Friends Quotes

Quotes tagged as "friends" Showing 2,941-2,970 of 3,818
Connor Franta
“Friends are not a number. You can't collect connections. You can't just go out one day and be like, "Hey, I need some friends!" *goes shopping, scours social media*”
Connor Franta, A Work in Progress

Sanhita Baruah
“I, sometimes, fear that probably I'll just keep changing cities, and may be someday I'll also travel the world, but never find another soul who thinks exactly the way I do.”
Sanhita Baruah

“Remember: If someone's trying to pull you down that means they're already beneath you.”
Karen Salmansohn

Sanober  Khan
“Breezy days
deserve the union
of two old friends.”
Sanober Khan, A touch, a tear, a tempest

Sanober  Khan
“If I’m not around
I hope you’ll remember me
and together we will hold on to our favorite song.”
Sanober Khan

Alexander Pope
“Trust not yourself; but your defects to know,
Make use of ev'ry friend—and ev'ry foe.”
Alexander Pope, An Essay On Criticism

Israelmore Ayivor
“Be careful of who becomes your friend and why. The person who will bite off your lips one day will have to first promise you a kiss today. Be careful of hypocrites.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Your good friends can write a book on you; but Your best friends can create an embarrassing full fledged 3 hours movie on you, with silliest jingles and animation made ever.”
Vikrmn, Guru with Guitar

Thomas Hardy
“When the love-led man had ceased from his labours Bathsheba came and looked him in the face.

'Gabriel, will you you stay on with me?' she said, smiling winningly, and not troubling to bring her lips quite together again at the end, because there was going to be another smile soon.

'I will,' said Gabriel.

And she smiled on him again.”
Thomas Hardy, Far From the Madding Crowd

Andrew Holleran
“Now of all the bonds between homosexual friends, none was greater than that between friends who danced together. The friend you danced with, when you had no lover, was the most important person in your life; and for people who went without lovers for years, that was all they had.”
Andrew Holleran, Dancer from the Dance

Vladimir Nabokov
“I have often noticed that we are inclined to endow our friends with the stability of type that literary characters acquire in the reader's mind. No matter how many times we reopen 'King Lear,' never shall we find the good king banging his tankard in high revelry, all woes forgotten, at a jolly reunion with all three daughters and their lapdogs. Never will Emma rally, revived by the sympathetic salts in Flaubert's father's timely tear. Whatever evolution this or that popular character has gone through between the book covers, his fate is fixed in our minds, and, similarly, we expect our friends to follow this or that logical and conventional pattern we have fixed for them.”
Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita

Whitney G.
“I'm honestly ashamed to call you my friend sometimes.”
Whitney Gracia Williams, Sincerely, Carter

Daniel Clowes
“Please allow me the honour of allowing you to bestow upon me a blowjob.”
Daniel Clowes, Ghost World

Anne Frank
“I want friends, not admirers. People who respect me for my character and my deeds, not my flattering smile. The circle around me would be much smaller, but what does that matter, as long as they're sincere?”
Anne Frank

Adi Alsaid
“All the recognizable cliques came by, and so did those un-groupable stragglers who were known by their little circles of two or three.”
Adi Alsaid, Never Always Sometimes

Barbara Kingsolver
“Now, see, that's why everybody wants Internet friends. You can find people just exactly like you. Screw your neighbors and your family, too messy.' Dovey's phone buzzed, and she laughed, ignoring it. 'The trouble is, once you filter out everybody that doesn't agree with you, all that's left is maybe this one retired surfer guy living in Idaho.”
Barbara Kingsolver, Flight Behavior

“One of my favorite things: good conversation with good friends.”
Karen Salmansohn

Israelmore Ayivor
“The survival rate of your passion depends on the kind of person that leads you!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Watchwords

Israelmore Ayivor
“Always dare to be in the company of those stronger than you. Sooner or later, you will be stronger than those who were once stronger than you, but unfortunately, they joined the company of those who are weaker than them!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Watchwords

“I once stood on a road and found I had no friends. And I was glad. Better to have no friends than to have people claim they were your friends when they were not. It is a source of strength to come to terms with your right to be alone.”
Psyche Roxas-Mendoza

Dee Dinh
“I know this sounds very Neanderthal but I want a man that would just take me, ravage me, and do what he pleases with me. I frankly don’t care what he does or how he does it. I just want it to be fucktastic. I want some bodies slamming, head banging, and wild animalistic beastie craze sex. You Jane, me Tarzan kind of sex.”
Dee Dinh, Sin of Attraction: Sin of Attraction

“To be successful, you need friends. To be very successful, you need enemies.”
Ari Gold

Israelmore Ayivor
“You turn friends away before you discover they were good after all; you give up on your dreams before you realize you were very close to your success all that while. Be patient; don’t rush things!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

“Good friends are divine instruments.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

Elana Johnson
Honesty and I still talked,
Planned weekend activities together.

Last year,
I used to have friends,

Last year,
Honesty lived,

But now—
Now I live with the knowledge that
Some things
Kill others”
Elana Johnson, Elevated

Diana Mankin Phelps
“For every wounded warrior, there is a myltitude of family, friends, and communities who are forever changed.”
Diana Mankin Phelps, A Mother s Side of War

“Its not about the place we want to visit , its about with whom we visit.”
Sachin Keely

Steven P. Aitchison
“Every friend we have represents a new world, a world that may not have existed had they not come into our life.”
Steven Aitchison

“A good friend will bail you out of jail. A true friend will be sitting next to you saying, 'damn, we fucked up'.”
Rotten eCards