
Suzanne Collins|15872]J.K. RowlingWhich Hogwarts House would Katniss Everdeen be sorted into???

  304 votes, 66.1%

  81 votes, 17.6%

  50 votes, 10.9%

  25 votes, 5.4%

Poll added by: Jenna

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message 1: by An (new)

An Cool poll!

message 2: by Briny (new)

Briny I actually picked Slytherin, she's cunning enough to come up with the berries idea.

message 3: by Shannonmd (new)

Shannonmd Jenna wrote: "Why did you guys pick what you did????"

I picked gryffindor because she is brave, but ravenclaw was a very close runner up because of how resourceful she is. But as we all know herminoe was the smartest kid in her year and she was in gryffindor

message 4: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Based on her character / personality type, Gryffindor was the best fit. The others don't really come close.

message 5: by Mystic (last edited Nov 10, 2017 06:07AM) (new)

Mystic Gryffindor
Why not the others? Come on its obvious.
Why not Slytherin? she didn't kill Peeta = no self preservation
She killed Coin not Snow because coin killed Prim. = chivalry
And how she trusted Snow not to lie about who killed Prim = chivalry
Old poll idk why I'm here 😂

message 6: by ℛ a ℂ ℎ ℯ ℓ ♥️ (last edited Aug 23, 2018 06:22PM) (new)

ℛ a ℂ ℎ ℯ ℓ ♥️ I actually chose Slytherin because they value: ambition, cunning, leadership, and resourcefulness. She had to be resourceful when in the games and be more cunning then others to survive. She was ambitious in her beliefs for a more free system and showed leadership skills throughout the series. I could have chosen Gryffindor as well but that’s what everyone always thinks of for hero’s. Slytherin house can have heros too. And she would have made an awesome badass Slytherin! But in all honestly she could be both Griffindor or Slytherin.

message 7: by Eva (new)

Eva B. I chose Slytherin because Katniss is very resourceful and she's a survivor. She's also very shrewd and cunning, and has a very strong Slytherin vibe.

message 8: by soph.connects.the.dots (last edited Feb 10, 2020 04:48PM) (new)

soph.connects.the.dots This was hard!! I chose Ravenclaw because I don't think she's ambitious for Slytherin though she's certainly clever enough to be there. I think she's so practical and all she ever does throughout the series is try to keep her family alive. She's not doing anything for personal glory in any way. She just wants to survive and live a quiet life.

I think Gryffindor would've been wrong because she kinda despised the Careers (and they were like the "cool kids" or whatever; similarly, Gryffindors are the "cool kids", and I don't think she's super hype about that). She's very brave, don't get me wrong, but I don't know how well she'd feel like she fit into that house. I don't think she is the kind of person to hang with the popular crowd.

I thought Hufflepuff would be a unique twist, but I don't think that's quite her. She admires kindness (in Peeta or Primrose) but rarely does she try to perpetrate it herself and often sees it as a kind of weakness. I think she would be best friends (maybe a tad begrudgingly) with Hufflepuffs (only because she's wary of the effect kind people have on her).

That left me with Ravenclaw. I was hesitant about this too, but remember how she always admired Rue or Mags or Beetee/Wiress in the series? They were the oddballs--the weird ones--the ones everyone underestimated and wrote off as too wacky or weak to be of value. Katniss wants to be with that crew time and time again because she admires them. I think she loves the idea of learning for learning's sake (she chose to learn new things when she was training for the hunger games instead of honing her skills) and she can prove to have a VERY creative mind. She destroys the Careers with apples, after all, and can humiliate people with one shot.

She's not a traditionally odd, intelligent, booksmart Ravenclaw or anything, but I think she fits best in that house.
Edit: Oof, sorry about that long post. :D

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