Book Giveaway For Night Falls on Predicament Avenue

  • Night Falls on Predicament Avenue by Jaime Jo Wright
    Night Falls on Predicament Avenue

    Release date: Apr 09, 2024

    In 1910, Effie James is living a dream for two. Her younger sister is harboring a secret that has left timid Effie determined to fulfill her daring si ...more

    Format: Print book

    Availability: 10 copies available, 5140 people requesting

    Giveaway dates: Mar 01 - Mar 31, 2024

    Countries available: U.S.

  • 13916081
    Daphne du Maurier and Christy Award-Winning author, Jaime Jo Wright resides in the hills of Wisconsin writing suspenseful, mysteries stained with history's secrets. Jaime lives in dreamland, exists in reality, and invites you to join her adventures at! ...more
    More about Jaime Jo Wright...


    Lia, Beverly , The_Power Of_The Page, Morgan, Wanda Wlikerson, Nancy Potter, Tara Heller, Julia Stephanie, Ashley Thornton, Amy

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