Vaiva Sapetkaitė's Reviews > Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software

Design Patterns by Erich Gamma
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bookshelves: it, monthly-it-book-challenge

Sometimes I am curious about what percentage of people who recommend/ praise/ preach about certain IT/computer science-related books have read them fully :) My impression: far from 100%

This book is very famous and influential. It aims to show the best solutions to common problems in software development (mostly in object-oriented programming). We have Creational, Structural and Behavioral design patterns (self-explanatory) that are the best tactics in certain situations (solo or combined). And, oh boy, there are many design patterns. Very often they are rather similar to each other and to do things even worse: a pattern with the same name may fall into different categories. o.O

I tried not to skip what I could not comprehend well, so sometimes I re-read the same paragraphs many times. It seemed that I understood things about the patterns but after finishing the book I am confused more than ever :D It wasn't helpful that code examples were in C++ which I don't care to learn any time soon. I'm glad I took notes - without them, I'd be completely lost.

Don't get me wrong: the design patterns are often very pretty and elegant (and those folks who "invented" them are totally smart!); it may save a lot of time because reduces the need for refactoring; also the book itself is well-structured and not bad... Still, I was brute-forcing my reading journey :D Finishing it became my self-serving goal because after a while I understood that the knowledge won't stick for long. Probably I'll be using the Singleton and a few others (the most simple ones) 90% of my coding :D

Was it worth it? Not sure, probably spending this time on coding would be more useful...Still, I decided to challenge myself and read one IT book a month (btw, I read this since the end of August). And building habits is important in the long run.
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Reading Progress

June 20, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
June 20, 2022 – Shelved
April 27, 2023 – Started Reading
April 27, 2023 – Shelved as: it
July 19, 2023 –
12.0% "Interesting. Not sure how much I will remember :)"
July 25, 2023 –
August 22, 2023 –
18.0% "It is rather confusing :D There's a mess in my head already"
September 21, 2023 –
23.0% "Finished structural design patterns and entered the part dedicated to creational design patterns. Only 1/4 of the book is read but I understand that a re-reading is coming. Simply too much details to remember at once :)"
September 21, 2023 –
25.0% "Abstract Factory specifics, its uses, relations with other design patterns *My head is spinning* :)"
September 22, 2023 – Shelved as: monthly-it-book-challenge
September 22, 2023 –
27.0% "This morning I dived into the Builder design pattern that states that the algorithm for creating a big object should be independent of the parts that make up it (and how they are assembled). Also, different representations should be allowed.

[Truth be told, to me this definition sounds like a few other patterns I analysed before :D Ok ok, this one is a creational one, so naturally the "holy" intent is different]"
September 26, 2023 –
30.0% "A fact: it's better to read this book in the morning than after a long day :))"
September 27, 2023 –
32.0% "Finished the Prototype pattern. The next one is the Singleton design pattern (a class has only one instance that you can reach from anywhere)."
September 27, 2023 –
35.0% "Labai lėtai judu su šia klasikine knyga - mano 1-IT- book-every-month iššūkis kažkaip stringa :)) (Design Patterns buvo rugséjui, o šis visiškai baigiasi). Tas pastraipų skaitymas po kelis kartus ir užrašų žiūrinėjimas bandant susigaudyti, kas vyksta, irgi reikalų nepagreitina :)

Na, bet jau išlipau iš Creational Design Patterns ir pradéjau Structural Design Patterns (Adapter, Composite, Flyweight (?), Facade...)"
October 1, 2023 –
October 8, 2023 –
42.0% "... What?.. :)"
October 23, 2023 –
48.0% "Finished reading about Facade and Flyweight structural patterns. The next one is Proxy (Surrogate)."
October 28, 2023 –
56.0% "Reading about behavioral patterns. Today - about the Command and the Interpreter patterns."
November 7, 2023 –
November 7, 2023 – Finished Reading

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