Computer Science

Computer science is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. It is the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical procedures (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information, whether such information is encoded as bits in a computer memory or transcribed in genes and protein structures in a biological cell. A computer scientist specializes in the theory of computation and the design of computational systems.

New Releases Tagged "Computer Science"

The Singularity is Nearer
Database Management Systems by Raghu RamakrishnanBeginning Database Design Solutions by Rod StephensDatabase Systems by Carlos M. CoronelSQL QuickStart Guide by Walter ShieldsDatabase Systems by Hector Garcia-Molina
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Mathematics Year 1 (MCSL)
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Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming by Peter NorvigANSI Common Lisp by Paul    GrahamProgramming Clojure by Stuart HallowayLisp in Small Pieces by Christian QueinnecThe Art of the Metaobject Protocol by Gregor Kiczales
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Hacker nonfiction
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Cory  Althoff
You are not reading this book because a teacher assigned it to you, you are reading it because you have a desire to learn, and wanting to learn is the biggest advantage you can have.
Cory Althoff, The Self-Taught Programmer: The Definitive Guide to Programming Professionally

Christopher Hopper
Well, writing novels is incredibly simple: an author sits down…and writes. Granted, most writers I know are a bit strange. Some, downright weird. But then again, you’d have to be. To spend hundreds and hundreds of hours sitting in front of a computer screen staring at lines of information is pretty tedious. More like a computer programmer. And no matter how cool the Matrix made looking at code seem, computer programmers are even weirder than authors.
Christopher Hopper

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