Best Quotes

Quotes tagged as "best" Showing 61-90 of 713
“Philosophers don't say things you don't know; they articulate ideas in a captivating manner that motivates you to take action.”
Sayem Sarkar

Jarod Kintz
“It's not easy to be the best. But it helps if you're willing to buy your own trophies.”
Jarod Kintz, Powdered Saxophone Music

“Stop blaming others for the poor choices you've made that have led to the insecurities you now have.”
Sayem Sarkar

Jarod Kintz
“Nature is the best. I suppose you could say that that would therefore make unnatural the second best, but I prefer to think of it as the worst.”
Jarod Kintz, Powdered Saxophone Music

“Life has two distinct chapters: one before you know how to cook, and the other after you know how to cook.”
Sayem Sarkar

“We owe our success more to our enemies than to our friends. Friends may not provide the unfiltered feedback that forces you to improve yourself, but enemies do.”
Sayem Sarkar

“If you have to study one subject, choose logic; if you have the time for two, study both logic and psychology.”
Sayem Sarkar

“Logic is the most invaluable subject known to mankind.”
Sayem Sarkar

“If you entertain the thought of not completing a task, even in your subconscious, you have already jeopardized its chances of success by 85%.”
Sayem Sarkar

“Half-truths are lies.”
Sayem Sarkar

“Talent generation is a systematic process. Talent is cultivated through good genetics, excellent cognitive functions, exposure to the subject matter at the right time, and with the right amount of encouragement that motivates individuals to push beyond boundaries.”
Sayem Sarkar

“To reach the top spot in any field, hard work alone won't be enough; you must also have the talent for it.”
Sayem Sarkar

“Love is an intensified addiction to dopamine.”
Sayem Sarkar

“In the sea of information, crafting concise and coherent books is our lighthouse, capturing the essence amidst the waves.”
Sayem Sarkar

“It's disheartening that people often take acts of kindness for granted, only to reciprocate with behavior that is truly repugnant.”
Sayem Sarkar

“Individuals lacking substantial intelligence tend to be loud and proud.”
Sayem Sarkar

“A man with dignity would never seek shelter behind women.”
Sayem Sarkar

“People with compromised cognitive abilities always exhibit high confidence in their flawed judgments.”
Sayem Sarkar

“Individuals lacking strength will always attempt to display it in foolish ways.”
Sayem Sarkar

“To make objective judgments, you must distance yourself from potential influences.”
Sayem Sarkar

“If Satan had this extensive media coverage at the time, it would have come forward, claiming to expel evil from the world.”
Sayem Sarkar

“If you grow, there will come a moment when you can't trust everybody.”
Sayem Sarkar

“The traditional education system is designed for those who would otherwise struggle to secure a livelihood in alternative pursuits.”
Sayem Sarkar

Djura Kelj
“Some don't even come, some cancel the flight to avoid leaving.”
Djura Kelj, Mir More Ljubav

“You can't have regret for what you can't imagine.”
Sayem Sarkar

“There are more bees than flowers in the world, and no great flower remains unnoticed. Claim yours before it's too late.”
Sayem Sarkar

Aesop Rock
“The flavor of a large yellow onion, freshly peeled and sliced, is one of my favorite things in the world.”
Aesop Rock

Aesop Rock
“I’d advise looking into what types of frogs are native to your area so you know what to expect and when the best time to look is.”
Aesop Rock

“The quest for the best hurts the rest in the nest.”
R. N. Prasher

“As technology continues to reshape the educational landscape, interactive digital boards have emerged as a game-changer, enhancing learning experiences, fostering collaboration, and empowering educators to unleash their full potential. By embracing these innovative tools, schools can create dynamic and engaging learning environments that prepare students for success in the digital age and beyond.”