Universe Quotes

Quotes tagged as "universe" Showing 2,971-3,000 of 3,028
Anthon St. Maarten
“We are not supposed to all be the same, feel the same, think the same, and believe the same. The key to continued expansion of our Universe lies in diversity, not in conformity and coercion. Conventionality is the death of creation.”
Anthon St. Maarten, Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny

Neil deGrasse Tyson
“Unlike what you may be told in other sectors of life, when observing the universe, size does matter, which often leads to polite ‘telescope envy’ at gatherings of amateur astronomers.”
Neil deGrasse Tyson, The Sky Is Not the Limit: Adventures of an Urban Astrophysicist

Italo Calvino
“From mirror to mirror — this is what I happen to dream of — the totality of things, the whole, the entire universe, divine wisdom could concentrate their luminous rays into a single mirror. Or perhaps the knowledge of everything is buried in the soul, and a system of mirrors that would multiply my image would then reveal to me the soul of the universe, which is hidden in mine.”
Italo Calvino, If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler

Wisława Szymborska
“The world, whatever we might think about it terrified by its vastness and by our helplessness in the face of it, embittered by its indifference to individual suffering—of people, animals, and perhaps also plants, for how can we be sure that plants are free of suffering; whatever we might think about its spaces pierced by the radiation of stars, stars around which we now have begun to discover planets, already dead? still dead?—we don’t know; whatever we might think about this immense theater, to which we may have a ticket, but it is valid for a ridiculously brief time, limited by two decisive dates; whatever else we might think about this world—it is amazing.”
Wisława Szymborska

Jay Woodman
“Look everywhere. There are miracles and curiosities to fascinate and intrigue for many lifetimes:
the intricacies of nature and everything in the world and universe around us from the miniscule to the infinite; physical, chemical and biological functionality; consciousness, intelligence and the ability to learn; evolution, and the imperative for life; beauty and other abstract interpretations; language and other forms of communication; how we make our way here and develop social patterns of culture and meaningfulness;
how we organise ourselves and others; moral imperatives; the practicalities of survival and all the embellishments we pile on top; thought, beliefs, logic, intuition, ideas; inventing, creating, information, knowledge; emotions, sensations, experience, behaviour.
We are each unique individuals arising from a combination of genetic, inherited, and learned information, all of which can be extremely fallible.
Things taught to us when we are young are quite deeply ingrained. Obviously some of it (like don’t stick your finger in a wall socket) is very useful,
but some of it is only opinion – an amalgamation of views from people you just happen to have had contact with.
A bit later on we have access to lots of other information via books, media, internet etc, but it is important to remember that most of this is still just opinion, and often biased.
Even subjects such as history are presented according to the presenter’s or author’s viewpoint, and science is continually changing. Newspapers and TV tend to cover news in the way that is most useful to them (and their funders/advisors), Research is also subject to the decisions of funders and can be distorted by business interests. Pretty much anyone can say what they want on the internet, so our powers of discernment need to be used to a great degree there too.
Not one of us can have a completely objective view as we cannot possibly have access to, and filter, all knowledge available, so we must accept that our views are bound to be subjective. Our understanding and responses are all very personal, and our views extremely varied. We tend to make each new thing fit in with the picture we have already started in our heads, but we often have to go back and adjust the picture if we want to be honest about our view of reality as we continually expand it. We are taking in vast amounts of information from others all the time, so need to ensure we are processing that to develop our own true reflection of who we are.”
Jay Woodman

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“When a human awakens to a great dream and throws the full force of his soul over it, all the universe conspires in your favor.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“It follows that they never understood Reginald, who came down late to breakfast, and nibbled toast, and said disrespectful things about the universe. The family ate porridge, and believed in everything, even the weather forecast.”
Saki, The Complete Saki

Madeleine L'Engle
“Rather than feeling lost and unimportant and meaningless, set against galaxies which go beyond the reach of the furthest telescopes, I feel that my life has meaning. Perhaps I should feel insignificant, but instead I feel a soaring in my heart that the God who could create all this — and out of nothing — can still count the hairs of my head.”
Madeleine L'Engle, Miracle on 10th Street and Other Christmas Writings

Ally Condie
“Until now, I've never been able to see while I fly, and I feel a dizzying lightness as I look out at the land below us.

Is this what I've missed?

The stars have come to the earth, and the ocean has turned over the ground; dark waves meet the sky. They are unmoving, barely visible but for the light of the sun rising behind them.

Mountains, I realize. That's what the ocean is. Those waves are peaks. The stars are lights in houses and on streets. The earth reflects the sky and the sky meets the earth and, every now and then, if we're lucky, we have a moment to see how small we are.”
Ally Condie, Reached

Anatole France
“Dictionary: The universe in alphabetical order.”
Anatole France

Lao Tzu
“Man takes his law from the Earth; the Earth takes its law from Heaven; Heaven takes it law from the Tao. The law of the Tao is its being what it is.”
Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

Dan Simmons
“... pain has been with him since birth - the universe's gift to a poet ...”
Dan Simmons, The Fall of Hyperion

Shayla Black
“He was clearly used to sucking in the universe, examining it, then bending it to his will.”
Shayla Black, Surrender to Me

Francis Parker Yockey
“Two ideas are opposed — not concepts or abstractions, but Ideas which were in the blood of men before they were formulated by the minds of men. The Resurgence of Authority stands opposed to the Rule of Money; Order to Social Chaos, Hierarchy to Equality, socio-economico-political Stability to constant Flux; glad assumption of Duties to whining for Rights; Socialism to Capitalism, ethically, economically, politically; the Rebirth of Religion to Materialism; Fertility to Sterility; the spirit of Heroism to the spirit of Trade; the principle of Responsibility to Parliamentarism; the idea of Polarity of Man and Woman to Feminism; the idea of the individual task to the ideal of ‘happiness’; Discipline to Propaganda-compulsion; the higher unities of family, society, State to social atomism; Marriage to the Communistic ideal of free love; economic self-sufficiency to senseless trade as an end in itself; the inner imperative to Rationalism.”
Francis Parker Yockey, Imperium: Philosophy of History & Politics

Albert Schweitzer
“As we know life in ourselves we want to understand life in the universe in order to enter into harmony with it.”
Albert Schweitzer

Michelle Madow
“Did anyone else have these moments of amazement over the existence of humanity, when they are in awe of how they are here, and alive, even if it's only for a short while?”
Michelle Madow, Timeless

Thomas Carlyle
“The whole universe is but a huge Symbol of god".”
Thomas Carlyle

“Seek happiness now within you. Don’t look anywhere else or for anyone to help bring that happiness to your life. Happiness comes as a reward of battles we win. Happiness will come from the will to be strong minded and the readiness to face the next challenge with a smile.”
Sal Martinez

Owen Gingerich
“Quite possibly, the purpose of the universe is to provide a congenial home for self-conscious creatures who can ask profound questions and who can probe the nature of the universe itself.”
Owen Gingerich

“you cross the field in the snow leaving tracks in perfect whiteness ...disturbing my placid universe...marking the landscape within me ...”
John Geddes, A Familiar Rain

Brian Herbert
“We create our own future by our own beliefs, which control our actions. A
strong enough belief system, a sufficiently powerful conviction, can make
anything happen. This is how we create our consensus reality, including our
Brian Herbert, House Harkonnen

Carol Anshaw
“But they were not friends. They were here to keep each other from spinning off alone into the dark matter of the universe.”
Carol Anshaw, Carry the One

Toba Beta
“Nature has certain mechanism to record all memories of every life being.”
Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Wil McCarthy
“The nature of the universe probably depends heavily on who is the actual protagonist. Lately I've been suspecting it's one of my cats.”
Wil McCarthy

Jorge Luis Borges
“Ogni linguaggio è un alfabeto di simboli il cui uso presuppone un passato che gli interlocutori condividono; come trasmettere agli altri l'infinito Aleph, che la mia timorosa memoria a stento abbraccia?”
Jorge Luis Borges, The Aleph and Other Stories

Jorge Luis Borges
“...vidi i resti atroci di quanto deliziosamente era stata Beatriz Viterbo, vidi la circolazione del mio oscuro sangue, vidi il meccanismo dell'amore e la modificazione della morte, vidi l'Aleph, da tutti i punti, vidi nell'Aleph la terra, e nella terra di nuovo l'Aleph e nell'Aleph la terra, vidi il mio volto e le mie viscere, vidi il tuo volto e provai vertigine e piansi, perché i miei occhi avevano visto l'oggetto segreto e supposto, il cui nome usurpavano gli uomini, ma che nessun uomo ha contemplato: l'inconcepibile universo.”
Jorge Luis Borges, The Aleph and Other Stories

Carol Anshaw
“You are a speck. This whole life that seems so huge to us? asall of human enterprise even? Fuck us. We are so tiny," as he said "so tiny" he bent over until his forehead was nearly touching the tabletop, as if he was homing in on the speck that was them. "I can't stand to think we only add up to a blip. I need to think we're more than that." "Deal with it." he looked around as if someone had called his name.”
Carol Anshaw, Carry the One

“Υπάρχουν πολλαπλοί κβαντικοί κόσμοι

Dina Sarakinou, Μέσα σου, μόνο

“The universe conspires to steer one in the direction where one can flourish. Bad or good the experience will be a lesson and a lesson learned is fortune measured by wisdom gained.”
Sal Martinez

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