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What We're Reading > Feb 2013: Earliest To-Read Book

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message 1: by Amara, Group Creator (new)

Amara Tanith (aftanith) | 733 comments The poll for February's theme has ended, and the winner is Earliest Add to Your To-Read List!

So now it's time to see what book you'll be reading in the upcoming month! If you're going to comply with the theme, all you have to do is check your GR shelves to see which book has been there the longest. (If you won't be able to get a copy of that particular book this month, try the next earliest add. And so forth.)

If you want to discuss the book with others who have read it or are reading it, remember to create a new thread in the February 2013 folder and attach the book to it.

If you aren't interested in reading your earliest-shelved "to-read" book this month for whatever reason, you can head on over to the Theme Rebels folder and tell us about what you're reading instead.

And don't forget to vote on the poll for March's theme. The poll for April's theme will be open for voting on February first.

Happy reading, everyone!

message 2: by Amara, Group Creator (last edited Jan 24, 2013 01:50PM) (new)

Amara Tanith (aftanith) | 733 comments The earliest book on my shelves that I plan on (re)reading is Romeo and Juliet, so I'll try to get around to that in February. :)

message 3: by ╟ ♫ Tima ♪ ╣ ♥ (last edited Jan 24, 2013 04:30PM) (new)

╟ ♫ Tima ♪ ╣ ♥ (tsunanisaurus) The oldest on mine is The Time Traveler's Wife and I just so happen to own a copy of it! I shall be starting there.

ETA: Oh shoot! When I went back to my "to-read" shelf and re-sorted it. Turns out that 1984 is actually my oldest book (July 2008!). Suppose I shall read that instead, since I have owned a copy since middle school and have yet to read it. ;)

message 4: by Lamilla (new)

Lamilla I wouldn't get the first(Siege by Kernick, Simon) and the second (Perdido Street Station (New Crobuzon, #1) by Miéville, China) titles until later in the year, so my read would be Чернильное сердце which is also a scheduled buddy-read in Mt.TBR. It'll be my second or third attempt with this book...

message 5: by Jayme (new)

Jayme My earliest is Looking for Alaska. Can't wait to get started.

message 6: by Paula (new)

Paula (eden1013) My earliest is Vanished (Nick Heller, #1) by Joseph Finder .

message 7: by Janet (new)

Janet (goodreadscomjanetj) | 101 comments There are 6 books listed on the earliest date so I picked The Kite Runner The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini from that group to read for the month. I have already borrowed it so I should be good to go. I have heard wonderful things about it.

message 8: by Helen (new)

Helen (icingsugar) | 47 comments The earliest added book on my TBR list is 'Stargirl' by Jerry Spinelli. Whether or not I find the time to read it remains to be seen!

╟ ♫ Tima ♪ ╣ ♥ (tsunanisaurus) Helen wrote: "The earliest added book on my TBR list is 'Stargirl' by Jerry Spinelli. Whether or not I find the time to read it remains to be seen!"

Ohh, I remember loving Spinelli when I was younger. It's been quite a long time since I've re-read one of the books. If you end up having time, you'll have to let us know what you think !

message 10: by Candace (new)

Candace | 59 comments I, too, had several books with the same date; I must have added them when I first joined Goodreads. Among them is Still Alice, which some of us talked about recently in another thread. I think that I will read it in February.

message 11: by LynnB (new)

LynnB I didn't vote for this theme because I'm already in a group that's has a challenge of reading the 10 oldest on your TBR, which is basically the same as this. But, I will just read what's next on that list: The Wolves at the Door: The True Story of America's Greatest Female Spy

message 12: by Kristina (new)

Kristina (kristina3880) My earliest book is In Cold Blood.

message 13: by Melissa (new)

Melissa My earliest book is Born of Silencewhich is at my library so I will read that. I am waiting for the paperback copy to come out to buy it.

message 14: by Dana (new)

Dana Crouch (Callaway) (bookknurd) | 101 comments Well the earliest on my to-read list is Gone with the Wind, which I own. However, I'm not up for that big of a book this month, so this will be my first month to be a rebel!

See you guys in March!

message 15: by Shomeret (new)

Shomeret | 69 comments My earliest to-read add is Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the Worldand I have it. I believe I will read it in February.

message 16: by Emily (new)

Emily Stites (charms92) | 18 comments My ten Earliest to-read books are (since I'm sure I won't be able to just read one) Mystic River by Dennis Lehane The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes by Diane Chamberlain Magic Hour by Kristin Hannah Me & Emma by Elizabeth Flock The Only Living Witness The True Story of Serial Sex Killer Ted Bundy by Stephen G. Michaud P.S. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern Still Alice by Lisa Genova Serial Killers The Method and Madness of Monsters by Peter Vronsky The Serial Killer Files The Who, What, Where, How, and Why of the World's Most Terrifying Murderers by Harold Schechter The Girls by Lori Lansens

We will see if I can get through all ten, if not I'm sure I will knock a few of them off the list :)

message 17: by Emily (new)

Emily Stites (charms92) | 18 comments Candace wrote: "I, too, had several books with the same date; I must have added them when I first joined Goodreads. Among them is Still Alice, which some of us talked about recently in another thread. I think that..."

I'm hoping to read
Still Alice by Lisa Genova too. :)

message 18: by La_mariane (new)

La_mariane I also have several books I added on the day I joined GR. I've just picked one that will count towards my TBR challenge : Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut.

message 19: by Candace (last edited Jan 25, 2013 07:28AM) (new)

Candace | 59 comments Emily wrote: "I'm hoping to read Still Alice too. :) "

Hooray! We'll have to start a thread so we (and anyone else who wants to join us) can chat about it.

╟ ♫ Tima ♪ ╣ ♥ (tsunanisaurus) Can't wait to see what you ladies think of Still Alice :)

message 21: by Megan (last edited Jan 25, 2013 01:35PM) (new)

Megan Looks like I will be reading one of these:

JPod by Douglas Coupland
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith

message 22: by Alison (new)

Alison G. (agriff22) My oldest is Draculabut I am going to be a moderator for A Game of Thronesfor another group. Also in this other group a few of us are going to read Les Misérables. Les Mis is like the 2nd or 3rd oldest on my list so Im going to count that for this theme. If I can get to Dracula I will.

message 23: by La_mariane (new)

La_mariane Alison wrote: "My oldest is Draculabut I am going to be a moderator for A Game of Thronesfor another group. Also in this other group a few of us are going to read Les Misérables. Les Mis is like the 2nd or 3rd ol..."

Dracula is on my list too, I'll try to read it after Slaughterhouse-Five. I've wanted to read it for years.

message 24: by Hilmi (new)

Hilmi Isa (hilmiisa) | 11 comments There are two books which I wanted to read for February's theme. Why two books,some may ask. Because there are two books which included in my own 'Earliest Add to Your To-Read List'. One is in English language. While,the other one is in Malay language. The English one is Calico Joe by John Grisham and the Malay one is Aku Bercerita by Ramlee Awang Murshid :)

message 25: by Marty (new)

Marty Selnick (MartySelnick) | 22 comments The oldest on my list is "Resistance: A French Woman's Journal of the War". I will be reading that in February.

message 26: by Nikki (new)

Nikki Bezdel Since I've had many more books on my real 'to read' shelves at home far longer than those on my virtual one, I decided to pick the earliest I could remember acquiring that remains unread. As I've been having a literary love affair with Japan just lately with Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden and 1Q84  by Haruki Murakami , I was delighted to discover Omamori by Richard McGill on my dustiest shelf, and this will be my companion throughout February. Happy reading everyone.

message 27: by Nikki (new)

Nikki Bezdel Janet wrote: "There are 6 books listed on the earliest date so I picked The Kite RunnerThe Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini from that group to read for the month. I have already borrowed it so I should be good to g..."

Hi Janet, I read The Kite Runner when it was first published and the story is still with me now; you won't regret choosing this one. Enjoy. Ana.

message 28: by Nikki (new)

Nikki Bezdel Emily wrote: "Candace wrote: "I, too, had several books with the same date; I must have added them when I first joined Goodreads. Among them is Still Alice, which some of us talked about recently in another thre..."

Hi Emily, thank you for mentioning this book. Since seeing Still Alice listed here I've added it to my 'to read' list; will have to search it out as I'd really like to know more about the subject it explores - even as a novel, it really scares me.

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell (neniacampbell) Looks like mine is .

I wonder where I put it.

message 31: by Kristell (last edited Jan 31, 2013 11:58PM) (new)

Kristell | 33 comments My earliest that I can get around to reading this month. My little cousin recommended it and I still haven't read it. Finally I'll se if it's as good as she says. Fallen (Fallen, #1) by Lauren Kate

message 32: by Heidi (new)

Heidi (butbooksarebetter) I added a whole bunch of books when I first joined Goodreads, so I had a bit of a choice this month - seeing that I started this book ages ago but somehow buried it under a large tbr pile, I will dust it off and start again. Blood, Sweat, and Tea Real-Life Adventures in an Inner-City Ambulance by Tom Reynolds . Looking forward to it!

message 33: by Christine (new)

Christine Giessuebel | 10 comments The earliest book on my "to read" list is Beastly so that is what I shall read!

message 34: by Carol (new)

Carol Harrison my earliest to-read is The Memory Keeper's Daughter

message 35: by Michaela (last edited Feb 01, 2013 05:27PM) (new)

Michaela (michaelarae1) I will be reading Death on the Nile (Hercule Poirot, #17) by Agatha Christie , Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter , and something by Jane Austen! Woo-hoo! I get to read Christie, Austen, and a long-awaited classic all in the same month, blessed me! :)

Cobwebby Reading Reindeer  (readingreindeerproximacentauri) | 9 comments I'm choosing from each of two to-read shelves: the GR to-read list I had to go to #11 to find one I own: Earth Is Not Alone
I also have a shelf called pick4me-potentials, which I set up when I was participating in "Pick4Me" on several groups; these are books to-read which I know I own (though not all I own): the oldest on that shelf is
Broadmoor Revealed: Victorian Crime and the Lunatic Asylum

message 37: by Claire-Jane (last edited Feb 02, 2013 02:33PM) (new)

Claire-Jane This is a hard one as I use my TBR shelf as a short of wish list & don't actually own a lot of the stuff on there !

But I did pick up a copy of which is one of the oldest on my list last year The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe

message 38: by Tammy (new)

Tammy | 54 comments Shomeret wrote: "My earliest to-read add is Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the Worldand I have it. I believe I will read it in February."
That is a wonderful and touching story.

message 39: by Tammy (new)

Tammy | 54 comments I started Hostile Witness (Witness Series, #1) by Rebecca Forster a couple of days ago. It was the first book I downloaded onto my nook. When I finish my " at home" book I will start Dead or Alive (Jack Ryan Jr., #2) by Tom Clancy which is the first book on my tbr shelf.

message 40: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Carol wrote: "my earliest to-read is The Memory Keeper's Daughter"

I just read this book a week ago, I really enjoyed it.

message 41: by LindaD (new)

LindaD (freedom333) | 2 comments My first day on Goodreads(May 28, 2009) I added the following books to my TBR list(many more remain unread, this is only the first 8):

The Great Gatsby
Of Mice and Men
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Les Misérables
Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster
Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China
Only Hope: Coming of Age Under China's One-Child Policy

I will try to start attacking from the top of the list

message 42: by Dana (last edited Feb 03, 2013 10:23AM) (new)

Dana Crouch (Callaway) (bookknurd) | 101 comments OK now I'm thinking that I will do the theme for this month. Wasn't in the mood a few days ago for Gone with the Wind, but now I'm thinking what the heck.

Edit: Plus, it gives me an excuse to go to the bookstore. :D

message 43: by Janeka (last edited Feb 03, 2013 07:40AM) (new)

Janeka | 8 comments Hi :)

I'll read Little Women or Eleven Minutes.

message 44: by Linda C (last edited Feb 04, 2013 07:32AM) (new)

Linda C (libladynylindac) I joined in July 2012; not so long ago. I added 5 that day and then the next day downloaded several hundred.
Three of the 5 were on my Kindle which I use for vacation reading, so are possibles for next month when I'm out of town.
The other 2 were:
The Persian Pickle Club - Sandra Dallas The Persian Pickle Club by Sandra Dallas
Murder on the Gravy Train - Phyllis C. Richman Murder on the Gravy Train (Chas Wheatley Mystery, Book 2) by Phyllis C. Richman

message 45: by Jackie (new)

Jackie | 82 comments Since I joined good reads, literally like 3 weeks ago, I am going with my oldest book from my amazon wish list which goes back a couple of years. I am reading The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield . My Jan. book, The Omnivore's Dilemma A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan , is taking a little longer for me to read than expected so I may end up finishing The Thirteenth Tale first. We'll see!

message 46: by Claire-Jane (new)

Claire-Jane I finished with The Right Stuff, quickly squeezed in another owned lurker in the shape of A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness and then found in a charity shop another long time resident of my TBR list in the shape of Ready Player One by Ernest Cline . . . .

message 47: by Amy Mc (last edited Feb 05, 2013 06:47AM) (new)

Amy Mc One of the 2 oldest books on my to-read list is The Beach Street Knitting Society and Yarn Club by Gil McNeil. I was really into knitting related fiction at that time (I am an avid knitter), and I just didn't get to this one. So, I am giving it a go!

message 48: by Sara (last edited Feb 05, 2013 11:18AM) (new)

Sara Weather (saraweather) I wasn't in the mood for it but found myself listening to it on audiobook. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy I very highly doubt it will get finished this month though.

message 49: by Tammy (new)

Tammy | 54 comments Amy, hello from another avid knitter! l will be curious for your opinion of that book. I haven't heard of it. BTW, are you on Ravelry?

message 50: by Chelsea (new)

Chelsea (chelseaanne) Well, this has been a very interesting experience.

First, I checked out from the library the first book on the list (which has been there since 2011). I read one page, didn't like it and withdrew it from my lists completely. I then checked out the second book, read about 20 pages and decided I didn't like it either! :-) I deleted that book too from my lists too. I started to read the descriptions of the next 6 books, decided to keep them on the list but also decided I really don't want to read any of them right now. So, I checked out book #7 from the list and will start that later on: Bluefish by Pat Schmatz

This experience has taught me to review my list of "to-read" every so often in case I have changed my mind.

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