Explore Quotes

Quotes tagged as "explore" Showing 91-120 of 340
C. Toni Graham
“Smile if you want to. Grimace if you’re told to.”
C. Toni Graham

C. Toni Graham
“Readers of fantasy fiction actually imagine having the abilities of the villains more often then the protagonist. Bravo writers!”
C. Toni Graham

Sharon Carter
“I don't have that much cash on me," she told in a shaky voice. "My purse is in the bedroom." ”
Sharon Carter, Love Auction II: Love Designs

Sharon Carter
“I ain't here for your monie, thot. I need you to come with me now. I have to make anothter stop involving a rich thot, and you gonna accompany me to get her. The man asked me to get yah first.”
Sharon Carter, Love Auction II: Love Designs

Sharon Carter
“Aiden i'm not willing to explore a relationship with you other than work. I will consider a one-night stand with you. Preferably tonight as you wanted," she sounded softly, nibbling her bottom lip.”
Sharon Carter, Love Auction II: Love Designs

Sharon Carter
“You know, you could meet Mr. Right or It-Guy tonigh; she communicated with a wicked grin. "Bite your tongue, honie chawld. I'm not looking for difficulities tonight.”
Sharon Carter, Love Auction II: Love Designs

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Like an undiscovered fish in the sea, we have a hidden potential somewhere within us, waiting to be found, nurtured and enjoyed.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

John Muir
“I will follow my instincts, be myself for good or ill, and see what will be the upshot. As long as I live, I'll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing. I'll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild gardens, and get as near the heart of the world as I can.”
John Muir

“It was all I could think about.
Even as I slept, I dreamt of creating beautiful things.”
Kobi Yamada, Trying

Steven Magee
“Let the mind wander.”
Steven Magee

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Rollup curiosities in backpack, go drive, explore.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, You By You

W. Timothy Gallwey
“I have found that when players break their habitual patterns, they can greatly extend the limits of their own style and explore subdued aspects of their personality.”
W. Timothy Gallwey, The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance

Tamara S. Raymond
“Prior to your interview, select the proper suit and the nicest shoes and come armed with information about the company too. Just like in a marriage, you don’t want to sign on the dotted line until you find out you’re compatible. Remember, in so many ways, careering is just like life.”
Tamara S Raymond, Careering: The Pocket Guide to Exploring Your Future Career

“It all begins with a coin, dream and exploration .”
Ankit Samrat

“Our mind is like a clean white sheet of paper with a little drop of ink. There is still so much to learn and to explore.”
Jeffrey Bernardo Copiaco

“Curiosity is my life philosophy.”
Rachel Allyn, Ph.D.

“Explore yourself in silent contemplation. You will find a breathtaking person you were completely unaware about.”
Hiral Nagda

Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar
Halit Ayarcı çok terbiyeli bir şekilde esnedi:
- Yine aynı mesele... dedi. Daha doğrusu hep aynı mesele! Aziz dostum, siz şifa kabul etmez bir gayrimemnunsunuz... Bu işlerde bilmek ikinci derecede kalır. Yapmak vardır, sadece yapmak... Sonra kendi kendine konuşur gibi ilâve etti:
- Bilgi bizi geciktirir. Zaten ne sonu, ne de gayesi vardır. Mesele yapmak ve yaratmaktadır. Bilselerdi, bilselerdi... Fakat bilselerdi bunu yapamazlardı. Bu heyecana, bu icada, bu kendiliğinden bulmağa erişemezlerdi. Bilgileri buna mâni olurdu. Kızınız bu geceyi yarattı. Ne ile? Yaratma kabiliyetiyle... Çünkü yaratmak, yaşamanın ta kendisidir. Biz yaşayan, yaşamayı tercih eden insanlarız. Siz istediğiniz kadar somurtun!
Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, Saatleri Ayarlama Enstitüsü

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I’m not interested in the man who stands looking at rivers. Rather, I’m interested in the man who’s so curious about what’s on the other side that he can’t help but build a bridge.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Patricia Obrien
“As I sit alone in the dawn of the morning. The sun was creating the eastern sky. A rise in the wind, and in the distance a muffled rumble of a train. It takes my memories to a small over pass, the size is just right for a young child to hunch and pass under, to another level of protection. On the other side of the tracks was a whole other world for me and a few of my friends. The rail stretched below our property after a row of stubbly cedars is where it lie, running east to west double in its power both rails past by our home.”
Patricia Obrien, Since I Can Remember: Holding My Past in My Heart Forever

W. Timothy Gallwey
“It is only against the big waves that he is required to use all his skill, all his courage and concentration to overcome; only then can he realize the true limits of his capacities. At that point he often attains his peak. In other words, the more challenging the obstacle he faces, the greater the opportunity for the surfer to discover and extend his true potential. The potential may have always been within him, but until it is manifested in action, it remains a secret hidden from himself. The obstacles are a very necessary ingredient to this process of self-discovery. Note that the surfer in this example is not out to prove himself; he is not out to show himself or the world how great he is, but is simply involved in the exploration of his latent capacities. He directly and intimately experiences his own resources and thereby increases his self-knowledge.”
W. Timothy Gallwey, The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance

Scott Jurek
“The real athletes did it for the love of the sport itself and the love of each other—encouraging one another to explore their limits.”
Scott Jurek, Eat & Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness

“I was becoming more independent. And I was ready to take the next step toward more freedom, toward exploring the many items on my bucket list. I was continuously aware that I’d been given a second chance at life—and I chose to stay—so I intended to pack in as much excitement on my journey as I could. And I kept remembering that voice, that intuitive sense I felt that compelled me to do something different.”
Amy Purdy, On My Own Two Feet: The Journey from Losing My Legs to Learning the Dance of Life

L.M. Browning
“There are times
when all I can take in
lies between my headlights.”
L.M. Browning, Drive Through the Night

“Explore to expand.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Guru Z.S. Gill
“May you all wander and explore mother nature so that one day when you look back you have so much in your heart to tell...real stories to tell to your kids instead fake stories or giving them tablets or phones - just random thoughts”
Guru Z.S. Gill

Michael Lopp
“Even if you haven’t successfully predicted a freakout, you can still use your experience as a means of exploring the freak’s understanding of whatever the issue might be. Heck, you don’t even need experience; all you need is the desire to understand what this person is freaking out about.”
Michael Lopp, Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager

Steven Magee
“Observations, it is what scientists do.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Astronomers are exploring outer-Space and I am exploring human-space.”
Steven Magee

Dax Bamania
“Infinite possibilities are waiting for you, you just need to explore it.”
Dax Bamania