 15
Claiming a big book ticket for this book (507 pages)

message 24: by Karen Michele (new)

Karen Michele Burns (klibrary) | 1922 comments 15.8 – No Time to Waste.

3rd shortest on my Winter TBR: 118 pages:

Madmen and Specialists: A Play by Wole Soyinka

+15 Points
Grand Total: 25

message 25: by [deleted user] (new)

5.9 -- In the Cellar
The Wife of Martin Guerre by Janet Lewis (France)

10.3 - Donors Wanted
➥January is Blood Donor Month- Read a book featuring vampires.

30 Days of Night by Steve Niles

Totals for challenge:

Points this task:15
Total points: 15
Tasks completed: 2
Books read: 2
Goodreads authors:
Big books: 500+ (0); 750+ (0); 1000+ (0)

message 26: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne | 479 comments Suzannesea

10.9 - White Sale!

The White Tower by Dorothy Johnston The White Tower by Dorothy Johnston

The title, author's name, and part of the tower are white.

This post: 10 points
Total to date: 10 points

message 27: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (shorty_320) | 1335 comments STACIE MI

Task 5.7 - In the Hall

I read a book by an author whose first name has 4 letters:

Bop!: More Box Office Poison by Alex Robinson

**Alex Robinson is a Goodreads author!!**

I am using this as my one book between 80-100 pages that we are allowed in the challenge.

Points this task: 5
Total points: 5
Tasks completed: 1
Books read: 1
Pages read: 88
Goodreads authors: 1
Big books: 500+ (0); 750+ (0); 1000+ (0)

message 28: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth (lifelovebooks) | 94 comments MB
5.1 In the Kitchen - read a cookbook - Bread. Nick Malgieri pages 240

total points 5
total pages 240
tasks completed 1
books read 1

message 29: by Kaora (last edited Dec 02, 2013 06:03PM) (new)

Kaora (ophelja) | 1225 comments Allison I

5.8 -- In The Study
Book about a writer

The Complete Persepolis

Points this post: 5
Total points: 5
Tasks this post: 1
Total tasks: 1

message 30: by Rhiannon (last edited Dec 02, 2013 07:37PM) (new)

Rhiannon | 239 comments 5.1 -- In the Kitchen Hungry Girl to the Max!: The Ultimate Guilt-Free Cookbook

Claiming Big Book Ticket

Total Points Earned: 20/1035
Total Pages Read:816/16616
Total Books Read: 2/81
Good Read Authors:
Big Book Tickets: 500(1), 750(), 1000()

message 31: by Lois (new)

Lois | 2373 comments 10.1 - Get a Clue

The Wildwater Walking Club by Claire Cook

WildwatEr Walking CLUb

Claire Cook is a Goodreads author.

Points this post: 10
Total points: 10
GR authors: 1

message 32: by Judy (new)


Task #10.3 Donors Wanted

Blood Red - Paranormal> Vampires is listed on the main page

Task #30.6 Beginnings and Endings

I chose Option 1

Book A- The War of the Worlds- from Stylist Best 100 Opening Lines

Book B- The Hound of the Baskervilles - from Stylist Best 100 Closing Lines

Points this post 10+30= 40

Total points 40

Tasks completed 2
Books Read 3

message 33: by Andy (new)

Andy Plonka (plonkaac) | 4038 comments Andy P.
Task # 10.5 - Speakeasy

Read a book set in 1919-1933 The Abominable by Dan Simmons by Dan Simmons
set in 1924-1925 in Nepal/Tibet, approved message 21.
Claiming a big book ticket(663 pages)

Points this task:10
Total points: 25

message 34: by Sheila (new)

Sheila (sheilaj) | 2221 comments Sheila

5.5 -- In the Dining Room
Red Knife (Cork O'Connor, #8) by William Kent Krueger Red Knife by William Kent Krueger

20.10 Group Read
Secrets of a Summer Night (Wallflowers, #1) by Lisa Kleypas Secrets of a Summer Night by Lisa Kleypas

Post # 3 in book thread here

Total Points = 30

message 35: by Jessica (new)

Jessica (sureshot26) | 745 comments Jessica PDX

15.5 - Mysteries Can Be Real

Genre validated in post #58 of Genre Verification thread.

Lost Girls An Unsolved American Mystery by Robert Kolker by Robert Kolker

Points This Post: 15
Total Points: 15

message 36: by Kaora (new)

Kaora (ophelja) | 1225 comments Allison I

5.8 -- In The Study
Book about a writer

The Complete Persepolis

Points this post: 5
Total points: 5
Tasks this post: 1
Total tasks: 1

message 37: by [deleted user] (new)

15.10 – Celebrate!
➥January is National Book Month – celebrate by reading any book of your choice that meets the general SRC requirements.
A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore **Claiming Goodreads Author**

Totals for challenge:

Points this task:15
Total points: 30
Tasks completed: 3
Books read: 3
Goodreads authors:1
Big books: 500+ (0); 750+ (0); 1000+ (0)

message 38: by Wendy UK (new)

 Wendy  UK (wendyuk) | 724 comments 10.5 - Speakeasy

A book first published in 1930:

Vile Bodies by Evelyn Waugh

15.9 - First or Last

The first book in a series:

Manna from Hades by Carola Dunn

Total points 25

message 39: by Rochella (new)

Rochella (rosesbookgarden) | 108 comments 5.6 -- In the Billiards Room
Read a book numbered #1 through #9 in a series.

The Alchemy of Forever by Avery Williams
** Goodreads Author **

Points this post: 5
Total points: 15
GR Author this post: 1
Total GR Authors: 1
Big Books this post: 0
Total Big Books: 0

message 40: by Natalie (new)

Natalie  | 151 comments Natalie CH

5.1 - In the Kitchen
read non-fiction about food/cooking

The 30-Minute Vegan: Over 175 Quick, Delicious, and Healthy Recipes for Everyday Cooking by Mark Reinfeld

Points this post: 5
Points total: 5
Big books: 0
GRA: 0

message 41: by Nikki (last edited Dec 03, 2013 03:08PM) (new)

Nikki | 255 comments Nikki B

5.1 -- In the Kitchen

Read non-fiction book about food or cooking

Swindled: From Poison Sweets To Counterfeit Coffee The Dark History Of The Food CheatsBy Bee Wilson

Points for this book: 5
Total Points: 5
Big books: 0
Goodreads Authors: 0

message 42: by Lois (new)

Lois | 2373 comments 10.3 - Donors Wanted

Bunnicula: A Rabbit Tale Of Mystery by James Howe

Points this post: 10
Total points: 20

message 43: by [deleted user] (last edited Dec 03, 2013 03:12PM) (new)

Hana C.

15.8 - No Time to Waste

The book was the fifth shortest on my GR TBR list.

The Cineaste: Poems by A. Van Jordan

points this post: 15

Tasks completed: 1
Big Book Tickets:
Total points: 15

message 44: by Stefanie (new)

Stefanie | 27 comments 15.9 First or Last

Slammed by Colleen Hoover is the first book in the Slammed series.

Colleen Hoover is a GR Author

Tasks Completed this post: 1 (15 Points)
Total Completed Tasks: 1
GRA: 1
Big Books: 0
Total Points: 15

message 45: by Donna Jo (new)

Donna Jo Atwood | 2412 comments 5.6 In the Billiards Room:

Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo This is book 2 of Series.

5.7 In the Hall:

The Anatomist's Wife by Anna Lee Huber

Today's total: 10
Grand total: 10

message 46: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Hodges Young | 306 comments Jennifer KS

10:6 SWLAT

I read And One Last Thing ... by Molly Harper who is a Goodreads Author

Points this task:10
Total points: 10
Tasks completed: 1
Books read: 1
Goodreads authors:1
Big books: 500+ (0); 750+ (0); 1000+ (0)

message 47: by [deleted user] (new)

5.2 -- In the Library

Book Lust: Recommended Reading for Every Mood, Moment, and Reason

points this post:5
total points:5

message 48: by Deborah (new)

Deborah | 1559 comments Post #2

15.9 - First or Last?

Hounded by Kevin Hearne 1st in the The Iron Druid Chronicles series

Kevin Hearne is a GR author

Points this task: 15
Total: 20
GR authors: 2
Books read:2
Tasks Done: 2

message 49: by SandyC (last edited Dec 04, 2013 07:33AM) (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 406 comments Sandy MN

20.1. Most Improved Player - Anne (Booklady)'s Task: Check...And Mate!

2. A: Horse on the Cover
The Son by Philipp Meyer by Philipp Meyer Goodreads Author and Big Book 576 pages

20.6 Seasoned Reader - Susan's Task: I Love To Plan

From the Summer 2013 Challenge:
Task 10.3 The Summer of '69 Read a book that was first published in a year that ends in 6 or 9. (1966, 1969, 1976, 1979, 1986, 1989, etc.)
A Rose for the Crown by Anne Easter Smith
First published in 2006
Goodreads Author and Big book 672 pages

Total Points: 40
Total GR Authors: 2
Total Big Books: (2) 500

message 50: by ~Leslie~ (new)

~Leslie~ (akareadingmachine) LeslieW

**GR Author Alert**

Task 5.8 Read a book about writing or one that features a writer (novelist, journalist, essayist, TV script writer, etc) as a main character.
Dream Eyes12/3/13
Main character writes scripts for a TV show.
GR Author: Yes
Points: 5

Task 15.9"Read a book that is either the first book in a series or the last (or latest) published book in a series.
Archangel's Legion12/1/13
Last book in series published so far
GR Author: Yes
Points: 15

Points This Post: 20
PTD: 20
GR Authors This Post: 2
GR Authors To Date: 2
Chunksters: 0

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