Life Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "life-quotes" Showing 241-270 of 13,933
Roy T. Bennett
“Goals are the road maps that guide you to your destination.
Cultivate the habit of setting clearly-defined written goals; they are the road maps that guide you to your destination.”
Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Roy T. Bennett
“Your beliefs affect your choices. Your choices shape your actions. Your actions determine your results. The future you create depends upon the choices you make and the actions you take today.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“Dedicate yourself to what gives your life true meaning and purpose; make a positive difference in someone's life.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“Stop comparing yourself to others. Always strive to improve yourself to become better today than you were yesterday to serve those around you and the world.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“Focus on making choices to lead your life that aligns with your core values in the most purposeful way possible.”
Roy T. Bennett

Sarah Dessen
“Too many locks, not enough keys.”
Sarah Dessen

Amit Ray
“If you want to fly on the sky, you need to leave the earth. If you want to move forward, you need to let go the past that drags you down.”
Amit Ray, World Peace: The Voice of a Mountain Bird

Roy T. Bennett
“Do more listening than talking; talk more about them than about you.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“It is better to find your courage to make changes when you can choose to rather than being forced to. If you do not make change, change will make you.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“When you start giving, instead of getting, you make a difference. You can always give a warm smile, a sincere hello, a positive vibe… your attention, your time, your love, and kindness to those around you.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“Be patient and open-minded in your interactions with others; find the positive attributes that they possess.”
Roy T. Bennett

Sanober  Khan
“some winters
will never melt

some summers
will never freeze

and some things will only
... live in poems.”
Sanober Khan, Turquoise Silence

Roy T. Bennett
“The value of surrounding yourself with positive people is not what you get from them, but how good a person you have become because of them.”
Roy T. Bennett

R. Queen
“Light is easy to love. Show me your darkness.”
R.Queen, Darkchylde

Nikki Rowe
“It hurts to let go, to say goodbye for the final time and remain distant in your closure, it may even tear your heart out to the point of insanity; but somehow in it all you find the pieces of your worth and you start creating yourself again, and in that journey of transformation you find the essence of what truly matters, inner happiness. It's life, we all fall at some stage but it's up to you, to decide how long you want to stay there.”
Nikki Rowe

Sanober  Khan
“One clear moment, one of trance
One missed step, one perfect dance
One missed shot, one and only chance
Life is all...but one fleeting glance.”
Sanober Khan

Michelle Geaney
“Life will just not wait for us to live it:
We are in it, now, and Now is the time to Live”
Michelle Geaney

Krystal Sutherland
“We were characters out of a movie. We were thoroughly alive. And we were absolutely beautiful.”
Krystal Sutherland, Our Chemical Hearts

Alice Sebold
“There wasn't a lot of bullshit in my heaven.”
Alice Sebold, The Lovely Bones

Tere Liye
“Tidak ada niat baik yang boleh dicapai dengan cara buruk, dan sebaliknya tidak ada niat buruk yang berubah baik meski dilakukan dengan cara-cara baik.”
Tere Liye, Rembulan Tenggelam Di Wajahmu

Nikki Rowe
“She was a gypsy, as soon as you unravelled the many layers to her wild spirit she was on her next quest to discover her magic. She was relentless like that, the woman didn't need no body but an open road, a pen and a couple of sunsets.”
Nikki Rowe

Traci Medford-Rosow
“Sober, gainfully employed, and physically secure once again, Kevin began to relax. His confidence slowly returned. For the first time since the onset of his blindness, he let his guard down and a crack in his carefully constructed veneer formed.
Light flooded in.
And with it, hope.”
Traci Medford-Rosow, Unblinded: One Man's Courageous Journey Through Darkness to Sight