Relationships Quotes

Quotes tagged as "relationships" Showing 2,941-2,970 of 13,462
Kristen Butler
“In a right-way world, we would prioritize relationships, connections, relaxation, and the things we enjoy.”
Kristen Butler, The Comfort Zone: Create a Life You Really Love with Less Stress and More Flow

“It's not the communication but the lack of it that hurts a relationship.”
Garima Soni - words world

Joe Hart
“To build great relationships show genuine care.”
Joe Hart, Take Command

Joe Hart
“In order to win in business and life you must take command of the moment you are living in right now.”
Joe Hart, Take Command

“You are not fooling me. You are losing me.”
Garima Soni - words world

Eric Barker
“To Aristotle, friends “are disposed toward each other as they are disposed to themselves: a friend is another self.”

… Your brain is like a clever lawyer, twisting the words in Darwin’s contract. Selfishness can actually be altruism— if I believe that you are me.”
Eric Barker, Plays Well with Others: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Relationships Is (Mostly) Wrong

Eric Barker
“Edith Wharton in the 1800s? “There is one friend in the life of each of us who seems not as a separate person, however dear and beloved, but an expansion, an interpretation, of one’s self.”

… In psychology it’s called “self-expansion theory” —that we expand our notion of our self to include those we’re close to.

… When women heard the names of their close friends, their gray matter responded the same way it did when they heard their own name.”
Eric Barker, Plays Well with Others: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Relationships Is (Mostly) Wrong

Jen Beagin
“Well, our relationship felt like living,’ Greta said. ‘To me, anyways. I have never been more myself with anyone, including myself.’
‘You’re not yourself with yourself?’
‘Not really.’
‘But it’s hard to be with someone who simply drifts, who never searches for meaning, who just coasts along, and then wonders why she’s so powerless-’
‘Suicidal,’ Greta said, correcting her.
‘You’re telling me you want to die when my husband was almost stabbed to death by the same man who tried to kill me. Who’s the narcissist now?’
‘Me, I guess. Me, me, me.”
Jen Beagin, Big Swiss

Salman Rushdie
“It's the difference, you see, between casual sex and love. The more you love, the more closely you get to know, the more profoundly you see, the more you are enriched.”
Salman Rushdie, Grimus

“I should admit, I like you. I don't really know in what way. But I had a feeling that you might be able to change my life. When I look at you, I feel like it's okay that things are messed up. Because you're messed up, and I love it. I'm not saying that I love you, but there's a chance, I might.”
Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie, San Francisco

“You know, I don't think that 'love' has the strongest affectionate inclination in the daily language of my country. People don't necessarily say 'love'. 'Aku sayang kamu' You tell them you care about them. I think it's because, when you care about someone, you actually do something about it. It's a term you use to express your love to your mother, to your very important people. It's like, they want to protect you, to tend your needs, to do everything for you. It's not just a feeling. It's a commitment.”
Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie, San Francisco

“Hal-hal biasa yang dia lakukan membawanya ke segala hal yang luar biasa. Dan kadang-kadang itu membawanya pada perpisahan.”
Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie, San Francisco

“I think a lot about your stories. All the trivia you told me about the lives of composers. Their love lives. Many of them reminded us of our own story. Maybe it's because their feelings echo through eternity. Maybe every love story is repeating to make a complete canon. Maybe we're all part of the most beautiful, saddest canon, composed by the universe.”
Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie, San Francisco

“Only by living can you continue to be a part of the grandest canon no human can even begin to compose.”
Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie, San Francisco

Eric Barker
“Jeff Hall's research found that it took as many as sixty hours to develop a light friendship, sometimes one hundred hours to get to full-fledged "friend" status, and two hundred or more hours to unlock the vaunted "best friend" achievement...

Hall also found that how people talked mattered. We've all hit that wall with a potential friend where the small talk starts to go in circles...

Want to make good friends without the dozens of hours?... Arthur Aron got strangers to feel like lifelong pals in just forty-five minutes. How? Well that leads us to our second costly signal: vulnerability.”
Eric Barker, Plays Well with Others: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Relationships Is (Mostly) Wrong

Eric Barker
“We've all read a thousand articles that say marriage makes you healthier and happier. Umm, no. Many of these studies merely survey married people and single people, compare the happiness levels, find that the married people are doing better, and crow "See? Marriage makes you healthy and happy." But that's committing an error called "survivorship bias." If you want to determine if getting married makes you happier, you need to include separated, divorced, and widowed people in with the currently married, not with the unmarried...

A 2010 study from Australia even said previous research probably underestimated just how happy people in happy marriages are. But the flip side is even more damning than you may have guessed. A study of medical records of five thousand patients analyzed the most stressful life events people deal with. Divorce came in #2 (Death of a spouse was number one.) Divorce even beat going to prison.”
Eric Barker, Plays Well with Others: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Relationships Is (Mostly) Wrong

Eric Barker
“..."For the first time in history, the typical American now spends more years single than married." Marriage has gone from being a cornerstone to a capstone. It used to be something you did while young and on a path to adulthood. Now its demands seem so onerous that people want to make sure they have all their ducks in a row before attempting it -- if they choose to walk down the aisle at all...

Yes, the average marriage has been getting worse year after year without much hope, but there's something you should know about the best marriages right now...

They are better than any in the history of humanity. Period.

... it's winner takes all. And that's why Finkel calls wedlock in our era "the all or nothing marriage.”
Eric Barker, Plays Well with Others: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Relationships Is (Mostly) Wrong

“The true Me is not afraid of flames
The true Me does not run from the pain
I will walk through these trials with you hand in hand
Let us travel together always growing along every step of the path
Even the ones that falter
I will lift you when you fall
I will guide you when you lose your way
Like a shooting star on a dark night”
Hamilton Sage, Trail of Flowers (Love Manifest and Trail of Flowers

“She looked like she still loved me like no one else.
She looked like a woman I could still do anything for.
She looked like someone I could spend a lifetime with.”
Hamilton Sage, Trail of Flowers (Love Manifest and Trail of Flowers

“Monogamy can buffer us from our own personal insecurities. These may or may not be attachment based, but can be rooted in relational or cultural traumas and anxieties about our achievements, looks, intellectual abilities, likability, etc. When we commit to a longterm monogamous partnership or get married, these insecurities may still show up now and again, but many of them get eclipsed by the very fact that we have someone who has devoted themselves to us, someone who we think will love us and stay with us no matter how pimply our butt gets, no matter how much our body changes or no matter how stained and worn-out our underwear becomes. In such cases our self-esteem and sense of self-worth are contingent upon our partner being monogamously committed to us instead of anchored in our own internal sense of self-worth, self-love and self esteem.”
Jessica Fern, Polysecure: Attachment, Trauma and Consensual Nonmonogamy

“A lifetime had to go before I understood - You were not wrong; you were different. - from my book Relashuns to Relashines”
Ramesh Sood

“It's not that you were not able to understand. It's only that I failed to understand how you preferred to understand.”
Ramesh Sood

“When we stop feeling, we lose our humanity”
Leo Lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being

Tove Ditlevsen
“The fact that we are so incredibly uninterested in what is happening inside the person closest to us is probably the source of many problems.”
Tove Ditlevsen

Nikki Vargas
“For months I had been fighting off these very words, even going so far as to board a plane to South America to outrun them. Yet they have followed me here. Trailing me all the way to the edges of Argentina and Brazil like a Pinkerton detective hot on a case. When I first speak them aloud, I stop walking, listening only to the soundtrack of the Iguazú jungle: the chitter of those birds, the “ooh-ahhs” of those little capuchin monkeys, the pulse of those majestic waterfalls reverberating through the trees. An undeniable gauntlet has just been thrown down. I know before I fully understand it that my life will forever be changed from this moment on.”
Nikki Vargas, Call You When I Land

Robin S. Baker
“My partner and I fully support one another. Lifting each other up to evolve into the highest versions of ourselves. We are the best teammates.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism

Steve Maraboli
“There are storms you run from and storms you chase. Through time, some people begin as one and end up the other.”
Steve Maraboli