Soul Quotes

Quotes tagged as "soul" Showing 2,971-3,000 of 7,039
Hans Christian Andersen
“We have no immortal souls; we have no future life; we are just like the green sea-weed, which, once cut down, can never revive again! Men, on the other hand, have a soul which lives for ever, lives after the body has become dust; it rises through the clear air, up to the shining stars!”
Hans Christian Andersen, The Little Mermaid

Gaston Leroux
“Oh, tonight I gave you my soul and I am dead!" Christine replied.
"Your soul is a beautiful thing, child," replied the grave man's voice, "and I thank you. No emperor ever received so fair a gift. The angels wept tonight.
Gaston Leroux, The Phantom of the Opera

Patricia Hampl
“We have chosen a problematic name for ourselves: we are no longer souls as we once were, not even citizens; we're all consumers now, grasping all the stuff every which way.”
Patricia Hampl, The Art of the Wasted Day

Haruki Murakami
“I always feel like I'm in someone else's body with someone else's soul stuffed inside”
Haruki Murakami, Hear the Wind Sing
tags: soul

Haruki Murakami
“The skin of my soul was no longer tender.”
Haruki Murakami, Dance Dance Dance
tags: soul

Chantel Acevedo
“I would take a free and hopeful breath. It was settled. Fear would no longer be the weakness that undid me. I was seventeen and unsophisticated, and thought I could dig about in my soul for the mettle I needed, and that it would be enough.”
Chantel Acevedo

Mona Soorma
“You need only one taste of madness, and the timeless journey can be spent in thoughts that follow behind like the fiery tail of a comet. And this glowing chaos, the soul will carry under the linings of its peace, to weave beautiful memories with.”
Mona Soorma, You Make Me Spill My Ink

Steven James Taylor
“That is the one thing sorrow surely does—in our pain, it reveals the deep treasures of this marred and beautiful world. And guides like Shadow do this for us—they make us travelers. They break our hearts so we can flow to the greater heart where happiness, too, becomes a sacred matter.”
Steven James Taylor, the dog

Walt Whitman
“With the sentiment of the stars and moon such nights I get all the free margins and indefiniteness of music or
poetry, fused in geometry's utmost exactness.”
Walt Whitman, Specimen Days

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I desperately want someone to see the anguish of my soul, for to walk alone in that kind of anguish creates an anguish all its own.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Avijeet Das
“When I am with you I feel I am with my own soul”
Avijeet Das

E.M. Forster
“At such moments the soul retires within, to float upon the bosom of a deeper stream, and has communion with the dead, and sees the world's glory not diminished, but different in kind to what she has supposed.”
E.M. Forster, Howards End

E.M. Forster
“In her eyes Henry was always moving, and causing others to move, until the ends of the earth met. But in time he must get too tired to move, and settle down. What next? The inevitable word. The release of the soul to its appropriate Heaven.

Would they meet in it? Margaret believed in immortality for herself. An eternal future had always seemed natural to her. And Henry believed in it for himself. Yet, would they meet again? Are there not rather endless levels beyond the grave, as the theory that he had censured teaches? And his level, whether higher or lower, could it possibly be the same as hers?”
E.M. Forster, Howards End

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“Live so radiant & free that the sun longs to come sit at your feet to bask in the mentorship of your soul’s experiential gift.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones, Mirrors Of The Sun: Finding Reflections Of Light In The Shittiness Of Life

Steven James Taylor
“Oh, sweetie, I am already comfy here,” she replied, as she pushed her hair back and looked at him with crushed eyes. And it seemed to Theo that she was already dreaming as she spoke to him, the attention of her gaze already gone from her shaken body, sleep her true escape. Even at the age of elev-en, Theo knew much. Whatever the attitude of his mother’s body, he understood that her soul was on its knees.”
Steven James Taylor, the dog

Clement of Alexandria
“For pre-eminently a divine image, resembling God, is the soul of a righteous man; in which, through obedience to the commands, as in a consecrated spot, is enclosed and enshrined the Leader of mortals and of immortals, King and Parent of what is good, who is truly law, and right, and eternal Word, being the one Saviour individually to each, and in common to all.”
Clement of Alexandria, Volume 12. The Writings of Clement of Alexandria

David Paul Kirkpatrick
“For the life of us all—whether we be star or starfish—is made of four ingredients, ingredients that can be found in the recipe to Alice’s hot-milk cake.

Those ingredients are earth, fire, air, and water. But as Theo walked down the snowy vein of Cockle Cove Road and into the arctic air that surrounded the sea, he sensed that fifth element, which poets and religions and pregnant women and jazz musicians point to—that fifth element of spirit.

He sensed that fifth ingredient with the cat. Surely, she is knowing. Surely, she has a soul. As the snowflakes dropped onto his pea coat, Theo thought that this was not only the snow descending upon the mantel of his coat, but the sacred ephemerals that he, like Ahanu and Reverend Cummings, believed ran through all living things. It was the fifth element of which the great masters—Moses, Socrates, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, and Big Thunder—spoke. The Sacral Spirit. We were put on this magical planet, not to dominate and consume her, but to care for her and love her. To harrow gently. To harvest gratefully. To build reasonably.”
David Paul Kirkpatrick, the dog

Laurie Perez
“A track I’ve always liked by Mogwai goes on a loop while I pour a second glass of Reyka. This time it tastes of lava fields and thermal springs, aromatic alcohol evaporating stale thoughts, familiar and foreign. Something unnamed is melting, germinating, potentiating the currents of tomorrow across frozen, unpopulated dreamscapes.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine

“Spirituality cannot be taught;its something very personal that you can experience for yourself. You may give spirit a name- Soul, Light, God, Universe, or even Nothingness- but each of us has to define who we are and what we believe to be spiritual according to our own understanding.”
Angela Jamal, The Spiritual Teen: Awakening to the Real You

Chantel Acevedo
“Mayito began to cry, and it was if my soul had grown a small voice separate from my body.”
Chantel Acevedo, The Distant Marvels

Akshay Vasu
“For everyone out there, who is watching your loved ones dancing with someone else, for the songs that you had written for them. Remember this. Not everyone can come up with beautiful compositions. It takes a heart that knows no boundaries, and a soul that shines with a light, that can make even the gods go blind. They took away your song, but not your soul. Start writing the new ones, and you will eventually find someone who will sing every song written by you, beautifully, and only for you.”
Akshay Vasu, The Abandoned Paradise: Unraveling the beauty of untouched thoughts and dreams

Tiana Warner
“Through the endless pain, I thought of my parents and friends on Eriana Kwai, who had shown me love and compassion through the most difficult moments of my life. I thought of Lysi. I thought of the day we’d met, and the way our hands had lined up perfectly, like two halves of a broken stone. I remembered the shade of her eyes, the sound of her laugh, the smoothness of her skin, the purity of her heart, and the way I felt when it was the two of us together—like the world was perfect and peaceful.”
Tiana Warner, Ice Kingdom

Nyki Mack
“A mortal, a sinner, a lost soul... yet just a number in this rat race we call life.”
Nyki Mack

“Unable to live a life with joy and freedom in it, some people try to snuff out whatever other expressions of joy and freedom they see around them. If you can't have a soul yourself, some people seem to think, then destroy those who do have souls.”
Roger Welsch, A Life With Dogs

Avijeet Das
“Throw away that umbrella
And feel the rain touch your skin!
Feel my words
Touch your body and soul!”
Avijeet Das

Mimi Novic
“Don't be sad dear hearts, don't burden your precious self with regrets.
Everything we do and everyone we meet teaches us a valuable lesson along the way.
Every single experience is needed, nothing is a waste of time.
Each encounter is teaching us to become stronger, wiser and to have faith in our own soul,
Only then every step we take will lead us to peace and freedom.”
Mimi Novic, Guidebook To Your Heart

Christian Wiman
“The operative word in these lines from D.H. Lawrence, who wasn’t a conventionally religious person, is “soul.” It’s a word that has become almost embarrassing for many contemporary people unless it is completely stripped of its religious meaning. Perhaps that’s just what it needs sometimes: to be stripped of its “religious” meaning, in the sense that faith itself sometimes needs to be stripped of its social and historical encrustations and returned to its first, churchless incarnation in the human heart. That’s what the twentieth century was, a kind of windstorm-scouring of all we thought was knowledge, and truth, and ours - until it became too strong for us, or we too weak for it, and “the self replaced the soul as the first of survival” (Fanny Howe). Anxiety comes from the self as ultimate concern, from the fact that the self cannot bear this ultimate concern: it buckles and wavers under the strain, and eventually, inevitability, it breaks.”
Christian Wiman, My Bright Abyss: Meditation of a Modern Believer

Avijeet Das
“Nothing is beyond our reach in life! If we put our heart, mind, and soul we can achieve anything in life.”
Avijeet Das

“Is it still considered a heartache when in fact, it’s your entire body and soul that feel broken?”
Jaf Liethers
tags: soul

Elmar Hussein
“The paradox of love is that the poor believe that money can be helpful in many cases but not in love, for which women need only your heart and soul. However, in fact, more attractive and intelligent women give their heart and soul to the rich. The money makes a gentleman and a handsome man in the women's eyes, with whom women can easily fall in love forever.”
Elmar Hussein

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